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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * AVR_MLIB - HD 44780 LCD Display Driver Test Application
 * miho 2008
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Simple test application for lcd_hd44780.h LCD library. This code ilustates
 * how to use and configure the library functions.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 00.00 2008/03/28 First Version
 * 00.01 2008/04/19 Improved
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Required Libraries
// ------------------

// Delay

#define F_CPU 1000000UL         // CPU Frequency
#include <util/delay.h>         // Delay Routines

// Standard Output Library

#include <stdio.h>                      // For printf

// LCD Display Interface
// ---------------------

// LCD Port Settings

#define LCD_DATA                        B               // 4 or 8 bits field (lsb port)
#define LCD_DATA_BIT                    0

#define LCD_RS                          D               // Register Select
#define LCD_RS_BIT                      4               

#define LCD_E                           D               // Enable
#define LCD_E_BIT                       3

// LCD Display Parameters

#define LCD_INTERFACE_BITS      4               // 4 or 8 bit interface
#define LCD_LINES                       2               // 1 or 2 or 4 lines
#define LCD_CHARS                       16              // usualy 16 or 20, important for 4 line display only

// LCD Library

#include "lcd_hd44780.h"

// Test Application
// ----------------

// Define Output Stream to LCD
static FILE lcd_stream = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(lcd_putc_stream, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);

// Main Program
int main ()
        int i;

DDRB|= (1<<DDB6);
DDRB|= (1<<DDB7);
        PORTB &= ~(1<<PB6);

        stdout = &lcd_stream;           // Connect stdout to LCD Stream

        lcd_init();                                     // Init LCD (interface and display module)
        printf("stavebnice MLAB");

        printf("demo aplikace");
        printf("              ");

        PORTB|= (1<<PB6);
        PORTB &= ~(1<<PB6);

        PORTB|= (1<<PB7);
        PORTB &= ~(1<<PB7);
