?lang_form? ?lang_select? ?lang_submit? ?lang_endform?


?curdirlinks? - Rev 32

?prevdifflink? - Blame - ?getfile?

 *  Module for Microchip Graphics Library
 *  GOL Layer 
 * FileName:        GOL.h
 * Dependencies:    None 
 * Processor:       PIC24F, PIC24H, dsPIC, PIC32
 * Compiler:            MPLAB C30 V3.00, MPLAB C32
 * Linker:          MPLAB LINK30, MPLAB LINK32
 * Company:         Microchip Technology Incorporated
 * Software License Agreement
 * Copyright © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Microchip licenses to you the right to use, modify, copy and distribute
 * Software only when embedded on a Microchip microcontroller or digital
 * signal controller, which is integrated into your product or third party
 * product (pursuant to the sublicense terms in the accompanying license
 * agreement).  
 * You should refer to the license agreement accompanying this Software
 * for additional information regarding your rights and obligations.
 * Author               Date        Comment
 * Anton Alkhimenok and
 * Paolo A. Tamayo      
 *                      11/12/07        Version 1.0 release
 * PAT                                  06/29/09        Added BTN_MSG_STILLPRESSED message for 
 *                                                                      button object and EVENT_STILLPRESS for
 *                                                                      INPUT_DEVICE_EVENT list.
#ifndef _GOL_H
    #define _GOL_H

    #include "Graphics\Graphics.h"

* Overview: GOL scheme defines the style scheme to be used by an object. 
typedef struct
    WORD    EmbossDkColor;      // Emboss dark color used for 3d effect.
    WORD    EmbossLtColor;      // Emboss light color used for 3d effect.
    WORD    TextColor0;         // Character color 0 used for objects that supports text.
    WORD    TextColor1;         // Character color 1 used for objects that supports text.
    WORD    TextColorDisabled;  // Character color used when object is in a disabled state.
    WORD    Color0;             // Color 0 usually assigned to an Object state.
    WORD    Color1;             // Color 1 usually assigned to an Object state.
    WORD    ColorDisabled;      // Color used when an Object is in a disabled state.
    WORD    CommonBkColor;      // Background color used to hide Objects.
    void    *pFont;             // Font selected for the scheme.

* Overview: Pointer to the GOL default scheme (GOL_SCHEME). This  
*                       scheme is created in GOLInit() function. GOL scheme  
*                       defines the style scheme to be used by an object. 
*                       Use GOLGetSchemeDefault() to get this pointer.
extern GOL_SCHEME   *_pDefaultGolScheme;

* Overview: This structure defines the Object types used in the library. 
typedef enum
    OBJ_BUTTON,                 // Type defined for Button Object.
    OBJ_WINDOW,                 // Type defined for Window Object.
    OBJ_CHECKBOX,               // Type defined for Check Box Object.
    OBJ_RADIOBUTTON,            // Type defined for Radio Button Object.
    OBJ_EDITBOX,                // Type defined for Edit Box Object.
    OBJ_LISTBOX,                // Type defined for List Box Object.
    OBJ_SLIDER,                 // Type defined for Slider and/or Scroll Bar Object.
    OBJ_PROGRESSBAR,            // Type defined for Progress Object.
    OBJ_STATICTEXT,             // Type defined for Static Text Object.
    OBJ_PICTURE,                // Type defined for Picture or Bitmap Object.
    OBJ_GROUPBOX,               // Type defined for Group Box Object.
    OBJ_CUSTOM,                 // Type defined for Custom Object.
    OBJ_ROUNDDIAL,              // Type defined for Dial Object.
    OBJ_METER,                  // Type defined for Meter Object.
    OBJ_GRID,                   // Type defined for Grid Object.
    OBJ_CHART,                  // Type defined for Chart Object.
    OBJ_TEXTENTRY,              // Type defined for Text-Entry Object.
    OBJ_DIGITALMETER,           // Type defined for DIGITALMETER Object.
    OBJ_UNKNOWN                 // Type is undefined and not supported by the library.

* Overview: This structure defines the GOL message used in the library. 
*       - The types must be one of the INPUT_DEVICE_TYPE:
*               - TYPE_UNKNOWN
*               - TYPE_KEYBOARD
*               - TYPE_TOUCHSCREEN
*               - TYPE_MOUSE
*       - uiEvent must be one of the INPUT_DEVICE_EVENT. 
*       - for touch screen:
*                       - EVENT_INVALID 
*                       - EVENT_MOVE 
*                       - EVENT_PRESS 
*                       - EVENT_STILLPRESS
*                       - EVENT_RELEASE 
*       - for keyboard:
*                       - EVENT_KEYSCAN (param2 contains scan code)
*               - EVENT_KEYCODE (param2 contains character code)
*       - param1:
*               - for touch screen is the x position
*           - for keyboard ID of object receiving the message
*       - param2
*               - for touch screen y position
*       - for keyboard scan or key code
typedef struct
    BYTE    type;                   // Type of input device.
    BYTE    uiEvent;                // The generic events for input device.
    SHORT   param1;                 // Parameter 1 meaning is dependent on the type of input device.
    SHORT   param2;                 // Parameter 2 meaning is dependent on the type of input device.

* Overview: This structure defines the types of input devices 
*                       used in the library. 
typedef enum
    TYPE_UNKNOWN    = 0,            // Unknown device.
    TYPE_KEYBOARD,                  // Keyboard.
    TYPE_TOUCHSCREEN,               // Touchscreen.
    TYPE_MOUSE,                     // Mouse.
    TYPE_TIMER,                     // Timer.
    TYPE_SYSTEM                     // System Messages.

* Overview: This structure defines the types of GOL message events 
*                       used in the library. 
typedef enum
    EVENT_INVALID   = 0,            // An invalid event.
    EVENT_MOVE,                     // A move event.
    EVENT_PRESS,                    // A press event.
    EVENT_STILLPRESS,               // A continuous press event.
    EVENT_RELEASE,                  // A release event.
    EVENT_KEYSCAN,                  // A keyscan event, parameters has the object ID keyboard scan code.
    EVENT_CHARCODE,                 // Character code is presented at the parameters.
    EVENT_SET,                      // A generic set event.
    EVENT_SET_STATE,                // A set state event.       
    EVENT_CLR_STATE                 // A clear state event.

* Overview: This structure defines the list of translated messages for 
*                       GOL Objects used in the library. 
typedef enum
    OBJ_MSG_INVALID         = 0,    // Invalid message response.
    CB_MSG_CHECKED,                 // Check Box check action ID.
    CB_MSG_UNCHECKED,               // Check Box un-check action ID.
    RB_MSG_CHECKED,                 // Radio Button check action ID.
    WND_MSG_CLIENT,                 // Window client area selected action ID.
    WND_MSG_TITLE,                  // Window title bar selected action ID.
    BTN_MSG_PRESSED,                // Button pressed action ID.
    BTN_MSG_STILLPRESSED,           // Button is continuously pressed ID.
    BTN_MSG_RELEASED,               // Button released action ID.
    BTN_MSG_CANCELPRESS,            // Button released action ID with button press canceled.
    PICT_MSG_SELECTED,              // Picture selected action ID.
    GB_MSG_SELECTED,                // Group Box selected action ID.
    CC_MSG_SELECTED,                // Custom Control selected action ID.
    SLD_MSG_INC,                    // Slider or Scroll Bar increment action ID.
    SLD_MSG_DEC,                    // Slider or Scroll Bar decrement action ID.
    ST_MSG_SELECTED,                // Static Text selected action ID.
    DM_MSG_SELECTED,                // Digital Meter selected action ID.
    PB_MSG_SELECTED,                // Progress Bar selected action ID.
    RD_MSG_CLOCKWISE,               // Dial move clockwise action ID.
    RD_MSG_CTR_CLOCKWISE,           // Dial move counter clockwise action ID.
    MTR_MSG_SET,                    // Meter set value action ID.
    EB_MSG_CHAR,                    // Edit Box insert character action ID.
    EB_MSG_DEL,                     // Edit Box remove character action ID.
    EB_MSG_TOUCHSCREEN,             // Edit Box touchscreen selected action ID.
    LB_MSG_SEL,                     // List Box item select action ID.
    LB_MSG_MOVE,                    // List Box item move action ID.
    LB_MSG_TOUCHSCREEN,             // List Box touchscreen selected action ID.
    GRID_MSG_TOUCHED,               // Grid item touched action ID.
    GRID_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED,         // Grid item selected action ID.
    GRID_MSG_UP,                    // Grid up action ID.
    GRID_MSG_DOWN,                  // Grid down action ID.
    GRID_MSG_LEFT,                  // Grid left action ID.
    GRID_MSG_RIGHT,                 // Grid right action ID.
    CH_MSG_SELECTED,                // Chart selected action ID
    TE_MSG_RELEASED,                // TextEntry released action ID
    TE_MSG_PRESSED,                 // TextEntry pressed action ID
    TE_MSG_ADD_CHAR,                // TextEntry add character action ID
    TE_MSG_DELETE,                  // TextEntry delete character action ID
    TE_MSG_SPACE,                   // TextEntry add space character action ID
    TE_MSG_ENTER,                   // TextEntry enter action ID
    OBJ_MSG_PASSIVE                     // Passive message response. No change in object needed.

* Overview: This structure defines the first nine fields of the 
*                       Objects structure. This allows generic operations on 
*                       library Objects. 
typedef struct
    WORD            ID;                             // Unique id assigned for referencing.
    void            *pNxtObj;                       // A pointer to the next object.
    GOL_OBJ_TYPE    type;                           // Identifies the type of GOL object.
    WORD            state;                          // State of object.
    SHORT           left;                           // Left position of the Object.
    SHORT           top;                            // Top position of the Object.
    SHORT           right;                          // Right position of the Object.
    SHORT           bottom;                         // Bottom position of the Object.
    GOL_SCHEME      *pGolScheme;                    // Pointer to the scheme used.

* Overview: The following are the common Objcet States.

// Focus state bit.
    #define FOCUSED 0x0001

// Disabled state bit.
    #define DISABLED    0x0002

// Object hide state bit. Object will be hidden from the
// screen by drawing over it the common background color.
    #define HIDE    0x8000

// Object redraw state bit. The whole Object must be redrawn.   
    #define DRAW    0x7C00

// Focus redraw state bit. The focus rectangle must be redrawn. 
    #define DRAW_FOCUS  0x2000

// Partial Object redraw state bit. A part or parts of
// of the Object must be redrawn to show updated state.
    #define DRAW_UPDATE 0x3C00

* Overview: The following are the global variables of GOL.

* Overview: Pointer to the current linked list of objects displayed 
*                       and receiving messages. GOLDraw() and GOLMsg() process 
*                       objects referenced by this pointer.
extern OBJ_HEADER   *_pGolObjects;

* Overview: Pointer to the object receiving keyboad input. This pointer
*                       is used or modified by the following APIs:
*                       - GOLSetFocus()
*                       - GOLGetFocus()
*                       - GOLGetFocusNext()
*                       - GOLGetFocusPrev()
*                       - GOLCanBeFocused()
extern OBJ_HEADER   *_pObjectFocused;

// Line type used for focus mark.
    #define FOCUS_LINE  2

* Overview: This option defines the 3-D effect emboss size for objects. 
*                       The default value of this is 3 set in GOL.h. If it is not
*                       defined in GraphicsConfig.h file then the default value is used.
    #ifndef GOL_EMBOSS_SIZE
        #define GOL_EMBOSS_SIZE 3

* Overview: The following are the style scheme default settings.

// Default GOL font.
extern const FONT_FLASH GOLFontDefault;

// Default Font assignement.    
    #define FONTDEFAULT GOLFontDefault


    #include "PaletteColorDefines.h"

// Brown color scheme
    #define SADDLEBROWN RGB565CONVERT(139, 69, 19)  // Saddle Color
    #define SIENNA      RGB565CONVERT(160, 82, 45)  // Sienna Color
    #define PERU        RGB565CONVERT(205, 133, 63) // Peru Color
    #define BURLYWOOD   RGB565CONVERT(222, 184, 135)    // Burly wood Color
    #define WHEAT       RGB565CONVERT(245, 245, 220)    // Wheat Color
    #define TAN         RGB565CONVERT(210, 180, 140)    // Tan Color
    #define GRAY80      RGB565CONVERT(204, 204, 204)    // Gray80 Color
    #define GRAY90      RGB565CONVERT(229, 229, 229)    // Gray90 Color
    #define GRAY95      RGB565CONVERT(242, 242, 242)    // Gray95 Color
    #if (COLOR_DEPTH == 1)

/* default settings for a monochrome display */

// Emboss dark color default value.
        #define EMBOSSDKCOLORDEFAULT    0x00

// Emboss light color default value.    
        #define EMBOSSLTCOLORDEFAULT    0xFF

// Text color 0 default value.  
        #define TEXTCOLOR0DEFAULT   0xFF

// Text color 1 default value.          
        #define TEXTCOLOR1DEFAULT   0x00

// Text color disabled default value.                                                   

// Color 0 default value.                                                               
        #define COLOR0DEFAULT   0x00

// Color 1 default value.       
        #define COLOR1DEFAULT   0xFF

// Disabled color default value.        
        #define COLORDISABLEDDEFAULT    0x00

// Common background color default value.       

        #if defined (GFX_PICTAIL_V1)

/* default settings for Microtips display */

// Emboss dark color default value.
            #define EMBOSSDKCOLORDEFAULT    RGB565CONVERT(0x2B, 0x55, 0x87)

// Emboss light color default value.    
            #define EMBOSSLTCOLORDEFAULT    RGB565CONVERT(0xD4, 0xE4, 0xF7)

// Text color 0 default value.  
            #define TEXTCOLOR0DEFAULT   RGB565CONVERT(0x07, 0x1E, 0x48)

// Text color 1 default value.          
            #define TEXTCOLOR1DEFAULT   WHITE

// Text color disabled default value.                                                   

// Color 0 default value.                                                               
            #define COLOR0DEFAULT   RGB565CONVERT(0x93, 0xEF, 0xFF)

// Color 1 default value.       
            #define COLOR1DEFAULT   RGB565CONVERT(0x26, 0xC7, 0xF2)

// Disabled color default value.        
            #define COLORDISABLEDDEFAULT    RGB565CONVERT(0xB6, 0xD2, 0xFB)

// Common background color default value.       


/* default settings for TRULY display */

// Emboss dark color default value.
            #define EMBOSSDKCOLORDEFAULT    RGB565CONVERT(0x2B, 0x55, 0x87)

// Emboss light color default value.
            #define EMBOSSLTCOLORDEFAULT    RGB565CONVERT(0xD4, 0xE4, 0xF7)

// Text color 0 default value.
            #define TEXTCOLOR0DEFAULT   RGB565CONVERT(0x07, 0x1E, 0x48)

// Text color 1 default value.
            #define TEXTCOLOR1DEFAULT   WHITE

// Text color disabled default value.

// Color 0 default value.                                                               
            #define COLOR0DEFAULT   RGB565CONVERT(0xA9, 0xDB, 0xEF)

// Color 1 default value.
            #define COLOR1DEFAULT   RGB565CONVERT(0x26, 0xC7, 0xF2)

// Disabled color default value.
            #define COLORDISABLEDDEFAULT    RGB565CONVERT(0xB6, 0xD2, 0xFB)

// Common background color default value.

        #endif //  #if defined (GFX_PICTAIL_V1)
    #endif // USE_MONOCHROME

* Function: WORD GOLCanBeFocused(OBJ_HEADER* object)
* Overview: This function returns non-zero if the object can 
*                       be focused. Only button, check box, radio button, 
*                       slider, edit box, list box, scroll bar can accept 
*                       focus. If the object is disabled it cannot be set 
*                       to focused state.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: object - Pointer to the object of interest.
* Output: This returns a non-zero if the object can be focused 
*                 and zero if not.
* Side Effects: none
WORD        GOLCanBeFocused(OBJ_HEADER *object);

* Function: OBJ_HEADER *GOLGetFocusNext()
* Overview: This function returns the pointer to the previous object
*                       in the active linked list which is able to receive 
*                       keyboard input.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: This returns the pointer of the previous object in the 
*                 active list capable of receiving keyboard input. If 
*                 there is no object capable of receiving keyboard 
*                 inputs (i.e. none can be focused) NULL is returned.
* Side Effects: none
OBJ_HEADER  *GOLGetFocusPrev(void);

* Function: OBJ_HEADER *GOLGetFocusNext()
* Overview: This function returns the pointer to the next object
*                       in the active linked list which is able to receive 
*                       keyboard input.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: This returns the pointer of the next object in the 
*                 active list capable of receiving keyboard input. If 
*                 there is no object capable of receiving keyboard 
*                 inputs (i.e. none can be focused) NULL is returned.
* Side Effects: none
OBJ_HEADER  *GOLGetFocusNext(void);

* Function: void GOLSetFocus(OBJ_HEADER* object)
* Overview: This function sets the keyboard input focus to the  
*                       object. If the object cannot accept keyboard messages 
*                       focus will not be changed. This function resets FOCUSED 
*                       state for the object was in focus previously, set 
*                       FOCUSED state for the required object and marks the 
*                       objects to be redrawn.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: object - Pointer to the object of interest.
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
void        GOLSetFocus(OBJ_HEADER *object);

* Macros:  GOLGetFocus()
* Overview: This macro returns the pointer to the current object 
*                       receiving keyboard input.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: Returns the pointer to the object receiving keyboard input. 
*                 If there is no object in focus NULL is returned.
* Side Effects: none
    #define GOLGetFocus()   _pObjectFocused

* Macros: GetObjType(pObj)
* Overview: This macro returns the object type.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
* Output: Returns the OBJ_TYPE of the object.
* Side Effects: none
    #define GetObjType(pObj)    ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->type

* Macros: GetObjID(pObj)
* Overview: This macro returns the object ID.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
* Output: Returns the ID of the object.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       void UseOfGetObjID(OBJ_HEADER *pObj) {
*               WORD id;
*                       switch(id = GetObjID(pObj)) {
*                       case ID_WINDOW1:
*                           // do something
*                       case ID_WINDOW2:
*                           // do something else
*                       case ID_WINDOW3:
*                           // do something else
*                       default:
*                           // do something else
*                       }
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define GetObjID(pObj)  ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->ID

* Macros: GetObjNext(pObj)
* Overview: This macro returns the next object after the specified 
*                       object.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
* Output: Returns the pointer of the next object.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       // This is the same example for the GetObjType() macro
*       // We just replaced one line
*       void RedrawButtons(void) {
*               OBJ_HEADER *pCurr;
*               pCurr = GOLGetList();                           // get active list
*               while(pCurr->pNxtObj != NULL) {
*                       if (GetObjType(pCurr) == BUTTON)
*                               pCurr->state = BTN_DRAW;        // set button to be redrawn
*                       pCurr = GetObjNext(pCurr);              // Use of GetObjNext() macro
*                       // replaces the old line
*               }
*               GolDraw();                          // redraw all buttons in the
*                                                   // active list
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define GetObjNext(pObj)    ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->pNxtObj

* Macros: IsObjUpdated(pObj)
* Overview: This macro tests if the object is pending to 
*                       be redrawn. This is done by testing the 6 MSBits 
*                       of object’s state to detect if the object must 
*                       be redrawn.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
* Output: Returns a nonzero value if the object needs 
*                 to be redrawn. Zero if not.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       int DrawButtonWindowOnly() {
*               static OBJ_HEADER *pCurrentObj = NULL;
*               SHORT done = 0;
*               if (pCurrentObj == NULL)
*                       pCurrentObj = GOLGetList();         // get current list
*               while(pCurrentObj != NULL){
*                       if(IsObjUpdated(pCurrentObj)){
*                               switch(pCurrentObj->type){
*                                       case OBJ_BUTTON:
*                                               done = BtnDraw((BUTTON*)pCurrentObj);
*                                               break;
*                                       case OBJ_WINDOW:
*                                               done = WndDraw((WINDOW*)pCurrentObj);
*                                               break;
*                               }
*                               // reset state of object if done
*                               if (done)
*                                       GOLDrawComplete(pCurrentObj)
*                               // Return if not done. This means that BtnDraw()
*                               // was terminated prematurely by device busy status
*                               // and must be recalled to finish rendering of
*                               // objects in the list that have new states.
*                               else
*                                       return 0;
*                       }
*                       // go to the next object in the list
*                       pCurrentObj = pCurrentObj->pNxtObj;
*               }
*               return 1;
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define IsObjUpdated(pObj)  (((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state & 0xfc00)

* Macros: GOLDrawComplete(pObj)
* Overview: This macro resets the drawing states of the object 
*                       (6 MSBits of the object’s state).
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
* Output: none
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       // This function should be called again whenever an incomplete
*       // rendering (done = 0) of an object occurs.
*       // internal states in the BtnDraw() or WndDraw() should pickup
*       // on the state where it left off to continue rendering.
*       void GOLDraw() {
*               static OBJ_HEADER *pCurrentObj = NULL;
*               SHORT done;
*               if(pCurrentObj == NULL) {
*                       if(GOLDrawCallback()) {
*                               // If it's last object jump to head
*                               pCurrentObj = GOLGetList();
*                       } else {
*                               return;
*                       }
*               }
*               done = 0;
*               while(pCurrentObj != NULL) {
*                       if(IsObjUpdated(pCurrentObj)) {
*                               switch(pCurrentObj->type) {
*                                       case OBJ_BUTTON:
*                                               done = BtnDraw((BUTTON*)pCurrentObj);
*                                               break;
*                                       case OBJ_WINDOW:
*                                               done = WndDraw((WINDOW*)pCurrentObj);
*                                               break;
*                               }
*                               if(done){
*                                       GOLDrawComplete(pCurrentObj);
*                               }else{
*                                       return;
*                               }
*                       }
*                       pCurrentObj = pCurrentObj->pNxtObj;
*               }
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define GOLDrawComplete(pObj)   ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state &= 0x03ff

* Macros:  SetState(pObj, stateBits)
* Overview: This macro sets the state bits of an object. 
*                       Object must be redrawn to display the changes. 
*                       It is possible to set several state bits with 
*                       this macro.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
*                stateBits - Defines which state bits are to be 
*                               set. Please refer to specific objects for object 
*                               state bits definition for details
* Output: none
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       void BtnMsgDefault(WORD msg, BUTTON* pB){
*               switch(msg){
*                       case BTN_MSG_PRESSED:
*                               // set pressed and redraw
*                               SetState(pB, BTN_PRESSED|BTN_DRAW);
*                               break;
*                       case BTN_MSG_RELEASED:
*                               ClrState(pB, BTN_PRESSED);       // reset pressed
*                               SetState(pB, BTN_DRAW);          // redraw
*                               break;
*               }
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define SetState(pObj, stateBits)   ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state |= (stateBits)

* Macros:  ClrState(pObj, stateBits)
* Overview: This macro clear the state bits of an object. 
*                       Object must be redrawn to display the changes. 
*                       It is possible to clear several state bits with 
*                       this macro.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
*                stateBits - Defines which state bits are to be 
*                               cleared. Please refer to specific objects for object 
*                               state bits definition for details
* Output: none
* Example:
*   See example for SetState().
* Side Effects: none
    #define ClrState(pObj, stateBits)   ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state &= (~(stateBits))

* Macros:  GetState(pObj, stateBits)
* Overview: This macro retrieves the current value of 
*                       the state bits of an object. It is possible 
*                       to get several state bits.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
*                stateBits - Defines which state bits are requested. 
*                               Please refer to specific objects for object 
*                               state bits definition for details
* Output: Macro returns a non-zero if any bit in the 
*                 stateBits mask is set.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       #define BTN_HIDE 0x8000
*       BUTTON *pB;
*       // pB is created and initialized
*       // do something here to set state
*       // Hide the button (remove from screen)
*       if (GetState(pB,BTN_HIDE)) {
*               SetColor(pB->pGolScheme->CommonBkColor);
*               Bar(pB->left,pB->top,pB->right,pB->bottom);
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define GetState(pObj, stateBits)   (((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state & (stateBits))

* Function: GOL_SCHEME *GOLCreateScheme()
* Overview: This function creates a new style scheme object 
*                       and initializes the parameters to default values.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: Pointer to the new GOL_SCHEME created.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       extern const char Font22[] __attribute__((aligned(2)));
*       extern const char Font16[] __attribute__((aligned(2)));
*       GOLSCHEME *pScheme1, *pScheme2;
*       pScheme1 = GOLCreateScheme();
*       pScheme2 = GOLCreateScheme();
*       pScheme1->pFont = (BYTE*)Font22;
*       pScheme2->pFont = (BYTE*)Font16;
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
GOL_SCHEME  *GOLCreateScheme(void);

* Macros:  GOLSetScheme(pObj, pScheme)
* Overview: This macro sets the GOL scheme to be used for the object.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
*                pScheme - Pointer to the style scheme to be used. 
* Output: none
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       extern FONT_FLASH Gentium12;
*       GOLSCHEME *pScheme1;
*       BUTTON *pButton;
*       pScheme1 = GOLCreateScheme();
*       pScheme1->pFont = &Gentium12;
*       // assume button is created and initialized
*       // reassign the scheme used by pButton to pScheme1
*       GOLSetScheme(pButton, pScheme1);
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define GOLSetScheme(pObj, pScheme) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->pGolScheme = pScheme

* Macros:  GOLGetScheme(pObj)
* Overview: This macro gets the GOL scheme used by the given object.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object of interest.
* Output: Returns the style scheme used by the given object.
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       GOLSCHEME *pScheme2;
*       BUTTON *pButton;
*       // assume button is created and initialized
*       // get the scheme assigned to pButton
*       pScheme2 = GOLGetScheme(pButton);
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define GOLGetScheme(pObj)  ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->pGolScheme

* Macros:  GOLGetSchemeDefault()
* Overview: This macro returns the default GOL scheme pointer.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: Returns the pointer to the default style scheme.
* Side Effects: none
    #define GOLGetSchemeDefault()   _pDefaultGolScheme

* Function: void GOLInit()
* Overview: This function initializes the graphics library and 
*                       creates a default style scheme with default settings 
*                       referenced by the global scheme pointer. GOLInit() 
*                       function must be called before GOL functions can be 
*                       used. It is not necessary to call GraphInit() 
*                       function if this function is used.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: none
* Side Effects: This sets the line type to SOLID_LINE, sets the 
*                               screen to all BLACK, sets the current drawing color 
*                               to WHITE, sets the graphic cursor position to upper 
*                               left corner of the screen, sets active and visual 
*                               pages to page #0, clears the active page and disables 
*                               clipping. This also creates a default style scheme.
void GOLInit();

* Function: void GOLAddObject(OBJ_HEADER* object)
* Overview: This function adds an object to the tail of the 
*                       active list pointed to by _pGolObjects. The new list 
*                       tail is set to point to NULL.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object to be added on the current 
*                           active list.
* Output: none
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       void MoveObject(OBJ_HEADER *pSrcList, OBJ_HEADER *pDstList,
*               OBJ_HEADER *pObjtoMove) {
*               OBJ_HEADER *pTemp = pSrcList;
*               if(pTemp != pObjtoMove) {
*                       while(pTemp->pNxtObj != pObjtoMove)
*                               pTemp = pTemp->pNxtObj;
*               }
*               pTemp->pNxtObj = pObjtoMove ->pNxt; // remove object from list
*               GOLSetList(pDstList);               // destination as active list
*               GOLAddObject(pObjtoMove);           // add object to active list
*       }
*       </CODE>
* Side Effects: none
void    GOLAddObject(OBJ_HEADER *object);

* Macros: void GOLNewList()
* Overview: This macro starts a new linked list of objects and 
*                       resets the keyboard focus to none. This macro assigns 
*                       the current active list _pGolObjects and current receiving 
*                       keyboard input _pObjectFocused object pointers to NULL. 
*                       Any keyboard inputs at this point will be ignored. 
*                       Previous active list must be saved in another pointer if 
*                       to be referenced later. If not needed anymore memory used 
*                       by that list should be freed by GOLFree() function.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: none
* Example:
*   <CODE> 
*       OBJ_HEADER *pSave;
*       pSave = GOLGetList();            // save current list
*       GOLNewList();                    // start the new list
*                                        // current list is now NULL
*       // assume that objects are already created
*       // you can now add objects to the new list
*       GOLAddObject(pButton);
*       GOLAddObject(pWindow);
*       GOLAddObject(pSlider);
*       </CODE>
* Side Effects: This macro sets the focused object pointer 
*                               (_pObjectFocused) to NULL.
    #define GOLNewList() \
    _pGolObjects = NULL; \
    _pObjectFocused = NULL

* Macros: GOLGetList()
* Overview: This macro gets the current active list.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: Returns the pointer to the current active list.
* Example:
*   See GOLNewList() example.
* Side Effects: none
    #define GOLGetList()    _pGolObjects

* Macros: GOLSetList(objsList)
* Overview: This macro sets the given object list as the active 
*                       list and resets the keyboard focus to none. This macro 
*                       assigns the receiving keyboard input object _pObjectFocused 
*                       pointer to NULL. If the new active list has an object’s 
*                       state set to focus, the _pObjectFocused pointer must be 
*                       set to this object or the object’s state must be change 
*                       to unfocused. This is to avoid two objects displaying a 
*                       focused state when only one object in the active list must 
*                       be set to a focused state at anytime.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: objsList - The pointer to the new active list.
* Output: none
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       OBJ_HEADER *pSave;
*       pSave = GOLGetList();           // save current list
*       GOLNewList();                   // start the new list
*                                       // current list is now NULL
*       // you can now add objects to the current list
*       // assume that objects are already created
*       GOLAddObject(pButton);
*       GOLAddObject(pWindow);
*       GOLAddObject(pSlider);
*       // do something here on the new list
*       // return the old list
*       GOLSetList(pSave);
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: This macro sets the focused object pointer 
*                               (_pObjectFocused) to NULL. Previous active list 
*                               should be saved if needed to be referenced later. 
*                               If not, use GOLFree() function to free the memory 
*                               used by the objects before calling GOLSetList().
    #define GOLSetList(objsList) \
    _pGolObjects = objsList;     \
    _pObjectFocused = NULL

* Function: OBJ_HEADER* GOLFindObject(WORD ID)
* Overview: This function finds an object in the active list 
*                       pointed to by _pGolObjects using the given object ID.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: ID - User assigned value set during the creation of the object.
* Output: Pointer to the object with the given ID.
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       void CopyObject(OBJ_HEADER *pSrcList, OBJ_HEADER *pDstList, WORD ID) 
*       {
*               OBJ_HEADER *pTemp;
*               pTemp = GOLFindObject(ID);              // find the object
*               if (pTemp != NULL) {
*                       GOLSetList(pDstList);                   // destination as active list
*                       GOLAddObject(pObj);                     // add object to active list
*               }
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none

* Function: void GOLFree()
* Overview: This function frees all the memory used by objects in 
*                       the active list and initializes _pGolObjects pointer 
*                       to NULL to start a new empty list. This function must  
*           be called only inside the GOLDrawCallback()function when 
*           using GOLDraw() and GOLMsg() functions. This requirement
*           assures that primitive rendering settings are not altered
*           by the rendering state machines of the objects.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: none
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       void DeletePage(OBJ_HEADER *pPage) {
*               OBJ_HEADER *pTemp;
*               // assuming pPage is different from the current active list
*               pTemp = GOLGetList();               // save the active list
*               GOLSetList(pPage);                  // set list as active list
*               GolFree();                          // pPage objects are deleted
*               GOLSetList(pTemp);                  // restore the active list
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: All objects in the active list are deleted from memory.
void    GOLFree(void);

* Function: BOOL GOLDeleteObject(OBJ_HEADER * object)
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pointer to the object
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
* Overview: deletes an object to the linked list objects for the current screen.
* Note: none
BOOL    GOLDeleteObject(OBJ_HEADER *object);

* Function: BOOL GOLDeleteObjectByID(WORD ID)
* PreCondition: none
* Input: ID of the object.
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
* Overview: Deletes an object in the current active linked list of objects using the ID parameter
*                       of the object.
* Note: none
BOOL    GOLDeleteObjectByID(WORD ID);

* Function: WORD GOLDraw()
* Overview: This function loops through the active list and redraws 
*                       objects that need to be redrawn. Partial redrawing or 
*                       full redraw is performed depending on the drawing states 
*                       of the objects.
*                       GOLDrawCallback() function is called by GOLDraw() 
*                       when drawing of objects in the active list is completed.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: Non-zero if the active link list drawing is completed.
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       // Assume objects are created & states are set to draw objects
*       while(1){
*               if(GOLDraw()){              // parse active list and redraw objects that needs to be redrawn
*               // here GOL drawing is completed
*               // it is safe to modify objects states and linked list
*                       TouchGetMsg(&msg);      // evaluate messages from touch screen device
*                       GOLMsg(&msg);           // evaluate each object is affected by the message
*       }
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
WORD    GOLDraw(void);

* Function: void GOLRedrawRec(SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom)
* Overview: This function marks all objects in the active 
*                       list intersected by the given rectangular area 
*                       to be redrawn.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: left - Defines the left most border of the rectangle area.
*                top - Defines the top most border of the rectangle area.
*                right - Defines the right most border of the rectangle area.
*                bottom - Defines the bottom most border of the rectangle area.
* Output: none
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       OBJ_HEADER *pTemp;
*       OBJ_HEADER *pAllObjects;
*       // assume *pAllObjects points to a list of all existing objects
*       // created and initialized
*       // mark all objects inside the rectangle to be redrawn
*       GOLRedrawRec(10,10,100,100);
*       pTemp = pAllObjects;                                    
*       GOLStartNewList();                      // reset active list
*       while(pTemp->pNxtObj != NULL) {
*               if (pTemp->state&0x7C00)            // add only objects to be
*               GOLAddObject(pTemp);                    // redrawn to the active list
*               pTemp = pTemp->pNxtObj;
*       }
*       GOLDraw();                              // redraw active list
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
void    GOLRedrawRec(SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom);

* Macros: GOLRedraw(pObj)
* Overview: This macro sets the object to be redrawn. For the 
*                       redraw to be effective, the object must be in the 
*                       current active list. If not, the redraw action will 
*                       not be performed until the list where the object is 
*                       currently inserted will be set to be the active list.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pObj - Pointer to the object to be redrawn.
* Output: none
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       void GOLRedrawRec(SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom) {  
*               // set all objects encompassed by the rectangle to be redrawn
*               OBJ_HEADER *pCurrentObj;
*               pCurrentObj = GOLGetList();
*               while(pCurrentObj != NULL){
*                       if (
*                               ((pCurrentObj->left >= left) && (pCurrentObj->left <= right)) ||
*                               ((pCurrentObj->right >= left) && (pCurrentObj->right <= right))||
*                               ((pCurrentObj->top >= top) && (pCurrentObj->top <= bottom)) ||
*                               ((pCurrentObj->bottom >= top) && (pCurrentObj->bottom <= bottom))){
*                                       GOLRedraw(pCurrentObj);
*                       }
*                       pCurrentObj = pCurrentObj->pNxtObj;           
*               }//end of while
*       }                               
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define GOLRedraw(pObj) ((OBJ_HEADER *)pObj)->state |= 0x7c00;

* Function: void GOLMsg(GOL_MSG *pMsg)
* Overview: This function receives a GOL message from user and 
*                       loops through the active list of objects to check 
*                       which object is affected by the message. For affected 
*                       objects the message is translated and GOLMsgCallback() 
*                       is called. In the call back function, user has the 
*                       ability to implement action for the message. If the 
*                       call back function returns non-zero OBJMsgDefault() 
*                       is called to process message for the object by default. 
*                       If zero is returned OBJMsgDefault() is not called. 
*                       Please refer to GOL Messages section for deatils.
*                       This function should be called when GOL drawing 
*                       is completed. It can be done when GOLDraw() returns 
*                       non-zero value or inside GOLDrawCallback() function.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: pMsg - Pointer to the GOL message from user.
* Output: none
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       // Assume objects are created & states are set to draw objects
*       while(1){
*               if(GOLDraw()){
*                       // GOL drawing is completed here
*                       // it is safe to change objects
*                       TouchGetMsg(&msg);         // from user interface module
*                       GOLMsg(&msg);
*               }
*       }                               
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
void            GOLMsg(GOL_MSG *pMsg);

* Function: WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER* pObj, GOL_MSG* pMsg)
* Overview: The user MUST implement this function. GOLMsg() calls 
*                       this function when a valid message for an object in the 
*                       active list is received. User action for the message should 
*                       be implemented here. If this function returns non-zero, 
*                       the message for the object will be processed by default. 
*                       If zero is returned, GOL will not perform any action.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: objMsg - Translated message for the object or the action ID response from the object.
*                pObj - Pointer to the object that processed the message.
*                pMsg - Pointer to the GOL message from user.
* Output: Return a non-zero if the message will be processed by default.
*                 If a zero is returned, the message will not be processed by GOL.
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER* pObj, GOL_MSG *pMsg){
*               static char focusSwitch = 1;
*               switch(GetObjID(pObj)){
*               case ID_BUTTON1:
*                   // Change text and focus state
*                   if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_RELEASED){
*                       focusSwitch ^= 1;
*                       if(focusSwitch){
*                       BtnSetText((BUTTON*)pObj, "Focused");
*                       SetState(pObj,BTN_FOCUSED);
*                       }else{
*                       BtnSetText((BUTTON*)pObj, "Unfocused");
*                       ClrState(pObj,BTN_FOCUSED);
*                       }
*               }
*               // Process by default
*               return 1;
*               case ID_BUTTON2:
*                   // Change text
*                   if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_PRESSED){
*                       BtnSetText((BUTTON*)pObj, "Pressed");
*               }
*                   if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_RELEASED){
*                       BtnSetText((BUTTON*)pObj, "Released");
*                   }
*                   // Process by default
*                   return 1;
*               case ID_BUTTON3:
*                   // Change face picture
*                   if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_PRESSED){
*                       BtnSetBitmap(pObj,arrowLeft);
*                   }
*                   if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_RELEASED){
*                       BtnSetBitmap(pObj,(char*)arrowRight);
*                   }
*                   // Process by default
*                   return 1;
*               case ID_BUTTON_NEXT:
*                   if(objMsg == BTN_MSG_RELEASED){
*                       screenState = CREATE_CHECKBOXES;
*                   }
*                   // Process by default
*                   return 1;
*               case ID_BUTTON_BACK:
*                   return 1;
*               default:
*                   return 1;
*       }
*       }               
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
WORD            GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER *pObj, GOL_MSG *pMsg);

* Function: WORD GOLDrawCallback()
* Overview: GOLDrawCallback() function MUST BE implemented by 
*                       the user. This is called inside the GOLDraw() 
*                       function when the drawing of objects in the active 
*                       list is completed. User drawing must be done here. 
*                       Drawing color, line type, clipping region, graphic 
*                       cursor position and current font will not be changed 
*                       by GOL if this function returns a zero. To pass 
*                       drawing control to GOL this function must return 
*                       a non-zero value. If GOL messaging is not using 
*                       the active link list, it is safe to modify the 
*                       list here.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: Return a one if GOLDraw() will have drawing control 
*                 on the active list. Return a zero if user wants to 
*                 keep the drawing control.
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       #define SIG_STATE_SET   0
*       #define SIG_STATE_DRAW  1
*       WORD GOLDrawCallback(){
*               static BYTE state = SIG_STATE_SET;
*               if(state == SIG_STATE_SET){
*                       // Draw the button with disabled colors
*                       GOLPanelDraw(SIG_PANEL_LEFT,SIG_PANEL_TOP,
*                                                SIG_PANEL_RIGHT,SIG_PANEL_BOTTOM, 0,
*                                                WHITE, altScheme->EmbossLtColor,
*                                                altScheme->EmbossDkColor,
*                                                NULL, GOL_EMBOSS_SIZE);
*                       state = SIG_STATE_DRAW;
*               }
*               if(!GOLPanelDrawTsk()){
*               // do not return drawing control to GOL
*               // drawing is not complete
*                       return 0;
*               }else{
*                       state = SIG_STATE_SET;
*                       // return drawing control to GOL, drawing is complete
*                       return 1;
*               }
*       }               
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
WORD            GOLDrawCallback(void);

* Variables for rounded panel drawing. Used by GOLRndPanelDraw and GOLRndPanelDrawTsk
extern SHORT    _rpnlX1;            // Panel center x position of upper left corner
extern SHORT    _rpnlY1;            // Panel center y position of upper left corner
extern SHORT    _rpnlX2;            // Panel center x position of lower right corner
extern SHORT    _rpnlY2;            // Panel center y position of lower right corner
extern SHORT    _rpnlR;             // radius (defines the rounded corner size)
extern WORD     _rpnlFaceColor;     // Panel face color
extern WORD     _rpnlEmbossLtColor; // Panel emboss light color
extern WORD     _rpnlEmbossDkColor; // Panel emboss dark color
extern WORD     _rpnlEmbossSize;    // Size of panel emboss (Usually uses GOL_EMBOSS_SIZE but maybe different

// for some objects)emboss size
extern void     *_pRpnlBitmap;      // Bitmap used in the panel

* Macros: GOLPanelDraw( left, top, right, bottom,
*                                               radius,
*                                               faceClr,
*                                               embossLtClr, embossDkClr,
*                                               pBitmap,
*                                               embossSize)
* Overview: This macro sets the parameters to draw a panel. 
*                       Panel is not an object. It will not be added to 
*                       the active list. Use GOLPanelDrawTsk() to display 
*                       the panel on the screen.
*                       The following relationships of the parameters determines
*                       the general shape of the button:
*                       1. Panel width is determined by right - left.
*                       2. Panel height is determined by top - bottom.
*                       3. Panel radius - specifies if the panel will have a rounded 
*                                               edge. If zero then the panel will have 
*                                               sharp (cornered) edge.
*                       4. If 2*radius = height = width, the panel is circular.         
* PreCondition: none
* Input: left - Panel's left most position.
*                top - Panel's top most position.
*                right - Panel's right most position.
*                bottom - Panel's bottom most position.
*                radius - The radius of the rounded corner of the panel.
*                faceClr - Defines the face color of the panel.
*                embossLtClr - Defines the emboss light color.
*                embossDkClr - Defines the emboss dark color.
*                pBitmap - Defines the bitmap used in the face of the panel.
*                embossSize - Defines the emboss size of the panel.
* Output: none
* Example:
*       <CODE> 
*       // Dimensions for signature box
*       #define SIG_PANEL_LEFT      10
*       #define SIG_PANEL_RIGHT    310
*       #define SIG_PANEL_TOP       50
*       #define SIG_PANEL_BOTTOM   170
*       #define SIG_STATE_SET   0
*       #define SIG_STATE_DRAW  1
*       GOL_SCHEME *altScheme;           // style scheme
*       // Draws box for signature
*       WORD PanelSignature() {
*               static BYTE state = SIG_STATE_SET;
*               if(state == SIG_STATE_SET){
*                       // set data for panel drawing (radius = 0)
*                       // assume altScheme is defined
*                       GOLPanelDraw(SIG_PANEL_LEFT,SIG_PANEL_TOP,
*                                                SIG_PANEL_RIGHT,SIG_PANEL_BOTTOM,0,
*                                                WHITE,
*                                                altScheme->EmbossLtColor,
*                                                altScheme->EmbossDkColor,
*                                                NULL, GOL_EMBOSS_SIZE);
*                       state = SIG_STATE_DRAW; // change state
*               }
*               if(!GOLPanelDrawTsk())
*                       return 0; // drawing is not completed
*               } else {
*                       state = SIG_STATE_SET; // set state to initial
*                       return 1; // drawing is done
*               }
*       }
*       </CODE> 
* Side Effects: none
    #define GOLPanelDraw(left, top, right, bottom, radius, faceClr, embossLtClr, embossDkClr, pBitmap, embossSize) \
    _rpnlX1 = left;                                                                                \
    _rpnlY1 = top;                                                                                 \
    _rpnlX2 = right;                                                                               \
    _rpnlY2 = bottom;                                                                              \
    _rpnlR = radius;                                                                               \
    _rpnlFaceColor = faceClr;                                                                      \
    _rpnlEmbossLtColor = embossLtClr;                                                              \
    _rpnlEmbossDkColor = embossDkClr;                                                              \
    _pRpnlBitmap = pBitmap;                                                                        \
    _rpnlEmbossSize = embossSize;

* Function: WORD GOLPanelDrawTsk()
* Overview: This function draws a panel on the screen with parameters 
*                       set by GOLPanelDraw() macro. This function must be called 
*                       repeatedly (depending on the return value) for a successful 
*                       rendering of the panel.         
* PreCondition: Parameters of the panel must be set by GOLPanelDraw() macro.
* Input: none
* Output: Returns the status of the panel rendering
*       <CODE> 
*          0 – Rendering of the panel is not yet finished.
*          1 – Rendering of the panel is finished.
*       </CODE> 
* Example:
*       See GOLPanelDraw() example.
* Side Effects: none
WORD    GOLPanelDrawTsk(void);

* Function: WORD GOLTwoTonePanelDrawTsk()
* Overview: This function draws a two tone panel on the screen with parameters 
*                       set by GOLPanelDraw() macro. This function must be called 
*                       repeatedly (depending on the return value) for a successful 
*                       rendering of the panel.         
* PreCondition: Parameters of the panel must be set by GOLPanelDraw() macro.
* Input: none
* Output: Returns the status of the panel rendering
*       <CODE> 
*          0 – Rendering of the panel is not yet finished.
*          1 – Rendering of the panel is finished.
*       </CODE> 
* Example:
*       Usage is similar to GOLPanelDraw() example.
* Side Effects: none
WORD    GOLTwoTonePanelDrawTsk(void);

#endif // _GOL_H

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