CCS PCM C Compiler, Version 4.106, 47914               23-3-13 19:05

               Filename: C:\Users\Honza\Documents\pic\blik\main.lst

               ROM used: 236 words (3%)
                         Largest free fragment is 2048
               RAM used: 6 (2%) at main() level
                         9 (2%) worst case
               Stack:    1 locations

0000:  MOVLW  00
0001:  MOVWF  0A
0002:  GOTO   066
0003:  NOP
.................... #include "main.h" 
.................... #include <16F887.h> 
.................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC16F887 device //////////////// 
.................... #device PIC16F887 
.................... #list 
.................... #device adc=8 
.................... #FUSES NOWDT                       //No Watch Dog Timer 
.................... #FUSES INTRC                       //Internal RC Osc 
.................... #FUSES NOPUT                       //No Power Up Timer 
.................... #FUSES MCLR                        //Master Clear pin enabled 
.................... #FUSES NOPROTECT                   //Code not protected from reading 
.................... #FUSES NOCPD                       //No EE protection 
.................... #FUSES NOBROWNOUT                  //No brownout reset 
.................... #FUSES IESO                        //Internal External Switch Over mode enabled 
.................... #FUSES FCMEN                       //Fail-safe clock monitor enabled 
.................... #FUSES NOLVP                       //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O 
.................... #FUSES NODEBUG                     //No Debug mode for ICD 
.................... #FUSES NOWRT                       //Program memory not write protected 
.................... #FUSES BORV40                      //Brownout reset at 4.0V 
.................... #use delay(clock=8000000) 
.................... #define LCD_ENABLE_PIN  PIN_E0                                    //// 
.................... #define LCD_RS_PIN      PIN_E1                                    //// 
.................... #define LCD_RW_PIN      PIN_E2                                    //// 
.................... #define LCD_DATA4       PIN_D4                                    //// 
.................... #define LCD_DATA5       PIN_D5                                    //// 
.................... #define LCD_DATA6       PIN_D6                                    //// 
.................... #define LCD_DATA7       PIN_D7  
.................... #include <lcd.c> 
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
.................... ////                             LCD.C                                     //// 
.................... ////                 Driver for common LCD modules                         //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  lcd_init()   Must be called before any other function.               //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  lcd_putc(c)  Will display c on the next position of the LCD.         //// 
.................... ////                 \a  Set cursor position to upper left                 //// 
.................... ////                 \f  Clear display, set cursor to upper left           //// 
.................... ////                 \n  Go to start of second line                        //// 
.................... ////                 \b  Move back one position                            //// 
.................... ////              If LCD_EXTENDED_NEWLINE is defined, the \n character     //// 
.................... ////              will erase all remanining characters on the current      //// 
.................... ////              line, and move the cursor to the beginning of the next   //// 
.................... ////              line.                                                    //// 
.................... ////              If LCD_EXTENDED_NEWLINE is defined, the \r character     //// 
.................... ////              will move the cursor to the start of the current         //// 
.................... ////              line.                                                    //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  lcd_gotoxy(x,y) Set write position on LCD (upper left is 1,1)        //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  lcd_getc(x,y)   Returns character at position x,y on LCD             //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  CONFIGURATION                                                        //// 
.................... ////  The LCD can be configured in one of two ways: a.) port access or     //// 
.................... ////  b.) pin access.  Port access requires the entire 7 bit interface     //// 
.................... ////  connected to one GPIO port, and the data bits (D4:D7 of the LCD)     //// 
.................... ////  connected to sequential pins on the GPIO.  Pin access                //// 
.................... ////  has no requirements, all 7 bits of the control interface can         //// 
.................... ////  can be connected to any GPIO using several ports.                    //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  To use port access, #define LCD_DATA_PORT to the SFR location of     //// 
.................... ////  of the GPIO port that holds the interface, -AND- edit LCD_PIN_MAP    //// 
.................... ////  of this file to configure the pin order.  If you are using a         //// 
.................... ////  baseline PIC (PCB), then LCD_OUTPUT_MAP and LCD_INPUT_MAP also must  //// 
.................... ////  be defined.                                                          //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  Example of port access:                                              //// 
.................... ////     #define LCD_DATA_PORT getenv("SFR:PORTD")                         //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  To use pin access, the following pins must be defined:               //// 
.................... ////     LCD_ENABLE_PIN                                                    //// 
.................... ////     LCD_RS_PIN                                                        //// 
.................... ////     LCD_RW_PIN                                                        //// 
.................... ////     LCD_DATA4                                                         //// 
.................... ////     LCD_DATA5                                                         //// 
.................... ////     LCD_DATA6                                                         //// 
.................... ////     LCD_DATA7                                                         //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... ////  Example of pin access:                                               //// 
.................... ////     #define LCD_ENABLE_PIN  PIN_E0                                    //// 
.................... ////     #define LCD_RS_PIN      PIN_E1                                    //// 
.................... ////     #define LCD_RW_PIN      PIN_E2                                    //// 
.................... ////     #define LCD_DATA4       PIN_D4                                    //// 
.................... ////     #define LCD_DATA5       PIN_D5                                    //// 
.................... ////     #define LCD_DATA6       PIN_D6                                    //// 
.................... ////     #define LCD_DATA7       PIN_D7                                    //// 
.................... ////                                                                       //// 
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
.................... ////        (C) Copyright 1996,2010 Custom Computer Services           //// 
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C  //// 
.................... //// compiler.  This source code may only be distributed to other      //// 
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler.  No other use, reproduction //// 
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission.          //// 
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code    //// 
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way.                               //// 
.................... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
.................... // define the pinout. 
.................... // only required if port access is being used. 
.................... typedef struct   
.................... {                            // This structure is overlayed 
....................    BOOLEAN enable;           // on to an I/O port to gain 
....................    BOOLEAN rs;               // access to the LCD pins. 
....................    BOOLEAN rw;               // The bits are allocated from 
....................    BOOLEAN unused;           // low order up.  ENABLE will 
....................    int     data : 4;         // be LSB pin of that port. 
....................   #if defined(__PCD__)       // The port used will be LCD_DATA_PORT. 
....................    int    reserved: 8; 
....................   #endif 
.................... } LCD_PIN_MAP; 
.................... // this is to improve compatability with previous LCD drivers that accepted 
.................... // a define labeled 'use_portb_lcd' that configured the LCD onto port B. 
.................... #if ((defined(use_portb_lcd)) && (use_portb_lcd==TRUE)) 
....................  #define LCD_DATA_PORT getenv("SFR:PORTB") 
.................... #endif 
.................... #if defined(__PCB__) 
....................    // these definitions only need to be modified for baseline PICs. 
....................    // all other PICs use LCD_PIN_MAP or individual LCD_xxx pin definitions. 
.................... /*                                    EN, RS,   RW,   UNUSED,  DATA  */ 
....................  const LCD_PIN_MAP LCD_OUTPUT_MAP =  {0,  0,    0,    0,       0}; 
....................  const LCD_PIN_MAP LCD_INPUT_MAP =   {0,  0,    0,    0,       0xF}; 
.................... #endif 
.................... ////////////////////// END CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////////// 
.................... #ifndef LCD_ENABLE_PIN 
....................    #define lcd_output_enable(x) lcdlat.enable=x 
....................    #define lcd_enable_tris()   lcdtris.enable=0 
.................... #else 
....................    #define lcd_output_enable(x) output_bit(LCD_ENABLE_PIN, x) 
....................    #define lcd_enable_tris()  output_drive(LCD_ENABLE_PIN) 
.................... #endif 
.................... #ifndef LCD_RS_PIN 
....................    #define lcd_output_rs(x) 
....................    #define lcd_rs_tris() 
.................... #else 
....................    #define lcd_output_rs(x) output_bit(LCD_RS_PIN, x) 
....................    #define lcd_rs_tris()  output_drive(LCD_RS_PIN) 
.................... #endif 
.................... #ifndef LCD_RW_PIN 
....................    #define lcd_output_rw(x) 
....................    #define lcd_rw_tris() 
.................... #else 
....................    #define lcd_output_rw(x) output_bit(LCD_RW_PIN, x) 
....................    #define lcd_rw_tris()  output_drive(LCD_RW_PIN) 
.................... #endif 
.................... // original version of this library incorrectly labeled LCD_DATA0 as LCD_DATA4, 
.................... // LCD_DATA1 as LCD_DATA5, and so on.  this block of code makes the driver 
.................... // compatible with any code written for the original library 
.................... #if (defined(LCD_DATA0) && defined(LCD_DATA1) && defined(LCD_DATA2) && defined(LCD_DATA3) && !defined(LCD_DATA4) && !defined(LCD_DATA5) && !defined(LCD_DATA6) && !defined(LCD_DATA7)) 
....................    #define  LCD_DATA4    LCD_DATA0 
....................    #define  LCD_DATA5    LCD_DATA1 
....................    #define  LCD_DATA6    LCD_DATA2 
....................    #define  LCD_DATA7    LCD_DATA3 
.................... #endif 
.................... #ifndef LCD_DATA4 
.................... #ifndef LCD_DATA_PORT 
....................    #if defined(__PCB__) 
....................       #define LCD_DATA_PORT      0x06     //portb 
....................       #define set_tris_lcd(x)   set_tris_b(x) 
....................    #else 
....................      #if defined(PIN_D0) 
....................       #define LCD_DATA_PORT      getenv("SFR:PORTD")     //portd 
....................      #else 
....................       #define LCD_DATA_PORT      getenv("SFR:PORTB")     //portb 
....................      #endif 
....................    #endif    
.................... #endif 
.................... #if defined(__PCB__) 
....................    LCD_PIN_MAP lcd, lcdlat; 
....................    #byte lcd = LCD_DATA_PORT 
....................    #byte lcdlat = LCD_DATA_PORT 
.................... #elif defined(__PCM__) 
....................    LCD_PIN_MAP lcd, lcdlat, lcdtris; 
....................    #byte lcd = LCD_DATA_PORT 
....................    #byte lcdlat = LCD_DATA_PORT 
....................    #byte lcdtris = LCD_DATA_PORT+0x80 
.................... #elif defined(__PCH__) 
....................    LCD_PIN_MAP lcd, lcdlat, lcdtris; 
....................    #byte lcd = LCD_DATA_PORT 
....................    #byte lcdlat = LCD_DATA_PORT+9 
....................    #byte lcdtris = LCD_DATA_PORT+0x12 
.................... #elif defined(__PCD__) 
....................    LCD_PIN_MAP lcd, lcdlat, lcdtris; 
....................    #word lcd = LCD_DATA_PORT 
....................    #word lcdlat = LCD_DATA_PORT+2 
....................    #word lcdtris = LCD_DATA_PORT-0x02 
.................... #endif 
.................... #endif   //LCD_DATA4 not defined 
.................... #ifndef LCD_TYPE 
....................    #define LCD_TYPE 2           // 0=5x7, 1=5x10, 2=2 lines 
.................... #endif 
.................... #ifndef LCD_LINE_TWO 
....................    #define LCD_LINE_TWO 0x40    // LCD RAM address for the second line 
.................... #endif 
.................... #ifndef LCD_LINE_LENGTH 
....................    #define LCD_LINE_LENGTH 20 
.................... #endif 
.................... BYTE const LCD_INIT_STRING[4] = {0x20 | (LCD_TYPE << 2), 0xc, 1, 6}; 
....................                              // These bytes need to be sent to the LCD 
....................                              // to start it up. 
.................... BYTE lcd_read_nibble(void); 
.................... BYTE lcd_read_byte(void) 
.................... { 
....................    BYTE low,high; 
....................  #if defined(__PCB__) 
....................    set_tris_lcd(LCD_INPUT_MAP); 
....................  #else 
....................   #if (defined(LCD_DATA4) && defined(LCD_DATA5) && defined(LCD_DATA6) && defined(LCD_DATA7)) 
....................    output_float(LCD_DATA4); 
....................    output_float(LCD_DATA5); 
....................    output_float(LCD_DATA6); 
....................    output_float(LCD_DATA7); 
....................   #else 
.................... = 0xF; 
....................   #endif 
....................  #endif 
....................    lcd_output_rw(1); 
....................    delay_cycles(1); 
....................    lcd_output_enable(1); 
....................    delay_cycles(1); 
....................    high = lcd_read_nibble(); 
....................    lcd_output_enable(0); 
....................    delay_cycles(1); 
....................    lcd_output_enable(1); 
....................    delay_us(1); 
....................    low = lcd_read_nibble(); 
....................    lcd_output_enable(0); 
....................  #if defined(__PCB__) 
....................    set_tris_lcd(LCD_OUTPUT_MAP); 
....................  #else 
....................   #if (defined(LCD_DATA4) && defined(LCD_DATA5) && defined(LCD_DATA6) && defined(LCD_DATA7)) 
....................    output_drive(LCD_DATA4); 
....................    output_drive(LCD_DATA5); 
....................    output_drive(LCD_DATA6); 
....................    output_drive(LCD_DATA7); 
....................   #else 
.................... = 0x0; 
....................   #endif 
....................  #endif 
....................    return( (high<<4) | low); 
.................... } 
.................... BYTE lcd_read_nibble(void) 
.................... { 
....................   #if (defined(LCD_DATA4) && defined(LCD_DATA5) && defined(LCD_DATA6) && defined(LCD_DATA7)) 
....................    BYTE n = 0x00; 
....................    /* Read the data port */ 
....................    n |= input(LCD_DATA4); 
....................    n |= input(LCD_DATA5) << 1; 
....................    n |= input(LCD_DATA6) << 2; 
....................    n |= input(LCD_DATA7) << 3; 
....................    return(n); 
....................   #else 
....................    return(; 
....................   #endif 
.................... } 
.................... void lcd_send_nibble(BYTE n) 
.................... { 
....................   #if (defined(LCD_DATA4) && defined(LCD_DATA5) && defined(LCD_DATA6) && defined(LCD_DATA7)) 
....................    /* Write to the data port */ 
....................    output_bit(LCD_DATA4, bit_test(n, 0)); 
....................    output_bit(LCD_DATA5, bit_test(n, 1)); 
....................    output_bit(LCD_DATA6, bit_test(n, 2)); 
....................    output_bit(LCD_DATA7, bit_test(n, 3)); 
....................   #else       
.................... = n; 
....................   #endif 
....................    delay_cycles(1); 
....................    lcd_output_enable(1); 
....................    delay_us(2); 
....................    lcd_output_enable(0); 
.................... } 
.................... void lcd_send_byte(BYTE address, BYTE n) 
.................... { 
....................   #if defined(__PCB__) 
....................    set_tris_lcd(LCD_OUTPUT_MAP); 
....................   #else 
....................    lcd_enable_tris(); 
....................    lcd_rs_tris(); 
....................    lcd_rw_tris(); 
....................   #endif 
....................    lcd_output_rs(0); 
....................    while ( bit_test(lcd_read_byte(),7) ) ; 
....................    lcd_output_rs(address); 
....................    delay_cycles(1); 
....................    lcd_output_rw(0); 
....................    delay_cycles(1); 
....................    lcd_output_enable(0); 
....................    lcd_send_nibble(n >> 4); 
....................    lcd_send_nibble(n & 0xf); 
.................... } 
.................... #if defined(LCD_EXTENDED_NEWLINE) 
.................... unsigned int8 g_LcdX, g_LcdY; 
.................... #endif 
.................... void lcd_init(void)  
.................... { 
....................    BYTE i; 
....................  #if defined(__PCB__) 
....................    set_tris_lcd(LCD_OUTPUT_MAP); 
....................  #else 
....................   #if (defined(LCD_DATA4) && defined(LCD_DATA5) && defined(LCD_DATA6) && defined(LCD_DATA7)) 
....................    output_drive(LCD_DATA4); 
....................    output_drive(LCD_DATA5); 
....................    output_drive(LCD_DATA6); 
....................    output_drive(LCD_DATA7); 
....................   #else 
.................... = 0x0; 
....................   #endif 
....................    lcd_enable_tris(); 
....................    lcd_rs_tris(); 
....................    lcd_rw_tris(); 
....................  #endif 
....................    lcd_output_rs(0); 
....................    lcd_output_rw(0); 
....................    lcd_output_enable(0); 
....................    delay_ms(15); 
....................    for(i=1;i<=3;++i) 
....................    { 
....................        lcd_send_nibble(3); 
....................        delay_ms(5); 
....................    } 
....................    lcd_send_nibble(2); 
....................    for(i=0;i<=3;++i) 
....................       lcd_send_byte(0,LCD_INIT_STRING[i]); 
....................   #if defined(LCD_EXTENDED_NEWLINE) 
....................    g_LcdX = 0; 
....................    g_LcdY = 0; 
....................   #endif 
.................... } 
.................... void lcd_gotoxy(BYTE x, BYTE y) 
.................... { 
....................    BYTE address; 
....................    if(y!=1) 
....................       address=LCD_LINE_TWO; 
....................    else 
....................       address=0; 
....................    address+=x-1; 
....................    lcd_send_byte(0,0x80|address); 
....................   #if defined(LCD_EXTENDED_NEWLINE) 
....................    g_LcdX = x - 1; 
....................    g_LcdY = y - 1; 
....................   #endif 
.................... } 
.................... void lcd_putc(char c) 
.................... { 
....................    switch (c) 
....................    { 
....................       case '\a'   :  lcd_gotoxy(1,1);     break; 
....................       case '\f'   :  lcd_send_byte(0,1); 
....................                      delay_ms(2); 
....................                     #if defined(LCD_EXTENDED_NEWLINE) 
....................                      g_LcdX = 0; 
....................                      g_LcdY = 0; 
....................                     #endif 
....................                      break; 
....................      #if defined(LCD_EXTENDED_NEWLINE) 
....................       case '\r'   :  lcd_gotoxy(1, g_LcdY+1);   break; 
....................       case '\n'   : 
....................          while (g_LcdX++ < LCD_LINE_LENGTH) 
....................          { 
....................             lcd_send_byte(1, ' '); 
....................          } 
....................          lcd_gotoxy(1, g_LcdY+2); 
....................          break; 
....................      #else 
....................       case '\n'   : lcd_gotoxy(1,2);        break; 
....................      #endif 
....................       case '\b'   : lcd_send_byte(0,0x10);  break; 
....................      #if defined(LCD_EXTENDED_NEWLINE) 
....................       default     :  
....................          if (g_LcdX < LCD_LINE_LENGTH) 
....................          { 
....................             lcd_send_byte(1, c); 
....................             g_LcdX++; 
....................          } 
....................          break; 
....................      #else 
....................       default     : lcd_send_byte(1,c);     break; 
....................      #endif 
....................    } 
.................... } 
.................... char lcd_getc(BYTE x, BYTE y) 
.................... { 
....................    char value; 
....................    lcd_gotoxy(x,y); 
....................    while ( bit_test(lcd_read_byte(),7) ); // wait until busy flag is low 
....................    lcd_output_rs(1); 
....................    value = lcd_read_byte(); 
....................    lcd_output_rs(0); 
....................    return(value); 
.................... } 
.................... #define ONE_WIRE_PIN       PIN_C7 
.................... #use rs232(uart1, baud=9600) 
.................... void main() 
.................... { 
0066:  CLRF   04
0067:  BCF    03.7
0068:  MOVLW  1F
0069:  ANDWF  03,F
006A:  MOVLW  71
006B:  BSF    03.5
006C:  MOVWF  0F
006D:  MOVF   0F,W
006E:  BSF    03.6
006F:  BCF    07.3
0070:  MOVLW  0C
0071:  BCF    03.6
0072:  MOVWF  19
0073:  MOVLW  A2
0074:  MOVWF  18
0075:  MOVLW  90
0076:  BCF    03.5
0077:  MOVWF  18
0078:  BSF    03.5
0079:  BSF    03.6
007A:  MOVF   09,W
007B:  ANDLW  C0
007C:  MOVWF  09
007D:  BCF    03.6
007E:  BCF    1F.4
007F:  BCF    1F.5
0080:  MOVLW  00
0081:  BSF    03.6
0082:  MOVWF  08
0083:  BCF    03.5
0084:  CLRF   07
0085:  CLRF   08
0086:  CLRF   09
....................    setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS|VSS_VDD); 
008A:  BSF    03.5
008B:  BSF    03.6
008C:  MOVF   09,W
008D:  ANDLW  C0
008E:  MOVWF  09
008F:  BCF    03.6
0090:  BCF    1F.4
0091:  BCF    1F.5
0092:  MOVLW  00
0093:  BSF    03.6
0094:  MOVWF  08
....................    setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_2); 
0095:  BCF    03.5
0096:  BCF    03.6
0097:  BCF    1F.6
0098:  BCF    1F.7
0099:  BSF    03.5
009A:  BCF    1F.7
009B:  BCF    03.5
009C:  BSF    1F.0
....................    setup_spi(SPI_SS_DISABLED); 
009D:  BCF    14.5
009E:  BCF    20.5
009F:  MOVF   20,W
00A0:  BSF    03.5
00A1:  MOVWF  07
00A2:  BCF    03.5
00A3:  BSF    20.4
00A4:  MOVF   20,W
00A5:  BSF    03.5
00A6:  MOVWF  07
00A7:  BCF    03.5
00A8:  BCF    20.3
00A9:  MOVF   20,W
00AA:  BSF    03.5
00AB:  MOVWF  07
00AC:  MOVLW  01
00AD:  BCF    03.5
00AE:  MOVWF  14
00AF:  MOVLW  00
00B0:  BSF    03.5
00B1:  MOVWF  14
....................    setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_1); 
00B2:  MOVF   01,W
00B3:  ANDLW  C7
00B4:  IORLW  08
00B5:  MOVWF  01
....................    setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); 
00B6:  BCF    03.5
00B7:  CLRF   10
....................    setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1); 
00B8:  MOVLW  00
00B9:  MOVWF  78
00BA:  MOVWF  12
00BB:  MOVLW  00
00BC:  BSF    03.5
00BD:  MOVWF  12
....................    setup_ccp1(CCP_OFF); 
00BE:  BCF    03.5
00BF:  BSF    20.2
00C0:  MOVF   20,W
00C1:  BSF    03.5
00C2:  MOVWF  07
00C3:  BCF    03.5
00C4:  CLRF   17
00C5:  BSF    03.5
00C6:  CLRF   1B
00C7:  CLRF   1C
00C8:  MOVLW  01
00C9:  MOVWF  1D
....................    setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC);      // This device COMP currently not supported by the PICWizard 
00CA:  BCF    03.5
00CB:  BSF    03.6
00CC:  CLRF   07
00CD:  CLRF   08
00CE:  CLRF   09
....................    setup_oscillator(OSC_8MHZ); 
00CF:  MOVLW  71
00D0:  BSF    03.5
00D1:  BCF    03.6
00D2:  MOVWF  0F
00D3:  MOVF   0F,W
....................    printf("Simple Thermomether",); 
00D4:  MOVLW  04
00D5:  BCF    03.5
00D6:  BSF    03.6
00D7:  MOVWF  0D
00D8:  MOVLW  00
00D9:  MOVWF  0F
00DA:  BCF    03.6
00DB:  CALL   01E
....................    printf("(c) Kaklik 2013\r\n"); 
00DC:  MOVLW  0E
00DD:  BSF    03.6
00DE:  MOVWF  0D
00DF:  MOVLW  00
00E0:  MOVWF  0F
00E1:  BCF    03.6
00E2:  CALL   01E
....................    printf("\r\n"); 
00E3:  MOVLW  17
00E4:  BSF    03.6
00E5:  MOVWF  0D
00E6:  MOVLW  00
00E7:  MOVWF  0F
00E8:  BCF    03.6
00E9:  CALL   01E
....................    while (TRUE) 
....................    { 
....................    } 
00EA:  GOTO   0EA
.................... } 

Configuration Fuses:
   Word  2: 3FFF   NOWRT BORV40