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; Extended itoa, puts, printf and atoi                     (C)ChaN, 2006
; Module size: 277/261 words (max)

#define USE_XPUTS
#define USE_XITOA
#define USE_XATOI

#include <avr/io.h>     // Include device specific definitions.

#ifdef SPM_PAGESIZE     // Recent devices have "lpm Rd,Z+" and "movw".
.macro  _LPMI   reg
        lpm     \reg, Z+
.macro  _MOVW   dh,dl, sh,sl
        movw    \dl, \sl
#else                   // Earlier devices do not have "lpm Rd,Z+" nor "movw".
.macro  _LPMI   reg
        mov     \reg, r0
        adiw    ZL, 1
.macro  _MOVW   dh,dl, sh,sl
        mov     \dl, \sl
        mov     \dh, \sh

; Stub function to forward to user output function
;Prototype: void xputc (char chr        // a character to be output
;                       );
;Size: 15/15 words

.section .bss

.global xfunc_out       ; xfunc_out must be initialized before using this module.
xfunc_out:      .ds.w   1

.section .text

.global xputc
.func xputc
        cpi     r24, 10         ;LF --> CRLF
        brne    1f              ;
        ldi     r24, 13         ;
        rcall   1f              ;
        ldi     r24, 10         ;/
1:      push    ZH
        push    ZL
        lds     ZL, xfunc_out+0 ;Pointer to the registered output function.
        lds     ZH, xfunc_out+1 ;/
        pop     ZL
        pop     ZH

; Direct ROM string output
;Prototype: void xputs (const prog_char *str // rom string to be output
;                       );
;Size: 10/7 words

#ifdef USE_XPUTS
.global xputs
.func xputs
        _MOVW   ZH,ZL, r25,r24  ; Z = pointer to rom string
1:      _LPMI   r24
        cpi     r24, 0
        breq    2f
        rcall   xputc
        rjmp    1b
2:      ret

; Extended direct numeral string output (32bit version)
;Prototype: void xitoa (long value,     // value to be output
;                       char radix,     // radix
;                       char width);    // minimum width
;Size: 59/59 words

#ifdef USE_XITOA
.global xitoa
.func xitoa
                                ;r25:r22 = value, r20 = base, r18 = digits
        clr     r31             ;r31 = stack level
        ldi     r30, ' '        ;r30 = sign
        ldi     r19, ' '        ;r19 = filler
        sbrs    r20, 7          ;When base indicates signd format and the value
        rjmp    0f              ;is minus, add a '-'.
        neg     r20             ;
        sbrs    r25, 7          ;
        rjmp    0f              ;
        ldi     r30, '-'        ;
        com     r22             ;
        com     r23             ;
        com     r24             ;
        com     r25             ;
        adc     r22, r1         ;
        adc     r23, r1         ;
        adc     r24, r1         ;
        adc     r25, r1         ;/
0:      sbrs    r18, 7          ;When digits indicates zero filled,
        rjmp    1f              ;filler is '0'.
        neg     r18             ;
        ldi     r19, '0' ;/
                                ;----- string conversion loop
1:      ldi     r21, 32         ;r26 = r25:r22 % r20
        clr     r26             ;r25:r22 /= r20
2:      lsl     r22             ;
        rol     r23             ;
        rol     r24             ;
        rol     r25             ;
        rol     r26             ;
        cp      r26, r20        ;
        brcs    3f              ;
        sub     r26, r20        ;
        inc     r22             ;
3:      dec     r21             ;
        brne    2b              ;/
        cpi     r26, 10         ;r26 is a numeral digit '0'-'F'
        brcs    4f              ;
        subi    r26, -7         ;
4:      subi    r26, -'0'        ;/
        push    r26             ;Stack it
        inc     r31             ;/
        cp      r22, r1         ;Repeat until r25:r22 gets zero
        cpc     r23, r1         ;
        cpc     r24, r1         ;
        cpc     r25, r1         ;
        brne    1b              ;/

        cpi     r30, '-'        ;Minus sign if needed
        brne    5f              ;
        push    r30             ;
        inc     r31             ;/
5:      cp      r31, r18        ;Filler
        brcc    6f              ;
        push    r19             ;
        inc     r31             ;
        rjmp    5b              ;/

6:      pop     r24             ;Flush stacked digits and exit
        rcall   xputc           ;
        dec     r31             ;
        brne    6b              ;/


; Formatted string output (16/32bit version)
; void xprintf (const prog_char *format, ...);
;Size: 104/94 words

.global xprintf
.func xprintf
        push    YH
        push    YL
        in      YL, _SFR_IO_ADDR(SPL)
#ifdef SPH
        in      YH, _SFR_IO_ADDR(SPH)
        clr     YH
        adiw    YL, 6           ;Y = pointer to arguments
        adiw    YL, 5           ;Y = pointer to arguments
        ld      ZL, Y+          ;Z = pointer to format string
        ld      ZH, Y+          ;/

0:      _LPMI   r24             ;Get a format char
        cpi     r24, 0          ;End of format string?
        breq    90f             ;/
        cpi     r24, '%'        ;Is format?
        breq    20f             ;/
1:      rcall   xputc           ;Put a normal character
        rjmp    0b              ;/
90:     pop     YL
        pop     YH

20:     ldi     r18, 0          ;r18: digits
        clt                     ;T: filler
        _LPMI   r21             ;Get flags
        cpi     r21, '%'        ;Is a %?
        breq    1b              ;/
        cpi     r21, '0' ;Zero filled?
        brne    23f             ;
        set                     ;/
22:     _LPMI   r21             ;Get width
23:     cpi     r21, '9'+1      ;
        brcc    24f             ;
        subi    r21, '0' ;
        brcs    90b             ;
        lsl     r18             ;
        mov     r0, r18         ;
        lsl     r18             ;
        lsl     r18             ;
        add     r18, r0         ;
        add     r18, r21        ;
        rjmp    22b             ;/

24:     brtc    25f             ;get value (low word)
        neg     r18             ;
25:     ld      r24, Y+         ;
        ld      r25, Y+         ;/
        cpi     r21, 'c'        ;Is type character?
        breq    1b              ;/
        cpi     r21, 's'        ;Is type RAM string?
        breq    50f             ;/
        cpi     r21, 'S'        ;Is type ROM string?
        breq    60f             ;/
        _MOVW   r23,r22,r25,r24 ;r25:r22 = value
        clr     r24             ;
        clr     r25             ;
        clt                     ;/
        cpi     r21, 'l'        ;Is long int?
        brne    26f             ;
        ld      r24, Y+         ;get value (high word)
        ld      r25, Y+         ;
        set                     ;
        _LPMI   r21             ;/
26:     cpi     r21, 'd'        ;Is type signed decimal?
        brne    27f             ;/
        ldi     r20, -10        ;
        brts    40f             ;
        sbrs    r23, 7          ;
        rjmp    40f             ;
        ldi     r24, -1         ;
        ldi     r25, -1         ;
        rjmp    40f             ;/
27:     cpi     r21, 'u'        ;Is type unsigned decimal?
        ldi     r20, 10         ;
        breq    40f             ;/
        cpi     r21, 'X'        ;Is type hexdecimal?
        ldi     r20, 16         ;
        breq    40f             ;/
        cpi     r21, 'b'        ;Is type binary?
        ldi     r20, 2          ;
        breq    40f             ;/
        rjmp    90b             ;abort
40:     push    ZH              ;Output the value
        push    ZL              ;
        rcall   xitoa           ;
42:     pop     ZL              ;
        pop     ZH              ;
        rjmp    0b              ;/

50:     push    ZH              ;Put a string on the RAM
        push    ZL
        _MOVW   ZH,ZL, r25,r24
51:     ld      r24, Z+
        cpi     r24, 0
        breq    42b
        rcall   xputc
        rjmp    51b

60:     push    ZH              ;Put a string on the ROM
        push    ZL
        rcall   xputs
        rjmp    42b


; Extended numeral string input
; char xatoi (           /* 1: Successful, 0: Failed */
;      const char **str, /* pointer to pointer to source string */
;      long *res         /* result */
; );
;Size: 94/91 words

#ifdef USE_XATOI
.global xatoi
.func xatoi
        _MOVW   r1, r0, r23, r22
        _MOVW   XH, XL, r25, r24
        ld      ZL, X+
        ld      ZH, X+
        clr     r18             ;r21:r18 = 0;
        clr     r19             ;
        clr     r20             ;
        clr     r21             ;/
        clt                     ;T = 0;

        ldi     r25, 10         ;r25 = 10;
        rjmp    41f             ;/
40:     adiw    ZL, 1           ;Z++;
41:     ld      r22, Z          ;r22 = *Z;
        cpi     r22, ' '        ;if(r22 == ' ') continue
        breq    40b             ;/
        brcs    70f             ;if(r22 < ' ') error;
        cpi     r22, '-'        ;if(r22 == '-') {
        brne    42f             ; T = 1;
        set                     ; continue;
        rjmp    40b             ;}
42:     cpi     r22, '9'+1      ;if(r22 > '9') error;
        brcc    70f             ;/
        cpi     r22, '0' ;if(r22 < '0') error;
        brcs    70f             ;/
        brne    51f             ;if(r22 > '0') cv_start;
        ldi     r25, 8          ;r25 = 8;
        adiw    ZL, 1           ;r22 = *(++Z);
        ld      r22, Z          ;/
        cpi     r22, ' '+1      ;if(r22 <= ' ') exit;
        brcs    80f             ;/
        cpi     r22, 'b'        ;if(r22 == 'b') {
        brne    43f             ; r25 = 2;
        ldi     r25, 2          ; cv_start;
        rjmp    50f             ;}
43:     cpi     r22, 'x'        ;if(r22 != 'x') error;
        brne    51f             ;/
        ldi     r25, 16         ;r25 = 16;

50:     adiw    ZL, 1           ;Z++;
        ld      r22, Z          ;r22 = *Z;
51:     cpi     r22, ' '+1      ;if(r22 <= ' ') break;
        brcs    80f             ;/
        cpi     r22, 'a'        ;if(r22 >= 'a') r22 =- 0x20;
        brcs    52f             ;
        subi    r22, 0x20       ;/
52:     subi    r22, '0' ;if((r22 -= '0') < 0) error;
        brcs    70f             ;/
        cpi     r22, 10         ;if(r22 >= 10) {
        brcs    53f             ; r22 -= 7;
        subi    r22, 7          ; if(r22 < 10) 
        cpi     r22, 10         ;
        brcs    70f             ;}
53:     cp      r22, r25        ;if(r22 >= r25) error;
        brcc    70f             ;/
60:     ldi     r24, 33         ;r21:r18 *= r25;
        sub     r23, r23        ;
61:     brcc    62f             ;
        add     r23, r25        ;
62:     lsr     r23             ;
        ror     r21             ;
        ror     r20             ;
        ror     r19             ;
        ror     r18             ;
        dec     r24             ;
        brne    61b             ;/
        add     r18, r22        ;r21:r18 += r22;
        adc     r19, r24        ;
        adc     r20, r24        ;
        adc     r21, r24        ;/
        rjmp    50b             ;repeat

70:     ldi     r24, 0
        rjmp    81f
80:     ldi     r24, 1
81:     brtc    82f
        clr     r22
        com     r18
        com     r19
        com     r20
        com     r21
        adc     r18, r22
        adc     r19, r22
        adc     r20, r22
        adc     r21, r22
82:     st      -X, ZH
        st      -X, ZL
        _MOVW   XH, XL, r1, r0
        st      X+, r18
        st      X+, r19
        st      X+, r20
        st      X+, r21
        clr     r1