a
about
after
ago
all
almost
along
alot
also
am
an
and
answer
any
anybody
anybodys
anywhere
are
arent
around
as
ask
askd
at
bad
be
because
been
before
being
best
better
between
big
btw
but
by
can
cant
come
could
couldnt
day
days
days
did
didnt
do
does
doesnt
dont
down
each
etc
either
else
even
ever
every
everybody
everybodys
everyone
far
find
for
found
from
get
go
going
gone
good
got
gotten
had
has
have
havent
having
her
here
hers
him
his
home
how
hows
href
Ive
if
in
ini
into
is
isnt
it
its
its
just
know
large
less
like
liked
little
looking
look
looked
looking
lot
maybe
many
me
more
most
much
must
mustnt
my
near
need
never
new
news
no
none
not
nothing
now
of
off
often
old
on
once
only
oops
or
other
our
ours
out
over
page
please
put
question
questions
questioned
quote
rather
really
recent
said
saw
say
says
she
see
sees
should
sites
small
so
some
something
sometime
somewhere
soon
take
than
true
thank
that
thatd
thats
the
their
theirs
theres
theirs
them
then
there
these
they
theyll
theyd
theyre
this
those
though
through
thus
time
times
to
too
under
until
untrue
up
upon
use
users
version
very
via
want
was
way
we
well
went
were
werent
what
when
where
which
who
whom
whose
why
wide
will
with
within
without
wont
world
worse
worst
would
wrote
www
yes
yet
you
youd
youll
your
youre
yours