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    <title> PermaLink </title>
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      <h1> Permanent link with path to file </h1>

        <i> More than one or none file was found.
        You may enter the link more precise or you can choose from founded files.</i>
        It does not matter on letter case nor letter accent.
        How do permanent liks work is written in <a href='/PermaLink/PermaLink'>documentation</a>.

      <form name="FormPermaLink" method="post" action="http://$InfoThisServer/PermaLink">
        <label for="PermaLink">Permanent Link</label>
        <input type="text" name="PermaLink" value="$InfoThisLink" size="50">


          <th> Path </th>
          <th> Files </th>
        <!-- Řádky indexu se vkládají sem  -->
        <!-- Formát vkládané řádky -->
        $InfoLine =
          <td> $InfoPath </td>
          <td> $InfoNames </td>
        <!-- Co se dává do položek, které nemají obsah -->
        $InfoNamesGlue = "<br>"
        $InfoNoData = "<tr><td class='Center' colspan='2'> Nothinh Found </td></tr>"


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