ROM used: 3527 (43%)
          3540 (43%) including unused fragments

          1 Average locations per line
          6 Average locations per statement

RAM used: 36 (10%) at main() level
          89 (24%) worst case

Stack used: 3 worst case (out of 8 total available)

Lines Stmts  %   Files
----- ----- ---  -----
  129    99  17  main.c
   20     0   0  main.h
  423     0   0  ..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\PICC\devices\16F887.h
 2172   260  44  ..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\PICC\drivers\math.h
  409   121  21  ..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\PICC\drivers\string.h
   28     0   0  ..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\PICC\drivers\stddef.h
   28     0   0  ..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\PICC\drivers\ctype.h
   14     0   0  SHT25.h
   92    51   9  SHT25.c
    6     0   0  MPL3115.h
  106    54   9  MPL3115.c
----- -----
 3427   585 Total

Page ROM  %  RAM   Vol Diff  Functions:
---- --- --- ---   --- ----  ----------
0     20   1   1             @delay_ms1
0     51   1   3   485  7.8  @I2C_READ_1
0     52   1   1   318  6.5  @I2C_WRITE_1
0     34   1   1   272  5.5  @PUTCHAR_1_
0     29   1   2   343  8.6  @ITOF
0    202   6  14   367  7.0  @DIVFF
0    321   9  16   264  6.8  @ADDFF
0    117   3  13   153  4.7  @MULFF
1    193   5   9   572  6.0  SHT25_get_temp
1    176   5   9   557  5.7  SHT25_get_hum
0    113   3   0   280  1.4  mpl3115_setA
0    113   3   0   280  1.4  mpl3115_setP
0     62   2   2   167  2.4  mpl3115_read
0     86   2  13   206  4.3  mpl3115_T
0    109   3  16   303  5.3  mpl3115_A
0    181   5  23   467  5.5  mpl3115_P
 Inline        4             @DTOF
0    137   4   0   125  1.8  uvitani
0     28   1   0             @const341
0      2   0   0             @const342
0     79   2   4             @PSTRINGCN7_68
0     70   2   3             @PSTRINGC7_68
0     19   1   0   280  1.4  @const346
0      6   0   0  4067  5.6  @const347
0      5   0   0   280  1.4  @const348
0      7   0   0   167  2.4  @const349
0     42   1   0   206  4.3  @const350
 Inline        2   303  5.3  @PSTRINGC_68
0     41   1   0   465  5.6  @const352
0     33   1   3   411  5.7  @PSTRINGCN_68
1    713  20  23  4067  5.6  MAIN
0     13   0   1  4067  5.6  @SPRINTF
0     24   1   2             @PSTRINGR_369
1    103   3   9             @PRINTF_LU_369
 Inline        5             @FTOSD
1     66   2  13             @DIV3232
1    241   7  13             @PRINTF_L32D_369FPFPF
0     35   1   2             @PRINTF_X_369

Program metrics:
    Functions               26
    Statements              585
    Comments                535
    Volume (V)              31024
    Difficilty (D)          123.9
    Effort to implement (E) 3844564
    Time to implement (T)   59 hours, 20 minutes
    Est Delivered Bugs (B)  8
    Cyclomatic Complexity   15
    Maintainability (MI)    117

 Segment     Used  Free
-----------  ----  ----
00000-00003     4  0  
00004-007FF  2031  13  
00800-00FFF  1492  556  
01000-017FF     0  2048  
01800-01FFF     0  2048