Subversion Repositories svnkaklik


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set terminal png

set key under
set grid

set xlabel "sample #"
set ylabel "Delta time [ns]"
set y2label "Temperature [K]"

set ytics 0, 0.3
set y2tics 0, 0.3

#set yrange [22.4:23.7]
set y2range [292:296.5]

set output "PIC18F4550.png"
plot "casy_PIC18F4550.txt" using 0:($1*1000-150243) axis x1y1 with lines title "Hit1", "" using 0:($2*1000-151408) axis x1y1 with lines title "Hit2", "" using 0:($3*1000-161575) axis x1y1 with lines title "Hit3", "teploty_PIC18F4550.txt" using 0:5  axis x1y2 with lines title "Temp"