<h2><?php echo $sg->gallery->name(); ?></h2>
        <h4><?php echo $sg->gallery->byArtistText(); ?></h4>

<div id="sgMain-nav">
        <?php if($sg->gallery->hasPrev()) echo $sg->gallery->prevLink()." | "; ?> 
        <?php if(!$sg->gallery->isRoot()) echo $sg->gallery->parentLink(); ?> 
        <?php if($sg->gallery->hasNext()) echo " | ".$sg->gallery->nextLink(); ?>

<div id="sgContent">
        <p class="sgTab"><?php echo $sg->galleryTab(); ?></p>
    <?php for($index = $sg->gallery->startat; $index < $sg->gallery->galleryCountSelected()+$sg->gallery->startat; $index++): ?> 
        <div class="sgGallery <?php if ($sg->config->thumb_float_gallery == 1) { echo 'sgGalleryFloat';} ?>">
                <?php echo $sg->gallery->galleries[$index]->thumbnailLink(); ?>      
                        <h3 title="View Gallery"><?php echo $sg->gallery->galleries[$index]->nameLink(); ?></h3>
                <p><?php echo $sg->gallery->galleries[$index]->summary(); ?></p>
                <p class="sgCount"><?php echo $sg->gallery->galleries[$index]->itemCountText(); ?></p>
                <?php if ($sg->config->show_slideshowURL == 1) { ?>
                <?php if ($sg->gallery->galleries[$index]->hasImages() && !$sg->gallery->galleries[$index]->hasChildGalleries()) { ?>
                                <p><a href="<?php echo $sg->gallery->galleries[$index]->images[0]->URL(); if (!strstr($sg->gallery->galleries[$index]->images[0]->URL(), '?')) { echo '?'; } else { echo '&'; } ?>action=slideshow">View Slideshow</a></p>
                <?php } ?>
                        <?php } ?>
                        <div class="sgFoot"></div>              
        <?php // The number below equals the number of boxes before a new line starts. 1 will never echo the clear
                          if($index % 2) {echo '<div class="clear"></div>';} ?>
    <?php endfor; ?> 

        <p class="sgTab"><?php echo $sg->galleryTab(); ?></p>
        <div class="sgDetailsList">
                        <?php foreach($sg->gallery->detailsArray() as $key => $value): ?>
                                <dt><?php echo $key; ?>:</dt><dd><?php echo $value; ?></dd>
                        <?php endforeach; ?>
