* Module for Microchip Graphics Library
* Graphic Primitives Layer
* FileName: Primitive.h
* Dependencies:
* Processor: PIC24F, PIC24H, dsPIC, PIC32
* Compiler: MPLAB C30, MPLAB C32
* Company: Microchip Technology Incorporated
* Software License Agreement
* Copyright © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved.
* Microchip licenses to you the right to use, modify, copy and distribute
* Software only when embedded on a Microchip microcontroller or digital
* signal controller, which is integrated into your product or third party
* product (pursuant to the sublicense terms in the accompanying license
* agreement).
* You should refer to the license agreement accompanying this Software
* for additional information regarding your rights and obligations.
* Author Date Comment
* Anton Alkhimenok and
* Paolo A. Tamayo 11/12/07 Version 1.0 release
* Pradeep Budagutta 18/05/2009 Version 1.1 - All Primitive functions have
* return value(To support 2d-Acceleration)
#ifndef _PRIMITIVE_H
#define _PRIMITIVE_H
* Overview: Primitive lines are drawn using line type and line thickness.
* There are 3 line styles and 2 types of line thickness.
// Solid Line Style
#define SOLID_LINE 0
// Dotted Line Style
#define DOTTED_LINE 1
// Dashed Line Style
#define DASHED_LINE 4
// Normal Line (thickness is 1 pixel)
#define NORMAL_LINE 0
// Thick Line (thickness is 3 pixels)
#define THICK_LINE 1
* Overview: Drawing bitmaps will have two modes, normal rendering
* and stretched rendering. Stretched rendering effectively
* doubles the image size in the horizontal and vertical
* direction.
// Normal image stretch code
#define IMAGE_NORMAL 1
// Stretched image stretch code
#define IMAGE_X2 2
// Current line style
extern SHORT _lineType;
// Current line thickness
extern BYTE _lineThickness;
// constants used for circle/arc computation
#define SIN45 46341 // sin(45) * 2^16)
#define ONEP25 81920 // 1.25 * 2^16
// Current cursor coordinates
extern SHORT _cursorX;
extern SHORT _cursorY;
// Font orientation
extern BYTE _fontOrientation;
#define ORIENT_HOR 0
#define ORIENT_VER 1
// Character type used
#define XCHAR unsigned short
#define XCHAR char
// bevel drawing type (0 = full bevel, 0xF0 - top bevel only, 0x0F - bottom bevel only
extern BYTE _bevelDrawType;
// Memory type enumeration to determine the source of data.
// Used in interpreting bitmap and font from different memory sources.
typedef enum
FLASH = 0, // internal flash
EXTERNAL= 1, // external memory
RAM = 2, // RAM
VIDEOBUF= 3, // video buffer
EDS = 4 // EDS memory (RAM, internal PSV Flash, or external EPMP).
* Overview: This structure is used to describe external memory.
typedef struct
TYPE_MEMORY type; // must be EXTERNAL
WORD ID; // memory ID
DWORD address; // bitmap or font image address
#ifdef __PIC32MX__
#define FLASH_BYTE const BYTE
#define FLASH_WORD const WORD
// Flash data with 24bit pointers
#define FLASH_BYTE char __prog__
#define FLASH_WORD short int __prog__
* Overview: Structure describing the bitmap header.
typedef struct
BYTE compression; // Compression setting
BYTE colorDepth; // Color depth used
SHORT height; // Image height
SHORT width; // Image width
* Overview: Structure for bitmap stored in FLASH memory.
typedef struct
TYPE_MEMORY type; // must be FLASH
FLASH_BYTE *address; // bitmap image address
* Overview: Structure for bitmap stored in RAM memory.
typedef struct
TYPE_MEMORY type; // must be RAM
char *address; // bitmap image address in RAM
* Overview: Structure for bitmap stored in EDS memory (RAM, internal PSV Flash, or external EPMP).
typedef struct
TYPE_MEMORY type; // Must be EDS
unsigned long address; // Bitmap image address in EDS
unsigned long fileLength; // Number of bytes in the image
// Structure for bitmap stored in EXTERNAL memory
* Overview: Structure describing the font header.
typedef struct
BYTE fontID; // User assigned value
BYTE res1 : 4; // Reserved for future use (must be set to 0).
BYTE orient : 2; // Orientation
BYTE res2 : 2; // Reserved for future use (must be set to 0).
WORD firstChar; // Character code of first character (e.g. 32).
WORD lastChar; // Character code of last character in font (e.g. 3006).
BYTE height; // Font characters height in pixels.
BYTE reserved; // Reserved for future use (must be set to 0).
// Structure describing font glyph entry
typedef struct
BYTE width;
BYTE offsetLSB;
WORD offsetMSB;
* Overview: Structure for font stored in FLASH memory.
typedef struct
TYPE_MEMORY type; // must be FLASH
const char *address; // font image address
* Overview: Structure for font stored in RAM memory.
typedef struct
TYPE_MEMORY type; // must be RAM
const char *address; // bitmap image address in RAM
// Structure for font stored in EXTERNAL memory
* Overview: This defines the size of the buffer used by font functions
* to retrieve font data from the external memory. The buffer
* size can be increased to accommodate large font sizes.
* The user must be aware of the expected glyph sizes of the
* characters stored in the font table.
// Pointer to the current font image
extern void *_font;
// First and last characters in the font
extern WORD _fontFirstChar;
extern WORD _fontLastChar;
// Installed font height
extern SHORT _fontHeight;
* Function: WORD Arc(SHORT xL, SHORT yT, SHORT xR, SHORT yB,
* SHORT r1, SHORT r2, BYTE octant)
* Overview: Draws the octant arc of a beveled figure with given centers, radii
* and octant mask. When r1 is zero and r2 has some value, a filled
* circle is drawn; when the radii have values, an arc of
* thickness (r2-r1) is drawn; when octant = 0xFF, a full ring
* is drawn. When r1 and r2 are zero, a rectangular object is drawn, where
* xL, yT specifies the left top corner; xR, yB specifies the right bottom
* corner.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: xL - x location of the upper left center in the x,y coordinate.
* yT - y location of the upper left center in the x,y coordinate.
* xR - x location of the lower right center in the x,y coordinate.
* yB - y location of the lower right center in the x,y coordinate.
* r1 - The smaller radius of the two concentric cicles that defines the thickness
* of the object.
* r2 - The larger of radius the two concentric circles that defines the thickness
* of the object.
* octant - Bitmask of the octant that will be drawn.
* Moving in a clockwise direction from x = 0, y = +radius
* - bit0 : first octant
* - bit1 : second octant
* - bit2 : third octant
* - bit3 : fourth octant
* - bit4 : fifth octant
* - bit5 : sixth octant
* - bit6 : seventh octant
* - bit7 : eight octant
* Output: Returns the rendering status.
* 1 - If the rendering was completed and
* 0 - If the rendering is not yet finished.
* Side Effects: none
* Function: void InitGraph(void)
* Overview: This function initializes the display controller, sets
* the line type to SOLID_LINE, sets the screen to all BLACK,
* sets the current drawing color to WHITE, sets the graphic
* cursor position to upper left corner of the screen, sets
* active and visual pages to page #0, clears the active page
* and disables clipping. This function should be called before
* using the Graphics Primitive Layer.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
void InitGraph(void);
* Macros: GetX()
* Overview: This macro returns the current graphic cursor x-coordinate.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
#define GetX() _cursorX
* Macros: GetX()
* Overview: This macro returns the current graphic cursor y-coordinate.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
#define GetY() _cursorY
* Macros: MoveTo(x,y)
* Overview: This macro moves the graphic cursor to new x,y position.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: x - Specifies the new x position of the graphic cursor.
* y - Specifies the new y position of the graphic cursor.
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
#define MoveTo(x, y) \
_cursorX = x; \
_cursorY = y;
* Macros: MoveRel(dX,dY)
* Overview: This macro moves the graphic cursor relative to the
* current location. The given dX and dY displacement can
* be positive or negative numbers.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: dX - Specifies the displacement of the graphic cursor for
* the horizontal direction.
* dY - Specifies the displacement of the graphic cursor for
* the vertical direction.
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
#define MoveRel(dX, dY) \
_cursorX += dX; \
_cursorY += dY;
* Macro: SetFontOrientation(orient)
* Overview: This macro sets font orientation vertical or horizontal.
* PreCondition: none
* Input: orient - should be non-zero if the font orientation is vertical
* Output: none
#define SetFontOrientation(orient) _fontOrientation = orient;
* Macro: GetFontOrientation()
* Overview: This macro returns font orientation (0 == horizontal, 1 == vertical).
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: font orientation (0 == horizontal, 1 == vertical)
#define GetFontOrientation() _fontOrientation
* Function: WORD OutChar(XCHAR ch)
* Overview: This function outputs a character from the current graphic
* cursor position. OutChar() uses the current active font
* set with SetFont().
* PreCondition: none
* Input: ch - The character code to be displayed.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the character is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the character is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: After the function is completed, the graphic cursor
* position is moved in the horizontal direction by the
* character width. Vertical position of the graphic cursor
* is not changed.
WORD OutChar(XCHAR ch);
* Function: WORD OutText(XCHAR* textString)
* Overview: This function outputs a string of characters starting
* at the current graphic cursor position. The string must
* be terminated by a line feed or zero. For Non-Blocking
* configuration, OutText() may return control to the program
* due to display device busy status. When this happens zero
* is returned and OutText() must be called again to continue
* the outputting of the string. For Blocking configuration,
* this function always returns a 1. OutText() uses the current
* active font set with SetFont().
* Input: textString - Pointer to the string to be displayed.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when string is not yet outputted completely.
* - Returns 1 when string is outputted completely.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: Current horizontal graphic cursor position will be moved
* to the end of the text. The vertical graphic cursor
* position will not be changed.
WORD OutText(XCHAR *textString);
* Function: WORD OutTextXY(SHORT x, SHORT y, XCHAR* textString)
* Overview: This function outputs a string of characters starting
* at the given x, y position. The string must be terminated
* by a line feed or zero. For Non-Blocking configuration,
* OutTextXY() may return control to the program due to
* display device busy status. When this happens zero is
* returned and OutTextXY() must be called again to continue
* the outputting of the string. For Blocking configuration,
* this function always returns a 1. OutTextXY() uses the
* current active font set with SetFont().
* Input: x - Defines the x starting position of the string.
* y - Defines the y starting position of the string.
* textString - Pointer to the string to be displayed.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when string is not yet outputted completely.
* - Returns 1 when string is outputted completely.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Example:
* <CODE>
* void PlaceText(void)
* {
* SHORT width, height;
* static const XCHAR text[] = "Touch screen to continue";
* SetColor(BRIGHTRED); // set color
* SetFont(pMyFont); // set font to my font
* // get string width & height
* width = GetTextWidth(text, pMyFont);
* height = GetTextHeight(pMyFont);
* // place string in the middle of the screen
* OutTextXY( (GetMaxX() - width) >> 1, \
* (GetMaxY() height) >> 1, \
* (char*)text);
* }
* </CODE>
* Side Effects: Current horizontal graphic cursor position will be
* moved to the end of the text. The vertical graphic
* cursor position will not be changed.
WORD OutTextXY(SHORT x, SHORT y, XCHAR *textString);
* Function: SHORT GetTextHeight(void* font)
* Overview: This macro returns the height of the specified font.
* All characters in a given font table have a constant
* height.
* Input: font - Pointer to the font image.
* Output: Returns the font height.
* Example:
* See OutTextXY() example.
* Side Effects: none
SHORT GetTextHeight(void *font);
* Function: SHORT GetTextWidth(XCHAR* textString, void* font)
* Overview: This function returns the width of the specified string
* for the specified font. The string must be terminated
* by a line feed or zero.
* Input: textString - Pointer to the string.
* font - Pointer to the font image.
* Output: Returns the string width in the specified font.
* Example:
* See OutTextXY() example.
* Side Effects: none
SHORT GetTextWidth(XCHAR *textString, void *font);
* Function: void SetFont(void* font)
* Overview: This function sets the current font used in OutTextXY(),
* OutText() and OutChar() functions.
* Input: font - Pointer to the new font image to be used.
* Output: none
* Example:
* See OutTextXY() example.
* Side Effects: none
void SetFont(void *font);
* Macros: SetLineType(lnType)
* Overview: This macro sets the line type to draw.
* Input: lnType - The type of line to be used.
* Supported line types:
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
#define SetLineType(lnType) _lineType = lnType;
* Macros: SetLineThickness(lnThickness)
* Overview: This macro sets sets line thickness to 1 pixel or 3 pixels.
* Input: lnThickness - Line thickness code (0 - 1 pixel; 1 - 3 pixels)
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
#define SetLineThickness(lnThickness) _lineThickness = lnThickness;
* Function: WORD Line(SHORT x1, SHORT y1, SHORT x2, SHORT y2)
* Overview: This function draws a line with the current line type
* from the start point to the end point.
* Input: x1 - x coordinate of the start point.
* y1 - y coordinate of the start point.
* x2 - x coordinate of the end point.
* y2 - y coordinate of the end point.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: The graphic cursor position is moved to the end
* point of the line.
WORD Line(SHORT x1, SHORT y1, SHORT x2, SHORT y2);
* Macros: LineRel(dX, dY)
* Overview: This macro draws a line with the current line type from
* the current graphic cursor position to the position defined
* by displacement.
* Input: dX - Displacement from the current x position.
* dY - Displacement from the current y position.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: The graphic cursor position is moved to the end
* point of the line.
#define LineRel(dX, dY) Line(GetX(), GetY(), GetX() + dX, GetY() + dY)
* Macros: LineTo(x,y)
* Overview: This macro draws a line with the current line type from
* the current graphic cursor position to the given x, y position.
* Input: x - End point x position.
* y - End point y poisiton.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: The graphic cursor position is moved to the end
* point of the line.
#define LineTo(x, y) Line(_cursorX, _cursorY, x, y)
* Macro: Circle(x, y, radius)
* Overview: This macro draws a circle with the given center and radius.
* Input: x - Center x position.
* y - Center y position.
* radius - the radius of the circle.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: none
#define Circle(x, y, radius) Bevel(x, y, x, y, radius)
WORD Circle(SHORT x, SHORT y, SHORT radius);
* Macro: SetBevelDrawType(type)
* Overview: This macro sets the fill bevel type to be drawn.
* Input: type - is set using the following.
* - DRAWFULLBEVEL to draw the full shape
* - DRAWTOPBEVEL to draw the upper half portion
* - DRAWBOTTOMBEVEL to draw the lower half portion
* Output: none
* Side Effects: none
#define SetBevelDrawType(type) (_bevelDrawType = type)
* Function: WORD Bevel(SHORT x1, SHORT y1, SHORT x2, SHORT y2, SHORT rad)
* Overview: Draws a beveled figure on the screen.
* For a pure circular object x1 = x2 and y1 = y2.
* For a rectangular object radius = 0.
* Input: x1 - x coordinate position of the upper left center of the circle that
* draws the rounded corners.
* y1 - y coordinate position of the upper left center of the circle that
* draws the rounded corners.
* x2 - x coordinate position of the lower right center of the circle that
* draws the rounded corners.
* y2 - y coordinate position of the lower right center of the circle that
* draws the rounded corners.
* rad - defines the redius of the circle, that draws the rounded corners.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: none
WORD Bevel(SHORT x1, SHORT y1, SHORT x2, SHORT y2, SHORT rad);
* Function: WORD FillBevel(SHORT x1, SHORT y1, SHORT x2, SHORT y2, SHORT rad)
* Overview: Draws a filled beveled figure on the screen.
* For a filled circular object x1 = x2 and y1 = y2.
* For a filled rectangular object radius = 0.
* Input: x1 - x coordinate position of the upper left center of the circle that
* draws the rounded corners.
* y1 - y coordinate position of the upper left center of the circle that
* draws the rounded corners.
* x2 - x coordinate position of the lower right center of the circle that
* draws the rounded corners.
* y2 - y coordinate position of the lower right center of the circle that
* draws the rounded corners.
* rad - defines the redius of the circle, that draws the rounded corners.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: none
WORD FillBevel(SHORT x1, SHORT y1, SHORT x2, SHORT y2, SHORT rad);
* Macro: FillCircle(SHORT x1, SHORT y1, SHORT rad)
* Overview: This macro draws a filled circle. Uses the FillBevel() function.
* Input: x1 - x coordinate position of the center of the circle.
* y1 - y coordinate position of the center of the circle.
* rad - defines the redius of the circle.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: none
#define FillCircle(x1, y1, rad) FillBevel(x1, y1, x1, y1, rad)
#endif // end of USE_DRV_FILLCIRCLE
* Macro: Rectangle(left, top, right, bottom)
* Overview: This macro draws a rectangle with the given left,
* top and right, bottom corners. Current line type is used.
* Input: left - x position of the left top corner.
* top - y position of the left top corner.
* right - x position of the right bottom corner.
* bottom - y position of the right bottom corner.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: none
#define Rectangle(left, top, right, bottom) Bevel(left, top, right, bottom, 0)
* Function: WORD DrawPoly(SHORT numPoints, SHORT* polyPoints)
* Overview: This function draws a polygon with the current line
* type using the given number of points. The polygon points
* are stored in an array arranged in the following order:
* <PRE>
* SHORT polyPoints[numPoints] = {x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2
xn, yn};
* Where n = numPoints - 1
* </PRE>
* Input: numPoints - Defines the number of points in the polygon.
* polyPoints - Pointer to the array of polygon points.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: none
WORD DrawPoly(SHORT numPoints, SHORT *polyPoints);
* Function: WORD Bar(SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom)
* Overview: This function draws a bar given the left, top and right,
* bottom corners with the current color.
* Input: left - x position of the left top corner.
* top - y position of the left top corner.
* right - x position of the right bottom corner.
* bottom - y position of the right bottom corner.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the shape is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the shape is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: none
WORD Bar(SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom);
* Function: void ClearDevice(void)
* Overview: This function clears the screen with the current color
* and sets the graphic cursor position to (0, 0).
* Clipping is NOT supported by ClearDevice().
* Input: none
* Output: none
* Example:
* <CODE>
* void ClearScreen(void)
* {
* SetColor(WHITE); // set color to WHITE
* ClearDevice(); // set screen to all WHITE
* }
* </CODE>
* Side Effects: none
void ClearDevice(void);
* Function: WORD PutImage(SHORT left, SHORT top, void* bitmap, BYTE stretch)
* Overview: This function outputs image starting from left,top coordinates.
* Input: left - x coordinate position of the left top corner.
* top - y coordinate position of the left top corner.
* bitmap - pointer to the bitmap.
* stretch - The image stretch factor.
* Output: For NON-Blocking configuration:
* - Returns 0 when device is busy and the image is not yet completely drawn.
* - Returns 1 when the image is completely drawn.
* For Blocking configuration:
* - Always return 1.
* Side Effects: none
WORD PutImage(SHORT left, SHORT top, void *bitmap, BYTE stretch);
* Function: SHORT GetImageWidth(void* bitmap)
* Overview: This function returns the image width.
* Input: bitmap - Pointer to the bitmap.
* Output: Returns the image width in pixels.
* Side Effects: none
SHORT GetImageWidth(void *bitmap);
* Function: SHORT GetImageHeight(void* bitmap)
* Overview: This function returns the image height.
* Input: bitmap - Pointer to the bitmap.
* Output: Returns the image height in pixels.
* Side Effects: none
SHORT GetImageHeight(void *bitmap);
* Function: WORD ExternalMemoryCallback(EXTDATA* memory, LONG offset, WORD nCount, void* buffer)
* Overview: This function must be implemented in the application.
* The library will call this function each time when
* the external memory data will be required. The application
* must copy requested bytes quantity into the buffer provided.
* Data start address in external memory is a sum of the address
* in EXTDATA structure and offset.
* Input: memory - Pointer to the external memory bitmap or font structures
* offset - Data offset.
* nCount - Number of bytes to be transferred into the buffer.
* buffer - Pointer to the buffer.
* Output: Returns the number of bytes were transferred.
* Example:
* <CODE>
* // If there are several memories in the system they can be selected by IDs.
* // In this example, ID for memory device used is assumed to be 0.
* #define X_MEMORY 0
* WORD ExternalMemoryCallback(EXTDATA* memory, LONG offset, WORD nCount, void* buffer) {
* int i;
* long address;
* // Address of the requested data is a start address of the object referred by EXTDATA structure plus offset
* address = memory->address+offset;
* if(memory->ID == X_MEMORY){
* // MemoryXReadByte() is some function implemented to access external memory.
* // Implementation will be specific to the memory used. In this example
* // it reads byte each time it is called.
* i = 0;
* while (i < nCount) {
* (BYTE*)buffer = MemoryXReadByte(address++);
* i++;
* }
* }
* // return the actual number of bytes retrieved
* return (i);
* }
* </CODE>
* Side Effects: none
WORD ExternalMemoryCallback(EXTDATA *memory, LONG offset, WORD nCount, void *buffer);
#endif // _PRIMITIVE_H