?lang_form? ?lang_select? ?lang_submit? ?lang_endform?


?curdirlinks? - Rev 6

?prevdifflink? - Blame - ?getfile?

/*! \file servoconf.h \brief Interrupt-driven RC Servo configuration. */
// File Name    : 'servoconf.h'
// Title                : Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library
// Author               : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2002
// Created              : 07/31/2002
// Revised              : 09/30/2002
// Version              : 1.0
// Target MCU   : Atmel AVR Series
// Editor Tabs  : 4
// NOTE: you need the latest version (3.2+) of the AVR-GCC compiler to use this
//      function library.  Download it from http://www.avrfreaks.net/AVRGCC
// Description : This code allows you to drive up to 8 RC servos from any
//              combination of ports and pins on the AVR processor. Using interrupts,
//              this code continuously sends control signals to the servo to maintain
//              position even while your code is doing other work.
//              The servoInit and servoOff effectively turn on and turn off servo
//              control.  When you run ServoInit, it automatically assigns each
//              "channel" of servo control to be output on the SERVO_DEFAULT_PORT.
//              One "channel" of servo control can control one servo and must be
//              assigned single I/O pin for output.
//              If you're using all eight channels (SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS = 8), then
//              then by default the code will use SERVO_DEFAULT_PORT pins 0-7.
//              If you're only using four channels, then pins 0-3 will be used by
//              default.
//              The command servoSetChannelIO(channel, port, pin) allows you to
//              reassign the output of any channel to any port and I/O pin you
//              choose.  For exampe, if you have an RC servo connected to PORTC, pin 6,
//              and you wish to use channel 2 to control it, use:
//              servoSerChannelIO( 2, _SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC), 6)
//              (NOTE: you must include the "_SRF_IO_ADDR()" part around your port)
//              The servoSetPostion and servoGetPosition commands allow you to command
//              a given servo to your desired position.  The position you request must
//              lie between the SERVO_MIN and SERVO_MAX limit you defined.
// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
//              which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt


// set number of servo channels (1 to 8)
//              This is the number of servos you would like to drive
//              Each "Channel" can control one servo and by default will
//              map directly to the port pin of the same number on the
//              SERVO_DEFAULT_PORT.  You can change this default port/pin
//              assignment for a given channel to any port/pin you like.
//              See the "servoSetChannelIO" function.
#define SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS              4
// set default SERVO output port
//              This is the AVR port which you have connected to your servos 
//              See top of file for how servo "channels" map to port pins
#define SERVO_DEFAULT_PORT              PORTB
// set servo characteristics (min and max raw position)
//              You must find these by testing using your brand/type of servos.
//              The min/max settings will change proportional to F_CPU, the CPU
//              clock frequency.
// The numbers below good for parallax servos at an F_CPU of ~8MHz.
//#define SERVO_MAX                             71
//#define SERVO_MIN                             17
// The numbers below good for parallax servos at an F_CPU of ~14.745MHz.
#define SERVO_MAX                               138
#define SERVO_MIN                               34

// set servo scaled range
//              This sets the scaled position range of the servo.  Allowed scaled
//              positions are 0 -> SERVO_POSITION_MAX, and correspond to raw
//              positions of SERVO_MIN -> SERVO_MAX.
#define SERVO_POSITION_MAX              255


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