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/*! \file uart.c \brief UART driver with buffer support. */
// *****************************************************************************
// File Name    : 'uart.c'
// Title                : UART driver with buffer support
// Author               : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2000-2002
// Created              : 11/22/2000
// Revised              : 06/09/2003
// Version              : 1.3
// Target MCU   : ATMEL AVR Series
// Editor Tabs  : 4
// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
//              which can be found at
// *****************************************************************************

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

#include "buffer.h"
#include "uart.h"

// UART global variables
// flag variables
volatile u08   uartReadyTx;                     ///< uartReadyTx flag
volatile u08   uartBufferedTx;          ///< uartBufferedTx flag
// receive and transmit buffers
cBuffer uartRxBuffer;                           ///< uart receive buffer
cBuffer uartTxBuffer;                           ///< uart transmit buffer
unsigned short uartRxOverflow;          ///< receive overflow counter

        // using internal ram,
        // automatically allocate space in ram for each buffer
        static char uartRxData[UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
        static char uartTxData[UART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE];

typedef void (*voidFuncPtru08)(unsigned char);
volatile static voidFuncPtru08 UartRxFunc;

// enable and initialize the uart
void uartInit(void)
        // initialize the buffers
        // initialize user receive handler
        UartRxFunc = 0;

        // enable RxD/TxD and interrupts

        // set default baud rate
        // initialize states
        uartReadyTx = TRUE;
        uartBufferedTx = FALSE;
        // clear overflow count
        uartRxOverflow = 0;
        // enable interrupts

// create and initialize the uart transmit and receive buffers
void uartInitBuffers(void)
                // initialize the UART receive buffer
                bufferInit(&uartRxBuffer, uartRxData, UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
                // initialize the UART transmit buffer
                bufferInit(&uartTxBuffer, uartTxData, UART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE);
                // initialize the UART receive buffer
                bufferInit(&uartRxBuffer, (u08*) UART_RX_BUFFER_ADDR, UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
                // initialize the UART transmit buffer
                bufferInit(&uartTxBuffer, (u08*) UART_TX_BUFFER_ADDR, UART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE);

// redirects received data to a user function
void uartSetRxHandler(void (*rx_func)(unsigned char c))
        // set the receive interrupt to run the supplied user function
        UartRxFunc = rx_func;

// set the uart baud rate
void uartSetBaudRate(u32 baudrate)
        // calculate division factor for requested baud rate, and set it
        u16 bauddiv = ((F_CPU+(baudrate*8L))/(baudrate*16L)-1);
        outb(UBRRL, bauddiv);
        #ifdef UBRRH
        outb(UBRRH, bauddiv>>8);

// returns the receive buffer structure 
cBuffer* uartGetRxBuffer(void)
        // return rx buffer pointer
        return &uartRxBuffer;

// returns the transmit buffer structure 
cBuffer* uartGetTxBuffer(void)
        // return tx buffer pointer
        return &uartTxBuffer;

// transmits a byte over the uart
void uartSendByte(u08 txData)
        // wait for the transmitter to be ready
        // send byte
        outb(UDR, txData);
        // set ready state to FALSE
        uartReadyTx = FALSE;

// gets a single byte from the uart receive buffer (getchar-style)
int uartGetByte(void)
        u08 c;
                return c;
                return -1;

// gets a byte (if available) from the uart receive buffer
u08 uartReceiveByte(u08* rxData)
        // make sure we have a receive buffer
                // make sure we have data
                        // get byte from beginning of buffer
                        *rxData = bufferGetFromFront(&uartRxBuffer);
                        return TRUE;
                        // no data
                        return FALSE;
                // no buffer
                return FALSE;

// flush all data out of the receive buffer
void uartFlushReceiveBuffer(void)
        // flush all data from receive buffer
        // same effect as above
        uartRxBuffer.datalength = 0;

// return true if uart receive buffer is empty
u08 uartReceiveBufferIsEmpty(void)
        if(uartRxBuffer.datalength == 0)
                return TRUE;
                return FALSE;

// add byte to end of uart Tx buffer
u08 uartAddToTxBuffer(u08 data)
        // add data byte to the end of the tx buffer
        return bufferAddToEnd(&uartTxBuffer, data);

// start transmission of the current uart Tx buffer contents
void uartSendTxBuffer(void)
        // turn on buffered transmit
        uartBufferedTx = TRUE;
        // send the first byte to get things going by interrupts
// transmit nBytes from buffer out the uart
u08 uartSendBuffer(char *buffer, u16 nBytes)
        register u08 first;
        register u16 i;

        // check if there's space (and that we have any bytes to send at all)
        if((uartTxBuffer.datalength + nBytes < uartTxBuffer.size) && nBytes)
                // grab first character
                first = *buffer++;
                // copy user buffer to uart transmit buffer
                for(i = 0; i < nBytes-1; i++)
                        // put data bytes at end of buffer
                        bufferAddToEnd(&uartTxBuffer, *buffer++);

                // send the first byte to get things going by interrupts
                uartBufferedTx = TRUE;
                // return success
                return TRUE;
                // return failure
                return FALSE;
// UART Transmit Complete Interrupt Handler
        // check if buffered tx is enabled
                // check if there's data left in the buffer
                        // send byte from top of buffer
                        outb(UDR, bufferGetFromFront(&uartTxBuffer));
                        // no data left
                        uartBufferedTx = FALSE;
                        // return to ready state
                        uartReadyTx = TRUE;
                // we're using single-byte tx mode
                // indicate transmit complete, back to ready
                uartReadyTx = TRUE;

// UART Receive Complete Interrupt Handler
        u08 c;
        // get received char
        c = inb(UDR);

        // if there's a user function to handle this receive event
                // call it and pass the received data
                // otherwise do default processing
                // put received char in buffer
                // check if there's space
                if( !bufferAddToEnd(&uartRxBuffer, c) )
                        // no space in buffer
                        // count overflow