?lang_form? ?lang_select? ?lang_submit? ?lang_endform?


?curdirlinks? - Rev 32

?prevdifflink? - Blame - ?getfile?

 *  Module for Microchip Graphics Library
 *  GOL Layer 
 *  Chart
 * FileName:        Chart.h
 * Dependencies:    None 
 * Processor:       PIC24F, PIC24H, dsPIC, PIC32
 * Compiler:            MPLAB C30 V3.00, MPLAB C32
 * Linker:          MPLAB LINK30, MPLAB LINK32
 * Company:         Microchip Technology Incorporated
 * Software License Agreement
 * Copyright © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Microchip licenses to you the right to use, modify, copy and distribute
 * Software only when embedded on a Microchip microcontroller or digital
 * signal controller, which is integrated into your product or third party
 * product (pursuant to the sublicense terms in the accompanying license
 * agreement).  
 * You should refer to the license agreement accompanying this Software
 * for additional information regarding your rights and obligations.
 * Author               Date        Comment
 * Paolo A. Tamayo
 * Anton Alkhimenok             4/8/08          ...
#ifndef _CHART_H
    #define _CHART_H

    #include <Graphics\GOL.h>

                Chart Terminologies 

Value Axis - This is the vertical range of a chart for normal bar charts and 
                         horizontal range of the chart for horizontally drawn bar charts. 
                         In most cases this axis will represent values ($ amounts), temperatures, 
                         or other numeric data. Definition for Value Axis and Sample Axis 
                         are flipped when chart is drawn horizontally.
Sample Axis - This is the horizontal range of a chart for normal bar charts and 
                          vertical range of the chart for horizontally drawn bar charts.
                          In most cases this axis will represent categories, such as months, 
                          sample segments, or other non-numeric data. Definition for Value Axis 
                          and Sample Axis are flipped when chart is drawn horizontally.
Title  - The text used to define the Title of the chart.
Data Points (or the sample points) These are the individual points where a value 
                         is graphed, as a point on a line, a bar, or a pie slice. 
Data Series - A complete series of data, distinguished by the same color and type of sample point.
Legend - Labels that indicate how each data series is displayed on the chart. 
                 Each color represents a different data series. For pie charts with only one data
                 series shown, each color represent one sector or one one sample point.
Data Sample Range - The scale for the data sample axis. Example: months from 
                January to December. Internally, this range is represented by:
                         Numeric Sequence 1, 2, 3, ... and so on 
                         Alphabet Sequence A, B, C, .. and so on.
Value Range - The scale for the value axis. 
                          Example: range of numbers from the lowest to the highest to be charted. 


* Object States Definition: 
    #define CH_DISABLED 0x0002          // Bit for disabled state.
    #define CH_LEGEND   0x0001          // Bit to indicate that legend is to be shown. Usable only when seriesCount > 1.
    #define CH_VALUE    0x0004          // Bit to indicate that the values of the bar chart data or pie chart

// data are to be shown
    #define CH_3D_ENABLE    0x0008      // Bit to indicate that bar charts are to be drawn with 3-D effect
    #define CH_PIE          0x0100      // Bit to indicate the chart is type pie. If both PIE and BAR types

// are set BAR type has higher priority.
    #define CH_BAR  0x0200              // Bit to indicate the chart is type bar. If both PIE and BAR types

// are set BAR type has higher priority.
    #define CH_PERCENT  0x0010          // Bit to indicate that the pie chart will be drawn with percentage

// values shown for the sample data. For bar chart, if CH_VALUE is set,
// it toggles the value shown to percentage.
    #define CH_BAR_HOR  0x0240          // These bits (with CH_BAR bit set), sets the bar chart to

// be drawn horizontally.
    #define CH_DONUT    0x0140          // These bits (with CH_PIE bit set), sets the pie chart to

// be drawn in a donut shape.
    #define CH_NUMERIC  0x0080          // This bit is used only for bar charts. If this bit is set, it indicates that the

// bar chart labels for variables are numeric. If this bit is not set, it indicates
// that the bar chart labels for variables are alphabets.
    #define CH_DRAW_DATA    0x2000      // Bit to indicate data portion of the chart must be redrawn.
    #define CH_DRAW         0x4000      // Bit to indicate chart must be redrawn.
    #define CH_HIDE         0x8000      // Bit to indicate chart must be removed from screen.

* Data Series Show Flag Definitions: 
    #define SHOW_DATA   1               // Macro used to set the data series show flag or indicate that the data series will be shown when the chart is drawn.
    #define HIDE_DATA   0               // Macro used to reset the data series show flag or indicate that the data series will be not be shown when the chart is drawn.

/* Internal Definitions - used to modify some specific rendering characteristics */
    #define CH_MARGIN       2           // Margin from the edges.
    #define CH_YGRIDCOUNT   6           // defines the number of grids to be drawn on the y-axis (includes the origin at y).
    #define USE_HORZ_ASCENDING_ORDER    // use ascending order when displaying variables on horizontal mode (bar chart only)
    #define USE_PIE_ENABLE_LABEL        // use labels:  A:10%,30 where each sample is labeled A-Z followed by a colon.

* Overview: Defines a variable for the CHART object. It specifies
*                       the number of samples, pointer to the array of samples
*                       for the data series and pointer to the next data series. 
*                       A member of this structure (show) is used as a flag to 
*                       determine if the series is to be drawn or not. Together with
*                       the smplStart and smplEnd it will determine what kind of 
*                       chart will be drawn.
typedef struct
    XCHAR   *pSData;    // Pointer to the data series name.
    WORD    samples;    // Indicates the number of data samples (or data points) contained in the array specified by pData.
    BYTE    show;       // The flag to indicate if the data series will be shown or not. If this flag is set to SHOW_DATA, the data series will be shown. If HIDE_DATA, the data series will not be shown.
    WORD    *pData;     // Pointer to the array of data samples.
    void    *pNextData; // Pointer to the next data series. NULL if no other data series follows.

* Overview: Defines the parameters for the CHART object. 
typedef struct
    XCHAR   *pTitle;            // Pointer to the Title of the chart.
    XCHAR   *pSmplLabel;        // Pointer to the bar chart sample axis label. Depending

    // if the bar chart is drawn vertically or horizontally, the
    // location of the sample will be in the x-axis or y-axis.
    XCHAR   *pValLabel;         // Pointer to the bar chart value axis label. Depending

    // if the bar chart is drawn vertically or horizontally, the
    // location of the sample will be in the x-axis or y-axis.
    SHORT   seriesCount;        // Number of data series that will be displayed when chart is drawn.
    WORD    smplStart;          // Start point of data sample range to be displayed (minimum/default value = 1)
    WORD    smplEnd;            // End point of data sample range to be displayed.
    WORD    valMax;             // Maximum value of a sample that can be displayed.
    WORD    valMin;             // Minimum value of a sample that can be displayed.
    WORD    perMax;             // Maximum value of the percentage range that can be displayed.
    WORD    perMin;             // Minimum value of the percentage range that can be displayed.
    WORD    *pColor;            // Pointer to the color table used to draw the chart data.
    void    *pTitleFont;        // Pointer to the font used for the title label of the chart.
    void    *pAxisLabelsFont;   // Pointer to the font used for X and Y axis labels.
    void    *pGridLabelsFont;   // Pointer to the font used for X and Y axis grid labels.

* Overview: Defines the parameters required for a chart Object.
typedef struct
    OBJ_HEADER  hdr;                    // Generic header for all Objects (see OBJ_HEADER).
    CHARTPARAM  prm;                    // Structure for the parameters of the chart.
    DATASERIES  *pChData;               // Pointer to the first chart data series in the link list of data series.      

*       Data Color Table                                                                                                
*       - The following macroses defines the default colors used when 
*         rendering chart data.  

    #include "PaletteColorDefines.h"


    #define CH_CLR0     BRIGHTBLUE      // Bright Blue
    #define CH_CLR1     BRIGHTRED       // Bright Red
    #define CH_CLR2     BRIGHTGREEN     // Bright Green
    #define CH_CLR3     BRIGHTYELLOW    // Bright Yellow
    #define CH_CLR4     RGB565CONVERT(0xFF, 0xBB, 0x4C) // Orange
    #define CH_CLR5     BLUE                            // Blue
    #define CH_CLR6     RED                             // Red
    #define CH_CLR7     GREEN                           // Green
    #define CH_CLR8     YELLOW                          // Yellow
    #define CH_CLR9     RGB565CONVERT(255, 140, 0)      // Dark Orange
    #define CH_CLR10    LIGHTBLUE                       // Light Orange
    #define CH_CLR11    LIGHTRED                        // Light Red
    #define CH_CLR12    LIGHTGREEN                      // Light Green
    #define CH_CLR13    RGB565CONVERT(255, 255, 150)    // Light Yellow
    #define CH_CLR14    RGB565CONVERT(255, 200, 0)      // Light Orange
    #define CH_CLR15    RGB565CONVERT(255, 215, 0)      // Gold


SHORT       ChSetDataSeries(CHART *pCh, WORD seriesNum, BYTE status);

* Function: CHART  *ChCreate( WORD ID, SHORT left, SHORT top, 
*                                                         SHORT right, SHORT bottom, 
*                                                         WORD state, DATASERIES *pData, 
*                                                         CHARTPARAM *pParam, GOL_SCHEME *pScheme)
* Overview: This function creates a CHART object with the parameters given. 
*                       It automatically attaches the new object into a global linked list of 
*                       objects and returns the address of the object.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: ID - Unique user defined ID for the object instance.
*        left - Left most position of the object.
*                top - Top most position of the object. 
*                right - Right most position of the object.
*                bottom - Bottom most position of the object.
*        state - Sets the initial state of the object.
*        pData - Pointer to the data for the contents of the chart. NULL can
*                                be assigned initially when creating the object. 
*        pParam - Pointer to the chart parameters. NULL can be assigned initially 
*                                 when creating the object and the chart parameters can be 
*                                 populated using the API provided. 
*        pScheme - Pointer to the style scheme used. When set to NULL,
*                                  the default style scheme will be used.
* Output: Returns the pointer to the object created.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       extern const FONT_FLASH GOLSmallFont;
*       extern const FONT_FLASH GOLMediumFont;          
*   // Note that strings are declared as such to cover cases 
*       // where XCHAR type is declared as short (2 bytes).
*       XCHAR ChTitle[]     = {'E','x','a','m','p','l','e',0};
*       XCHAR SampleName[]  = {'C','a','t','e','g','o','r','y',0};
*       XCHAR ValueName[]   = {'#','H','i','t','s',0};
*       XCHAR SeriesName[2] = {
*                                                  {'V','1',0},
*                                                  {'V','2',0},
*                                                 };
*       V1Data[2] = { 50, 100};
*       V2Data[2] = { 5,  10};
*       GOL_SCHEME      *pScheme;
*       CHART           *pChart;
*       CHARTPARAM       Contents;
*       WORD             state;
*               pScheme = GOLCreateScheme();
*               state = CH_BAR|CH_DRAW|CH_BAR_HOR;      // Bar Chart to be drawn with horizontal orientation
*               pChart = ChCreate(0x01,                         // ID 
*                                                 0, 0,                         // dimensions
*                                                 GetMaxX(),
*                                                 GetMaxY(),    
*                                                 state,                        // state of the chart
*                                                 NULL,                                                 // data not initialized yet
*                                                 NULL,                                                 // no parameters yet
*                                                 pScheme);                                             // style scheme used
*               if (pMyChart == NULL)                                                   // check if chart was allocated memory
*                       return 0;
*               ChSetTitleFont(pChart, (void*)&GOLMediumFont);
*               ChSetTitle(pChart, ChTitle);                                    // set the title
*               // set the grid labels and axis labels font     
*               ChSetGridLabelFont(pChart, (void*)&GOLSmallFont);
*               ChSetAxisLabelFont(pChart, (void*)&GOLSmallFont);
*               // set the labels for the X and Y axis
*               ChSetSampleLabel(pChart, (XCHAR*)SampleName);
*               ChSetValueLabel(pChart, (XCHAR*)ValueName);
*               ChAddDataSeries(pChart, 2, V1Data, (XCHAR*)SeriesName[0]); 
*               ChAddDataSeries(pChart, 2, V2Data, (XCHAR*)SeriesName[1]);
*               // set the range of the sample values
*               ChSetValueRange(pChart, 0, 100);
*               // show all two samples to be displayed (start = 1, end = 2)
*               ChSetSampleRange(pChart, 1, 2);         
*               GOLDraw();                                                                              // draw the chart
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
CHART       *ChCreate
                WORD        ID,
                SHORT       left,
                SHORT       top,
                SHORT       right,
                SHORT       bottom,
                WORD        state,
                DATASERIES  *pData,
                CHARTPARAM  *pParam,
                GOL_SCHEME  *pScheme

* Function: ChAddDataSeries(CHART *pCh, WORD nSamples, WORD *pData, XCHAR *pName)
* Overview: This function creates a DATASERIES object and 
*                       populates the structure with the given parameters.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
*        nSamples - The number of samples or data points.
*                pData - Pointer to the array of samples or data points. 
*                pName - Pointer to the string used to label the data series.
* Output: Returns the pointer to the data variable (DATASERIES) object created.
*                 If NULL is returned, the addition of the new object failed due to
*                 not enough memory for the object.
* Example: See ChCreate() example.
* Side Effects: Appends to the list of DATASERIES that the chart is operating on. 
*                               By default, the show flag of the newly added data series is set to 
*                               SHOW_DATA or enabled.
DATASERIES  *ChAddDataSeries(CHART *pCh, WORD nSamples, WORD *pData, XCHAR *pName);

* Function: ChRemoveDataSeries(CHART *pCh, WORD number)
* Overview: This function removes DATASERIES object from the list of 
*                       DATASERIES objects and frees the memory used of that removed object.
*                       The position of the object to be removed is specified by the number 
*                       parameter. If the list has only one member, it removes the member 
*                       regardless of the number given.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
*        number - The position of the object to be removed in the list where
*                                 the first object in the list is assigned a value of 1.
*                                 If this parameter is set to zero, the whole list of 
*                                 DATA_SERIES is removed.
* Output: none.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       void ClearChartData(CHART *pCh) {
*       if(pCh->pChData != NULL)
*                       // remove the all data series
*           ChRemoveDataSeries(pCh, 0);
*   }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none.
void        ChRemoveDataSeries(CHART *pCh, WORD number);

* Macros: SHORT ChShowSeries(CHART *pCh, WORD seriesNum)
* Overview: This macro sets the specified data series number 
*                       show flag to be set to SHOW_DATA. 
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
*        seriesNum - The data series number that will be modified.
*                                        If this number is zero, all the entries' flag in the
*                                        list will be set to SHOW_DATA.
* Output: Returns the same passed number if successful otherwise 
*                 -1 if unsuccesful.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       // from the example in  ChCreate() we change the items to be shown when
*       // GOLDraw() is called.
*       // reset all data series to be HIDE_DATA
*       ChHideSeries(pMyChart, 0);
*       // set data series 1 (V1Data) to be shown
*       ChShowSeries(pMyChart, 1);
*       // draw the chart
*       GOLDraw();
*       .....
*       </CODE> *
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChShowSeries(pCh, seriesNum)    (ChSetDataSeries(pCh, seriesNum, SHOW_DATA))

* Macros: SHORT ChHideSeries(CHART *pCh, WORD seriesNum)
* Overview: This macro sets the specified data series number 
*                       show flag to be set to HIDE_DATA. 
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
*        seriesNum - The data series number that will be modified.
*                                        If this number is zero, all the entries' flag in the
*                                        list will be set to HIDE_DATA.
* Output: Returns the same passed number if successful otherwise 
*                 -1 if unsuccesful.
* Example: See ChShowSeries() example.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChHideSeries(pCh, seriesNum)    (ChSetDataSeries(pCh, seriesNum, HIDE_DATA))

* Macros: ChGetShowSeriesCount(pCh)             
* Overview: This macro shows the number of data series that has 
*                       its show flag set to SHOW_DATA
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the number of data series with its show flag set to 
*                 SHOW_DATA.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetShowSeriesCount(pCh)   (pCh->prm.seriesCount)

* Macros: ChGetShowSeriesStatus(pDSeries)               
* Overview: This macro returns the show ID status of the DATASERIES.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pDSeries - Pointer to the data series(DATASERIES) that is 
*                                       being checked.
* Output: Returns the status of the show flag.
*                 1 - (SHOW_DATA) means that the show status flag is set.
*                 0 - (HIDE_DATA) means that the show status flag is not set.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetShowSeriesStatus(pDSeries) (pDSeries->show)

* Macros: ChGetValueMax(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the current maximum value that will
*                       be drawn for bar charts.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the maximum value set when bar charts are drawn.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetValueMax(pCh)  (pCh->prm.valMax)

* Macros: ChGetValueMin(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the current minimum value that will
*                       be drawn for bar charts.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the minimum value set when bar charts are drawn.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetValueMin(pCh)  (pCh->prm.valMin)

* Function: ChSetValueRange(CHART *pCh, WORD min, WORD max)
* Overview: This function sets the minimum and maximum range of values 
*           that the bar chart will show.
*                       The criteria is that min <= max.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
*        min - Minimum value that will be displayed in the bar chart.
*                max - Maximum value that will be displayed in the bar chart.
* Output: none.
* Side Effects: none.
void    ChSetValueRange(CHART *pCh, WORD min, WORD max);

* Function: ChGetValueRange(pCh)
* Overview: This macro gets the current range for bar charts. 
*                       The value returned is calculated from the current (valMax - valMin) set.
*                       To get the minimum use ChGetValueMin() and to get the 
*           maximum use ChGetValueMax().
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
* Output: Value range computed from valMax-valMin.
* Side Effects: none.
    #define ChGetValueRange(pCh)    (pCh->prm.valMax - pCh->prm.valMin)

* Macros: ChGetPercentMax(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the current maximum value of the percentage
*                       range that will be drawn for bar charts when CH_PERCENTAGE bit state
*                       is set.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the maximum percentage value set when bar charts are drawn.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetPercentMax(pCh)    (pCh->prm.perMax)

* Macros: ChGetPercentMin(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the current minimum value of the percentage
*                       range that will be drawn for bar charts when CH_PERCENTAGE bit state
*                       is set.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the minimum percentage value when bar charts are drawn.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetPercentMin(pCh)    (pCh->prm.perMin)

* Function: ChSetPercentRange(CHART *pCh, WORD min, WORD max)
* Overview: This function sets the minimum and maximum range of 
*                       percentage that the bar chart will show. 
*                       The criteria is that min <= max.
*                       This affects bar charts only and CH_PERCENTAGE bit state is set.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
*        min - Minimum percentage value that will be displayed in the bar chart.
*                max - Maximum percentage value that will be displayed in the bar chart.
* Output: none.
* Side Effects: none.
void    ChSetPercentRange(CHART *pCh, WORD min, WORD max);

* Function: ChGetPercentRange(pCh)
* Overview: This macro gets the percentage range for bar charts. 
*                       The value returned is calculated from percentage max - min.
*                       To get the minimum use ChGetPercentMin() and to get the 
*           maximum use ChGetPercentMax().
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
* Output: Percentage range computed from max-min.
* Side Effects: none.
    #define ChGetPercentRange(pCh)  (pCh->prm.perMax - pCh->prm.perMin)

* Function: ChSetSampleRange(CHART *pCh, WORD start, WORD end)
* Overview: This function sets the sample start and sample end when 
*                       drawing the chart. Together with the data series' SHOW_DATA
*                       flags the different way of displaying the chart data is achieved.
*       <TABLE>
*       Start & End Value                       The # of Data Series Flag Set   Chart Description
*               ##################                      #############################   ###########
*               Start <= End                            1                                                               Show the data indicated by Start and End points of the DATASERIES with the flag set 
*               Start  = End                            1                                                               Show the data indicated by Start or End points of the DATASERIES with the flag set 
*               Start, End = don't care         > 1                                                             Show the data indicated by Start point of the DATASERIES with the flag set. Each samples of all checked data series are grouped together according to sample number.
*       </TABLE>
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
*        start - Start point of the data samples to be displayed.
*                end - End point of the data samples to be displayed.
* Output: none.
* Example: See ChCreate() example.
* Side Effects: none.
void    ChSetSampleRange(CHART *pCh, WORD start, WORD end);

* Function: ChGetSampleRange(pCh)
* Overview: This macro gets the sample range for pie or bar charts. 
*                       The value returned is calculated from smplEnd - smplStart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the chart object.
* Output: Sample range computed from smplEnd - smplStart.
* Side Effects: none.
    #define ChGetSampleRange(pCh)   (ChGetSampleEnd(pCh) - ChGetSampleStart(pCh))

* Macros:  ChGetSampleStart(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the sampling start value.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the sample start point.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetSampleStart(pCh)   (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.smplStart)

* Macros:  ChGetSampleEnd(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the sampling end value.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the sample end point.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetSampleEnd(pCh) ((CHART *)pCh)->prm.smplEnd

* Macros: ChSetTitle(pCh, pNewTitle)
* Overview: This macro sets the address of the current 
*                       text string used for the title of the chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
*        pNewTitle - pointer to the string to be used as a title
*                                    of the chart.
* Output: none.
* Example: See ChCreate() example.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChSetTitle(pCh, pNewTitle)  (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pTitle = pNewTitle)

* Macros: ChGetTitle(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the address of the current 
*                       text string used for the title of the chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the pointer to the current title text used.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetTitle(pCh) (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pTitle)

* Macros: ChSetAxisLabelFont(pCh, pNewFont)
* Overview: This macro sets the location of the font used for
*                       the X and Y axis labels of the chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
*                pNewFont - Pointer to the font used.
* Output: none.
* Example: See ChCreate() example.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChSetAxisLabelFont(pCh, pNewFont)   (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pAxisLabelsFont = pNewFont)

* Macros: ChGetAxisLabelFont(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the location of the font used for
*                       the X and Y axis labels of the chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the address of the current font used for the title text.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetAxisLabelFont(pCh) (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pAxisLabelsFont)

* Macros: ChSetGridLabelFont(pCh, pNewFont)
* Overview: This macro sets the location of the font used for
*                       the X and Y axis grid labels of the chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
*                pNewFont - Pointer to the font used.
* Output: none.
* Example: See ChCreate() example.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChSetGridLabelFont(pCh, pNewFont)   (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pGridLabelsFont = pNewFont)

* Macros: ChGetGridLabelFont(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the location of the font used for
*                       the X and Y axis grid labels of the chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the address of the current font used for the title text.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetGridLabelFont(pCh) (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pGridLabelsFont)

* Macros: ChSetTitleFont(pCh, pNewFont)
* Overview: This macro sets the location of the font used for
*                       the title of the chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
*                pNewFont - Pointer to the font used.
* Output: none.
* Example: See ChCreate() example.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChSetTitleFont(pCh, pNewFont)   (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pTitleFont = pNewFont)

* Macros: ChGetTitleFont(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the location of the font used for
*                       the title of the chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the address of the current font used for the title text.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetTitleFont(pCh) (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pTitleFont)

* Macros: ChSetSampleLabel(pCh, pNewXLabel)
* Overview: This macro sets the address of the current 
*                       text string used for the sample axis label of the bar chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
*        pNewXLabel - pointer to the string to be used as an sample 
*                                     axis label of the bar chart.
* Output: none.
* Example: See ChCreate() example.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChSetSampleLabel(pCh, pNewXLabel)   (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pSmplLabel = pNewXLabel)

* Macros: ChGetSampleLabel(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the address of the current 
*                       text string used for the sample axis label of the bar chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the pointer to the current sample axis label text 
*                 of the bar chart.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetSampleLabel(pCh)   (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pSmplLabel)

* Macros: ChSetValueLabel(pCh, pNewYLabel)
* Overview: This macro sets the address of the current 
*                       text string used for the value axis label of the bar chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
*        pNewYLabel - pointer to the string to be used as an value 
*                                    axis label of the bar chart.
* Output: none.
* Example: See ChCreate() example.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChSetValueLabel(pCh, pNewValueLabel)    (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pValLabel = pNewValueLabel)

* Macros: ChGetValueLabel(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the address of the current 
*                       text string used for the value axis label of the bar chart.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the pointer to the current value axis label text 
*             of the bar chart.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetValueLabel(pCh)    (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pValLabel)

* Macros: ChSetColorTable(pCh, pNewTable)
* Overview: This macro sets the color table used to draw the data
*                       in pie and bar charts.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
*                pNewTable - Pointer to the color table that will be used.
* Output: none.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChSetColorTable(pCh, pNewTable) ((((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pColor) = pNewTable)

* Macros: ChGetColorTable(pCh)
* Overview: This macro returns the current color table used for 
*                       the pie and bar charts.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object.
* Output: Returns the address of the color table used.
* Side Effects: none
    #define ChGetColorTable(pCh)    (((CHART *)pCh)->prm.pColor)

* Function: ChTranslateMsg(CHART *pCh, GOL_MSG *pMsg)
* Overview: This function evaluates the message from a user if the 
*                       message will affect the object or not. The table below enumerates 
*                       the translated messages for each event of the touch screen 
*                       and keyboard inputs.
*       <TABLE>
*       Translated Message   Input Source  Events                                                               Description
*       ##################   ############  ######                                                               ###########
*               CH_MSG_SELECTED          Touch Screen  EVENT_PRESS, EVENT_RELEASE, EVENT_MOVE   If events occurs and the x,y position falls in the area of the chart.
*               OBJ_MSG_INVALID          Any               Any                                                                          If the message did not affect the object.                                                        
*       </TABLE>
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pCh    - The pointer to the object where the message will be
*                                evaluated to check if the message will affect the object.
*        pMsg  - Pointer to the message struct containing the message from 
*                        the user interface.
* Output: Returns the translated message depending on the received GOL message:
*               - CH_MSG_SELECTED – Chart area is selected
*               - OBJ_MSG_INVALID – Chart is not affected
* Output: none.
* Side Effects: none
WORD    ChTranslateMsg(CHART *pCh, GOL_MSG *pMsg);

* Function: ChDraw(CHART *pCh)
* Overview: This function renders the object on the screen using 
*                       the current parameter settings. Location of the object is 
*                       determined by the left, top, right and bottom parameters. 
*                       The colors used are dependent on the state of the object. 
*                       The font used is determined by the style scheme set.
*                       The colors of the bars of the bar chart or sectors of the 
*                       pie chart can be the default color table  or user defined 
*                       color table set by ChSetColorTable() function.
*                       When rendering objects of the same type, each object 
*                       must be rendered completely before the rendering of the 
*                       next object is started. This is to avoid incomplete 
*                       object rendering.
* PreCondition: Object must be created before this function is called.
* Input: pCh - Pointer to the object to be rendered.
* Output: Returns the status of the drawing
*                 - 1 - If the rendering was completed and 
*                 - 0 - If the rendering is not yet finished. 
*                 Next call to the function will resume the 
*                 rendering on the pending drawing state.
* Side Effects: none.
WORD    ChDraw(CHART *pCh);
#endif // _CHART_H

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