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      <h1> words/slashmod.asm </h1>

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; ( n1 n2 -- rem quot) Arithmetics
; R( -- )
; signed division n1/n2 with remainder
    .db $04, &quot;/mod&quot;,0
    .dw VE_HEAD
    movw temp2, tosl

    ld temp0, Y+
    ld temp1, Y+

    mov temp6,temp1     ;move dividend High to sign register
    eor temp6,temp3     ;xor divisor High with sign register
    sbrs        temp1,7 ;if MSB in dividend set
    rjmp        PFA_SLASHMOD_1
    com temp1           ;    change sign of dividend
    com temp0
    subi        temp0,low(-1)
    sbci        temp1,high(-1)
    sbrs        temp3,7 ;if MSB in divisor set
    rjmp        PFA_SLASHMOD_2
    com temp3           ;    change sign of divisor
    com temp2
    subi        temp2,low(-1)
    sbci        temp3,high(-1)
PFA_SLASHMOD_2: clr     temp4   ;clear remainder Low byte
    sub temp5,temp5;clear remainder High byte and carry
    ldi temp7,17        ;init loop counter

PFA_SLASHMOD_3: rol     temp0           ;shift left dividend
    rol temp1
    dec temp7           ;decrement counter
    brne        PFA_SLASHMOD_5          ;if done
    sbrs        temp6,7         ;    if MSB in sign register set
    rjmp        PFA_SLASHMOD_4
    com temp1   ;        change sign of result
    com temp0
    subi        temp0,low(-1)
    sbci        temp1,high(-1)
PFA_SLASHMOD_4: rjmp PFA_SLASHMODmod_done                       ;    return
PFA_SLASHMOD_5: rol     temp4   ;shift dividend into remainder
    rol temp5
    sub temp4,temp2     ;remainder = remainder - divisor
    sbc temp5,temp3     ;
    brcc        PFA_SLASHMOD_6          ;if result negative
    add temp4,temp2     ;    restore remainder
    adc temp5,temp3
    clc                 ;    clear carry to be shifted into result
    rjmp        PFA_SLASHMOD_3          ;else
PFA_SLASHMOD_6: sec                     ;    set carry to be shifted into result
    rjmp        PFA_SLASHMOD_3

    ; put remainder on stack
    st -Y,temp5
    st -Y,temp4

    ; put quotient on stack
    movw tosl, temp0
    jmp_ DO_NEXT

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