Subversion Repositories svnkaklik


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set terminal png
set key under

set decimalsign ','

set xlabel "Voltage [V]"

set output "graf_Power_single_cell.png"
set ylabel "Power [W]"
set title "Single cell"
plot "hodnoty.txt" using 2:($1*$2)  with points title "multi-Si Power", "" using ($4):($3*$4) with points title "mono-Si Power" 

set title "Multi cell"
set output "graf_Power.png"
plot "hodnoty.txt" using ($6):($5*$6) with points title "amorph-Si", "" using ($8):($7*$8) with points title "Organic"

set output "grafVA_single_cell.png"
set ylabel "Current [A]"

set logscale y
#set logscale x
set title "Single cell"
plot "hodnoty.txt" using 2:1 with points title "multi-Si", "" using 4:3 with points title "mono-Si"

set title "Multi cell"
set output "grafVA_multi_cell.png"
plot "hodnoty.txt" using 6:5 with points title "amorph-Si", "" using 8:7 with points title "Organic"