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set terminal png
set grid
set key above
set xlabel "Eb [J]"
set ylabel "E [J]"
set output "EEb.png"
plot "Freerunning.txt" using 3:8 with points title "Free running", "Qswitching.txt" using 3:8 with points title "Q-switching"
set xlabel "Eb [J]"
set ylabel "time [ns]"
set logscale y
set output "TEb.png"
plot "Freerunning_time.txt" using 1:2 with points title "Free running", "Qswitching_time.txt" using 1:2 with points title "Q-switching"
set xlabel "Eb [J]"
set ylabel "Pstr [MW]"
set logscale y
set output "PstrEb.png"
plot "Freerunning_time.txt" using 1:3 with points title "Free running", "Qswitching_time.txt" using 1:3 with points title "Q-switching"
set xlabel "E [J]"
set ylabel "G [-]"
unset logscale y
set output "GEin.png"
plot "Freerunning.txt" using 5:($8)/($5) with points title "Free running", "Qswitching.txt" using 5:($8)/($5) with points title "Q-switching"