ROM used: 386 (5%)
          386 (5%) including unused fragments

          1 Average locations per line
          7 Average locations per statement

RAM used: 10 (3%) at main() level
          10 (3%) worst case

Stack used: 1 worst case (out of 8 total available)

Lines Stmts  %   Files
----- ----- ---  -----
  121    56 100  main.c
   16     0   0  main.h
  313     0   0  ..\..\..\Program Files\PICC\devices\16F877A.h
----- -----
  450    56 Total

Page ROM  %  RAM   Vol Diff  Functions:
---- --- --- ---   --- ----  ----------
0     24   6   1             @delay_ms1
0     11   3   0             @const55
0     11   3   0             @const57
0     11   3   0  1925  6.8  @const59
0     11   3   0  1147  3.6  @const61
0     11   3   0             @const73
0     11   3   0             @const89
0     11   3   0             @const123
0    281  73   3  9626  7.5  main

Program metrics:
    Functions               3
    Statements              56
    Comments                75
    Volume (V)              14495
    Difficilty (D)          18.1
    Effort to implement (E) 262109
    Time to implement (T)   4 hours, 3 minutes
    Est Delivered Bugs (B)  1
    Cyclomatic Complexity   17
    Maintainability (MI)    128

 Segment     Used  Free
-----------  ----  ----
00000-00003     4  0  
00004-007FF   382  1662  
00800-00FFF     0  2048  
01000-017FF     0  2048  
01800-01FFF     0  2048