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<h1>spi.c</h1><a href="spi_8c.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">00001 <span class="comment">/*! \file spi.c \brief SPI interface driver. */</span>
00002 <span class="comment">//*****************************************************************************</span>
00003 <span class="comment">//</span>
00004 <span class="comment">// File Name    : 'spi.c'</span>
00005 <span class="comment">// Title        : SPI interface driver</span>
00006 <span class="comment">// Author       : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2000-2002</span>
00007 <span class="comment">// Created      : 11/22/2000</span>
00008 <span class="comment">// Revised      : 06/06/2002</span>
00009 <span class="comment">// Version      : 0.6</span>
00010 <span class="comment">// Target MCU   : Atmel AVR series</span>
00011 <span class="comment">// Editor Tabs  : 4</span>
00012 <span class="comment">//</span>
00013 <span class="comment">// NOTE: This code is currently below version 1.0, and therefore is considered</span>
00014 <span class="comment">// to be lacking in some functionality or documentation, or may not be fully</span>
00015 <span class="comment">// tested.  Nonetheless, you can expect most functions to work.</span>
00016 <span class="comment">//</span>
00017 <span class="comment">// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License</span>
00018 <span class="comment">//      which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt</span>
00019 <span class="comment">//</span>
00020 <span class="comment">//*****************************************************************************</span>
00022 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;avr/io.h&gt;</span>
00023 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;avr/interrupt.h&gt;</span>
00025 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="spi_8h.html">spi.h</a>"</span>
00027 <span class="comment">// Define the SPI_USEINT key if you want SPI bus operation to be</span>
00028 <span class="comment">// interrupt-driven.  The primary reason for not using SPI in</span>
00029 <span class="comment">// interrupt-driven mode is if the SPI send/transfer commands</span>
00030 <span class="comment">// will be used from within some other interrupt service routine</span>
00031 <span class="comment">// or if interrupts might be globally turned off due to of other</span>
00032 <span class="comment">// aspects of your program</span>
00033 <span class="comment">//</span>
00034 <span class="comment">// Comment-out or uncomment this line as necessary</span>
00035 <span class="comment">//#define SPI_USEINT</span>
00037 <span class="comment">// global variables</span>
00038 <span class="keyword">volatile</span> u08 spiTransferComplete;
00040 <span class="comment">// SPI interrupt service handler</span>
00041 <span class="preprocessor">#ifdef SPI_USEINT</span>
00042 <span class="preprocessor"></span><a class="code" href="a2d_8c.html#a10">SIGNAL</a>(SIG_SPI)
00043 {
00044     spiTransferComplete = TRUE;
00045 }
00046 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
00047 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
00048 <span class="comment">// access routines</span>
00049 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> spiInit()
00050 {
00051 <span class="preprocessor">#ifdef __AVR_ATmega128__</span>
00052 <span class="preprocessor"></span>    <span class="comment">// setup SPI I/O pins</span>
00053     sbi(PORTB, 1);  <span class="comment">// set SCK hi</span>
00054     sbi(DDRB, 1);   <span class="comment">// set SCK as output</span>
00055     cbi(DDRB, 3);   <span class="comment">// set MISO as input</span>
00056     sbi(DDRB, 2);   <span class="comment">// set MOSI as output</span>
00057     sbi(DDRB, 0);   <span class="comment">// SS must be output for Master mode to work</span>
00058 <span class="preprocessor">#elif __AVR_ATmega8__</span>
00059 <span class="preprocessor"></span>    <span class="comment">// setup SPI I/O pins</span>
00060     sbi(PORTB, 5);  <span class="comment">// set SCK hi</span>
00061     sbi(DDRB, 5);   <span class="comment">// set SCK as output</span>
00062     cbi(DDRB, 4);   <span class="comment">// set MISO as input</span>
00063     sbi(DDRB, 3);   <span class="comment">// set MOSI as output</span>
00064     sbi(DDRB, 2);   <span class="comment">// SS must be output for Master mode to work</span>
00065 <span class="preprocessor">#else</span>
00066 <span class="preprocessor"></span>    <span class="comment">// setup SPI I/O pins</span>
00067     sbi(PORTB, 7);  <span class="comment">// set SCK hi</span>
00068     sbi(DDRB, 7);   <span class="comment">// set SCK as output</span>
00069     cbi(DDRB, 6);   <span class="comment">// set MISO as input</span>
00070     sbi(DDRB, 5);   <span class="comment">// set MOSI as output</span>
00071     sbi(DDRB, 4);   <span class="comment">// SS must be output for Master mode to work</span>
00072 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
00073 <span class="preprocessor"></span>    
00074     <span class="comment">// setup SPI interface :</span>
00075     <span class="comment">// master mode</span>
00076     sbi(SPCR, MSTR);
00077     <span class="comment">// clock = f/4</span>
00078 <span class="comment">//  cbi(SPCR, SPR0);</span>
00079 <span class="comment">//  cbi(SPCR, SPR1);</span>
00080     <span class="comment">// clock = f/16</span>
00081     cbi(SPCR, SPR0);
00082     sbi(SPCR, SPR1);
00083     <span class="comment">// select clock phase positive-going in middle of data</span>
00084     cbi(SPCR, CPOL);
00085     <span class="comment">// Data order MSB first</span>
00086     cbi(SPCR,DORD);
00087     <span class="comment">// enable SPI</span>
00088     sbi(SPCR, SPE);
00091     <span class="comment">// some other possible configs</span>
00092     <span class="comment">//outp((1&lt;&lt;MSTR)|(1&lt;&lt;SPE)|(1&lt;&lt;SPR0), SPCR );</span>
00093     <span class="comment">//outp((1&lt;&lt;CPHA)|(1&lt;&lt;CPOL)|(1&lt;&lt;MSTR)|(1&lt;&lt;SPE)|(1&lt;&lt;SPR0)|(1&lt;&lt;SPR1), SPCR );</span>
00094     <span class="comment">//outp((1&lt;&lt;CPHA)|(1&lt;&lt;MSTR)|(1&lt;&lt;SPE)|(1&lt;&lt;SPR0), SPCR );</span>
00096     <span class="comment">// clear status</span>
00097     inb(SPSR);
00098     spiTransferComplete = TRUE;
00100     <span class="comment">// enable SPI interrupt</span>
00101 <span class="preprocessor">    #ifdef SPI_USEINT</span>
00102 <span class="preprocessor"></span>    sbi(SPCR, SPIE);
00103 <span class="preprocessor">    #endif</span>
00104 <span class="preprocessor"></span>}
00105 <span class="comment">/*</span>
00106 <span class="comment">void spiSetBitrate(u08 spr)</span>
00107 <span class="comment">{</span>
00108 <span class="comment">    outb(SPCR, (inb(SPCR) &amp; ((1&lt;&lt;SPR0)|(1&lt;&lt;SPR1))) | (spr&amp;((1&lt;&lt;SPR0)|(1&lt;&lt;SPR1)))));</span>
00109 <span class="comment">}</span>
00110 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00111 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> spiSendByte(u08 data)
00112 {
00113     <span class="comment">// send a byte over SPI and ignore reply</span>
00114 <span class="preprocessor">    #ifdef SPI_USEINT</span>
00115 <span class="preprocessor"></span>        <span class="keywordflow">while</span>(!spiTransferComplete);
00116         spiTransferComplete = FALSE;
00117 <span class="preprocessor">    #else</span>
00118 <span class="preprocessor"></span>        <span class="keywordflow">while</span>(!(inb(SPSR) &amp; (1&lt;&lt;SPIF)));
00119 <span class="preprocessor">    #endif</span>
00120 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
00121     outb(SPDR, data);
00122 }
00124 u08 spiTransferByte(u08 data)
00125 {
00126 <span class="preprocessor">    #ifdef SPI_USEINT</span>
00127 <span class="preprocessor"></span>    <span class="comment">// send the given data</span>
00128     spiTransferComplete = FALSE;
00129     outb(SPDR, data);
00130     <span class="comment">// wait for transfer to complete</span>
00131     <span class="keywordflow">while</span>(!spiTransferComplete);
00132 <span class="preprocessor">    #else</span>
00133 <span class="preprocessor"></span>    <span class="comment">// send the given data</span>
00134     outb(SPDR, data);
00135     <span class="comment">// wait for transfer to complete</span>
00136     <span class="keywordflow">while</span>(!(inb(SPSR) &amp; (1&lt;&lt;SPIF)));
00137 <span class="preprocessor">    #endif</span>
00138 <span class="preprocessor"></span>    <span class="comment">// return the received data</span>
00139     <span class="keywordflow">return</span> inb(SPDR);
00140 }
00142 u16 spiTransferWord(u16 data)
00143 {
00144     u16 rxData = 0;
00146     <span class="comment">// send MS byte of given data</span>
00147     rxData = (spiTransferByte((data&gt;&gt;8) &amp; 0x00FF))&lt;&lt;8;
00148     <span class="comment">// send LS byte of given data</span>
00149     rxData |= (spiTransferByte(data &amp; 0x00FF));
00151     <span class="comment">// return the received data</span>
00152     <span class="keywordflow">return</span> rxData;
00153 }
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