// File Name : ds2450.c
// Title : Dallas 1-Wire DS2450 A2D Sensor Library
// Revision : 5
// Notes :
// Target MCU : Atmel AVR series
// Editor Tabs : 4
//----- Include Files ---------------------------------------------------------
#include <string.h> // include string support
#include "timer128.h"
#include "dallas.h" // include dallas support
#include "ds2450.h" // include ds2450 support
#include "rprintf.h"
//----- Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------
* ds2450Chan2Addr: converts the channel to the address in RAM
* input........... channel - the channel to get the address for [A-D]
* page - the page in RAM that we are dealing with
* address - where the address is stored
* returns......... the corresponding error or DALLAS_NO_ERROR
static u08 ds2450Chan2Addr(u08 channel, u08 page, u16 *address);
void ds2450Init(void)
// initialize the dallas 1-wire
u08 ds2450Setup(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id, u08 channel, u08 resolution, u08 range)
u08 error;
u08 data[2];
u16 address;
// check resolution
if (resolution > DS2450_RES_MAX)
// check address
error = dallasAddressCheck(rom_id, DS2450_FAMILY);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// get address
error = ds2450Chan2Addr(channel, DS2450_SETUP_PAGE, &address); //find starting address
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// convert to valid resolution - 16 bits = 0x00
if (resolution == 16)
resolution = 0x00;
// read in current digital output settings
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id, address, 1, data);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// maintain digital output portion and add new resolution
data[0] = (data[0] & 0xF0) | resolution;
// maintain alarm states and add new range
data[1] = (data[1] & 0xFE) | range;
// actually write config, handles CRC too
error = dallasWriteRAM(rom_id, address, 2, data);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// Normally, the DS2450 is designed to run off of parasite power from the data line
// Typically the master (us) strongly pulls high long enough to power the conversion, so
// there is inherintly a long () delay introduced. Since the A2D code is designed to
// work for devices that use external power, we can elliminate this delay by writting
// the following byte per the DS2450 datasheet.
data[0] = DS2450_VCC_FLAG;
error = dallasWriteRAM(rom_id, DS2450_VCC_ADDR, 1, &data[0]);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// verify the data
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id, address, 2, data);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
if ((data[0] & 0x0F) != resolution)
if ((data[1] & 0x01) != range)
u08 ds2450Start(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id, u08 channel)
u08 mask;
u08 error;
u08 crc[2];
// check address
error = dallasAddressCheck(rom_id, DS2450_FAMILY);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// make sure the channel is a capital letter
// convert to integer 0 to 3
channel -= 'A';
// make sure channel is a valid value
if (channel > 3)
// shift over to construct input select mask
mask = 0x01 << channel;
// reset and select node
error = dallasMatchROM(rom_id);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// send convert command
// input select mask
// shift over some more for "read-out" control
mask = mask << channel;
// set coresponding output buffer to zero
// we must read 2byte CRC16 to start the conversion:
crc[0] = dallasReadByte();
crc[1] = dallasReadByte();
//replace with explicit CRC posibilities lookup table
// if (crc[0] == 0xFF && crc[1] == 0xFF)
// return DALLAS_DEVICE_ERROR; //if CRC = all one's, no one is paying attention
u08 ds2450Result(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id, u08 channel, u16* result)
u08 data[2];
u08 error;
u16 address;
u08 resolution;
// check address
error = dallasAddressCheck(rom_id, DS2450_FAMILY);
if( error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// get the RAM address for the data for the channel
error = ds2450Chan2Addr(channel, DS2450_DATA_PAGE, &address);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// read the RAM from the device to get the data
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id, address, 2, data);
// get the address for the setup for the channel
error = ds2450Chan2Addr(channel, DS2450_SETUP_PAGE, &address); //find starting address
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// read the RAM from the device to get the resolution
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id, address, 1, &resolution);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// get the resultion part of the data
resolution &=0x0F;
// store the result by combining the 2 bytes
// the result's MSB is always the same, so we may need to
// shift the data over so that the LSB is at the first bit
*result = 0;
//*result = (((u16)data[1] << 8) | data[0]) >> (16 - resolution);
*result = (((u16)data[1] << 8) | data[0]);
u08 ds2450StartAndResult(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id, u08 channel, u16 *result)
u08 error;
// start conversion
error = ds2450Start(rom_id, channel);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// wait till conversion done
// return results
return ds2450Result(rom_id, channel, result);
u08 ds2450SetupAll(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id, u08 resolution, u08 range)
u08 i;
u08 error;
u08 data[8];
u16 address;
// check address
error = dallasAddressCheck(rom_id, DS2450_FAMILY);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// check resolution
if (resolution > DS2450_RES_MAX)
// convert to valid resolution - 16 bits = 0x00
if (resolution == 16)
resolution = 0;
// get address - start with channel A
error = ds2450Chan2Addr('A', DS2450_SETUP_PAGE, &address);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// read in current settings so we can extract digital part
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id, address, 8, data);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// build up config data to write - increment by 2 b/c two bytes per channel
for(i=0;i<8;i+= 2)
// maintain digital output settings
data[i] &= 0xF0; // extract digital output portion
data[i+1] &= 0xFE;
// write resolution byte and range
data[i] |= resolution;
data[i+1] |= range;
// actually write config - handles CRC too
error = dallasWriteRAM(rom_id, address, 8, data);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// Normally, the DS2450 is designed to run off of parasite power from the data line
// Typically the master (us) strongly pulls high long enough to power the conversion, so
// there is inherintly a long () delay introduced. Since the A2D code is designed to
// work for devices that use external power, we can elliminate this delay by writting
// the following byte per the DS2450 datasheet.
data[0] = DS2450_VCC_FLAG;
error = dallasWriteRAM(rom_id, DS2450_VCC_ADDR, 1, &data[0]);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id,address,8,data);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
if ((data[i] & 0x0F) != resolution)
if ((data[i+1] & 0x01) != range)
u08 ds2450StartAll(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id)
u08 error;
u16 crc;
// check address
error = dallasAddressCheck(rom_id, DS2450_FAMILY);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// reset and select node
error = dallasMatchROM(rom_id);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
dallasWriteByte(DS2450_CONVERT); // send convert command
dallasWriteByte(DS2450_CONVERT_ALL4_MASK); // select all 4 inputs
dallasWriteByte(DS2450_CLEAR_ALL4_MASK); // set all output buffers to zero
// we must read 2byte CRC16 to start the conversion:
crc = dallasReadByte() | ((u16)dallasReadByte() << 8);
// replace with explicit CRC posibilities lookup table
// if (crc == 0xFFFF)
// return DALLAS_DEVICE_ERROR; // if CRC = all one's, no one is paying attention
u08 ds2450ResultAll(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id, u16 result[4])
//const u08 bytes_to_read = 10; // read 10bytes = 2/ch*4ch + CRC
u08 bytes_to_read = 10;
u08 i;
u08 error;
u08 data[10];
u08 resolution[10];
u16 address;
// check address
error = dallasAddressCheck(rom_id, DS2450_FAMILY);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// start address with channel A
error = ds2450Chan2Addr('A', DS2450_DATA_PAGE, &address);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// read the conversion data
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id, address, bytes_to_read, data);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
//FUTURE: do a real CRC16 check
// start address with channel A
error = ds2450Chan2Addr('A', DS2450_SETUP_PAGE, &address);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// read the resolution data
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id, address, bytes_to_read, resolution);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// check crc?
// store the result by combining the 2 bytes
// the result's MSB is always the same, so we may need to
// shift the data over so that the LSB is at the first bit
resolution[i] &= 0x0F;
if (!resolution[i])
resolution[i] = 16;
result[error] = 0;
//result[error] = (((u16)data[i+1] << 8) | data[i]) >> (16 - resolution[i]);
result[error] = (((u16)data[i+1] << 8) | data[i]);
u08 ds2450StartAndResultAll(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id, u16 result[4])
u08 error;
// start Conversion
error = ds2450StartAll(rom_id);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// wait until conversion done
// return any error - results passed by reference
return ds2450ResultAll(rom_id, result);
void ds2450Print(u16 result, u08 range)
u16 vscale;
rprintfProgStrM(" 0x");
rprintf(" ");
vscale = 12800;
vscale = 25600;
rprintfNum(10, 4, TRUE , ' ', result/vscale);
rprintfNum(10, 4, FALSE, '0', (((u32)(result%vscale))*10000)/vscale );
rprintfProgStrM(" Volts");
u08 ds2450DigitalOut(dallas_rom_id_T* rom_id, u08 channel, dallas_a2d_out_T state)
u08 error;
u08 old_resolution;
u16 address;
// check address
error = dallasAddressCheck(rom_id, DS2450_FAMILY);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// get the address for the channel in the setup page
error = ds2450Chan2Addr(channel, DS2450_SETUP_PAGE, &address);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// read in current resolution
error = dallasReadRAM(rom_id, address, 1, &old_resolution);
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
// extract resolution portion
old_resolution &= 0x0F;
// write new setup byte
state |= old_resolution;
error = dallasWriteRAM(rom_id, address, 1, ((u08*)&state));
if (error != DALLAS_NO_ERROR)
return error;
static u08 ds2450Chan2Addr(u08 channel, u08 page, u16 *address)
// make sure the channel is a capital letter
//convert to integer 0 to 3 and check to see if it is valid
channel -= 'A';
if (channel > 3)
// use corresponding memory address
*address = (channel<<1) + page; // channel<<1 == channel*2, but faster