/* struct_queue.h
* Filename: struct_queue.h
* Dependancies: generic.h
* Processor: Any
* Hardware: Any
* Assembler: NA
* Linker: Any
* Company: Microchip Technology, Inc.
* Software License Agreement:
* The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated
* (the Company) for its PICmicro Microcontroller is intended and
* supplied to you, the Company's customer, for use solely and
* exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller products. The
* software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is
* protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved.
* Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the
* user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to
* civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this
* license.
* File Description:
* This file defines primative operations and data structures that provide
* a queue abstraction for same-sized structs of data.
* !!!! IMPORTANT: The caller is responsible for copying the data. !!!!
* StructQueue Operations:
* StructQueueInit - Initializes a queue and makes it empty.
* StructQueueAdd - Adds an item to a queue.
* StructQueueRemove - Removes an item from a queue.
* StructQueueIsFull - Checks to see if a queue is full.
* StructQueueIsNotFull - Checks to see if a queue is not full.
* StructQueueIsEmpty - Checks to see if a queue is empty.
* StructQueueIsNotEmpty - Checks to see if a queue is not empty.
* StructQueueCount - Provides the count of items a queue.
* Usage:
* Code using the struct queue operations must define and allocate a
* struct-queue structure. A struct-queue structure must have the
* following members.
* head - Contains the index to the current head item
* tail - Contains the incex to the current tail item
* count - Contains the current number of items in the queue
* buffer[] - Array of queue items
* Example:
* // This structure defines the items the queue will hold.
* typedef struct _my_structure
* {
* //... Define any desired number of elements
* // This defines how many items the queue will hold.
* #define SIZE_OF_MY_QUEUE 8
* // This is the queue data structure.
* typedef struct _my_queue
* {
* int head;
* int tail;
* int count;
* Then, allocate as many queues of this type as desired.
* Example:
* MY_QUEUE my_queue1;
* MY_QUEUE my_queue2;
* //...
* Before a queue can be used, it must be initialized using the
* StructQueueInit operation.
* Example:
* StructQueueInit(&my_queue1, SIZE_OF_MY_QUEUE);
* Before peforming an operation that will change the state of a
* queue (StructQueueAdd or StructQueueRemove), it is necessary to
* check the state of the queue to make sure it is safe to perform
* the desired task. (See examples, below.)
* The caller is responsible for copying the data. The StructQueueAdd
* and StructQueueRemove operations will only provide pointers to the
* item in the array. They do not copy any data.
* Example:
* QUEUE_ITEM *p_item;
* // Remove an item
* if (StructQueueIsNotFull(&my_queue1, SIZE_OF_MY_QUEUE))
* {
* p_item = StructQueueAdd(&my_queue1, SIZE_OF_MY_QUEUE);
* p_item-><member1> = <value1>;
* p_item-><member2> = <value2>;
* p_item-><member3> = <value3>;
* //...
* }
* Were <member1> through <member3> are members of the QUEUE_ITEM
* structure and <value1> through <value3> are data values appropriate
* to that member.
* The struct queue operations are not atomic and they must be used
* in combination to be effective. The caller is responsible for
* guarding sequences of operations to ensure that they will execute
* atomically, meaning that they will not be interrupted mid-sequence
* by code that will also modify the queue. For example, if the queue
* is used to synchronize data between a main thread of execution and
* an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
* Example Thread Sequence:
* QUEUE_ITEM *p_item;
* // Ensure ISR cannot execute by masking appropriate interrupt.
* // Remove an item
* if (StructQueueIsNotFull(&my_queue1, SIZE_OF_MY_QUEUE))
* {
* p_item = StructQueueAdd(&my_queue1, SIZE_OF_MY_QUEUE);
* p_item-><member1> = <value1>;
* p_item-><member2> = <value2>;
* p_item-><member3> = <value3>;
* //...
* }
* // Unmask the interrupt, allowing the ISR to execute when ready.
* Example ISR Sequence:
* QUEUE_ITEM *p_item;
* // Add an item
* if (StructQueueIsNotFull(&my_queue1, SIZE_OF_MY_QUEUE))
* {
* p_item = StructQueueAdd(&my_queue1, SIZE_OF_MY_QUEUE);
* p_item-><member1> = <value1>;
* p_item-><member2> = <value2>;
* p_item-><member3> = <value3>;
* //...
* }
* The ISR seqeunce generally does not need to be guarded since it
* cannot execute during the guarded sequence if its interrupt has
* been disabled.
* Notes:
* It is an error to enqueue an item into a full queue and it will
* result in an access violation. before performing a StructQueueAdd
* operation, the caller must first use one or more of the other
* operations to determine if the queue has room.
* It is an error to dequeue an item from an empty queue and it will
* result in an access violation. Before performing a
* StructQueueRemove operation, the caller must first perform one or
* more of the other primatives to ensure that the queue has an item
* to remove.
* A particular type of queue may only contain one type of item
* unless a union type is used for the queue's buffer array.
* The struct-queue primative operations are defined as typless
* macros. Thus, they will behave the same for any type of buffer
* array as long as the queue structure has the same member names.
* Change History:
* Author Date Comment
* Bud Caldwell 9/26/2007 Original Implementation.
/* StructQueueInit
* Precondition: None
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: zero (0)
* Side Effects: The queue structure has been initialized and is ready
* to use.
* Overview: This operation initializes a queue and makes it empty.
* Note: This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueInit(q,N) ( (q)->head = (N), \
(q)->tail = (N), \
(q)->count = 0 )
/* StructQueueAdd
* Precondition: The queue must have been initialized and must not
* currently be full.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: The address of the new item in the queue.
* Side Effects: The item has been added to the queue.
* IMPORTANT! No data has been copied to the item.
* Overview: This operation adds (enqueues) a new item into the
* queue data buffer and updates the head index,
* handling buffer wrap correctly.
* Notes: The caller must first ensure that the queue is not
* full by performing one of the other operations (such
* as "StructQueueIsNotFull") before performing this
* operation. Adding an item into a full queue will
* cause an access violation.
* This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueAdd(q,N) ( (q)->count++, \
( ((q)->head < (N-1)) ? \
((q)->head++) : \
((q)->head=0) ), \
&(q)->buffer[(q)->head] )
/* StructQueueRemove
* Precondition: The queue must have been initialized and not currently
* be empty.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: The item removed.
* Side Effects: The item has been removed from the queue.
* IMPORTANT! No data has been copied from the item.
* Overview: This routine removes (dequeues) an item from the
* queue data buffer and updates the tail index,
* handling buffer wrap correctly.
* Notes: The caller must first ensure that the queue is not
* empty by calling one or more of the other operations
* (such as "StructQueueIsNotEmpty") before performing this
* operation. Dequeueing an item from an empty queue
* will cause an access violation.
* This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueRemove(q,N) ( (q)->count--, \
( ((q)->tail < (N-1)) ? \
((q)->tail++) : \
((q)->tail=0) ), \
&(q)->buffer[(q)->tail] )
/* StructQueuePeekTail
* Precondition: The queue must have been initialized and not currently
* be empty.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: The item at the tail of the queue.
* Side Effects: None
* IMPORTANT! No data has been copied from the item.
* Overview: This routine provides access to an item in the
* queue data buffer at the tail index position,
* handling buffer wrap correctly.
* Notes: The caller must first ensure that the queue is not
* empty by calling one or more of the other operations
* (such as "StructQueueIsNotEmpty") before performing this
* operation.
* This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueuePeekTail(q,N) ( ((q)->tail < (N-1)) ? \
&(q)->buffer[(q)->tail+1] : \
&(q)->buffer[0] )
/* StructQueueIsFull
* Precondition: The queue must be initialized.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: TRUE if the queue is full, FALSE otherwise.
* Side Effects: None
* Overview: This routine checks to see if the queue is full.
* Note: This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueIsFull(q,N) ( (q)->count >= N )
/* StructQueueIsNotFull
* Precondition: The queue must be initialized.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: FALSE if the queue is full, TRUE otherwise.
* Side Effects: None
* Overview: This routine checks to see if the queue is full.
* Note: This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueIsNotFull(q,N) ( (q)->count < N )
/* StructQueueIsEmpty
* Precondition: The queue must be initialized.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: TRUE if the queue is empty, FALSE otherwise.
* Side Effects: None
* Overview: This routine checks to see if the queue is empty.
* Note: This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueIsEmpty(q,N) ( (q)->count == 0 )
/* StructQueueIsNotEmpty
* Precondition: The queue must be initialized.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: FALSE if the queue is empty, TRUE otherwise.
* Side Effects: None
* Overview: This routine checks to see if the queue is not empty.
* Note: This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueIsNotEmpty(q,N) ( (q)->count != 0 )
/* StructQueueSpaceAvailable
* Precondition: The queue must be initialized.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: TRUE if the queue has the indicated number of slots
available, FALSE otherwise.
* Side Effects: None
* Overview: This routine checks to see if the queue has at least
* the specified number of slots free.
* Note: This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueSpaceAvailable(c,q,N) ( ((q)->count + c) <= N )
/* StructQueueCount
* Precondition: The queue must be initialized.
* Input: q Pointer to the queue data structure
* N Number of elements in the queue data buffer array
* Output: None
* Returns: The number of items in the queue.
* Side Effects: None
* Overview: This routine provides the number of items in the queue.
* Note: This operation is implemented with a macro that
* supports queues of any type of data items.
#define StructQueueCount(q,N) ( (q)->count )
#endif // STRUCT_QUEUE_H
* EOF struct_queue.c