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*  TorrentFlux - PHP Torrent Manager
    This file is part of TorrentFlux.

    TorrentFlux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    TorrentFlux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with TorrentFlux; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


// check for feeds

// The following is for PHP < 4.3
if (!function_exists('html_entity_decode'))
    function html_entity_decode($string, $opt = ENT_COMPAT)
        $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES);
        $trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl);

        if ($opt & 1)
            // Translating single quotes
            // Add single quote to translation table;
            // doesn't appear to be there by default
            $trans_tbl["&apos;"] = "'";

        if (!($opt & 2))
            // Not translating double quotes
            // Remove double quote from translation table

        return strtr ($string, $trans_tbl);

// Just to be safe ;o)
if (!defined("ENT_COMPAT")) define("ENT_COMPAT", 2);
if (!defined("ENT_NOQUOTES")) define("ENT_NOQUOTES", 0);
if (!defined("ENT_QUOTES")) define("ENT_QUOTES", 3);

DisplayHead("RSS Torrents");

// Get RSS feeds from Database
$arURL = GetRSSLinks();

// create lastRSS object
$rss = new lastRSS();

// setup transparent cache
$rss->cache_dir = $cfg["torrent_file_path"];
$rss->cache_time = $cfg["rss_cache_min"] * 60; // 1200 = 20 min.  3600 = 1 hour
$rss->strip_html = false; // don't remove HTML from the description

echo "<a name=\"top\"></a><div align=\"center\">";
echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 width=\"760\" cellpadding=5><tr>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"".$cfg["table_header_bg"]."\">RSS Feeds (jump list):";
echo "<ul>";

// Loop through each RSS feed
foreach( $arURL as $rid => $url )
    if( $rs = $rss->get( $url ) )
        if( !empty( $rs["items"] ) )
            // Cache rss feed so we don't have to call it again
            $rssfeed[] = $rs;
            echo "<li><a href=\"#".$rid."\">".$rs["title"]."</a></li>\n";
            $rssfeed[] = "";
            echo "<li>* RSS timed out * (<a href=\"#".$rid."\">".$url."</a>)</li>\n";
        // Unable to grab RSS feed, must of timed out
        $rssfeed[] = "";
        echo "<li>* RSS timed out * (<a href=\"#".$rid."\">".$url."</a>)</li>\n";
echo "</ul>* Click on Torrent Links below to add them to the Torrent Download List</td>";
echo "</tr></table>";
echo "</div>";

// Parse through cache RSS feed
foreach( $rssfeed as $rid => $rs )
    $title = "";
    $content = "";
    $pageUrl = "";

    if( !empty( $rs["items"] ) )
        // get Site title and Page Link
        $title = $rs["title"];
        $pageUrl = $rs["link"];

        $content = "";

        for ($i=0; $i < count($rs["items"]); $i++)
            $link = $rs["items"][$i]["link"];
            $title2 = $rs["items"][$i]["title"];
            $pubDate = (!empty($rs["items"][$i]["pubDate"])) ? $rs["items"][$i]["pubDate"] : "Unknown";

            // RSS entry needs to have a link, otherwise pointless
            if( empty( $link ) )

            if($link != "" && $title2 !="")
                $content .= "<tr><td><img src=\"images/download_owner.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" title=\"".$link."\"><a href=\"index.php?url_upload=".$link."\">".$title2."</a></td><td> ".$pubDate."</td></tr>\n";
                $content .= "<tr><td  class=\"tiny\"><img src=\"images/download_owner.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\">".ScrubDescription(str_replace("Torrent: <a href=\"", "Torrent: <a href=\"index.php?url_upload=", html_entity_decode($rs["items"][$i]["description"])), $title2)."</td><td valign=\"top\">".$pubDate."</td></tr>";
        // Request timed out, display timeout message
        echo "<br>**** RSS timed out: <a href=\"".$url."\" target=\"_blank\">".$url."</a>";

    if ($content != "") { // Close the content and add a line break
        $content .= "<br>";
    displayNews($title, $pageUrl, $content, $rid);


function displayNews($title, $pageUrl, $content, $rid) {
    global $cfg;
    // Draw the Table
    echo "<a name=\"".$rid."\"></a><table width=\"760\" border=1 bordercolor=\"".$cfg["table_admin_border"]."\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"".$cfg["table_data_bg"]."\">";
    echo "<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=\"".$cfg["table_header_bg"]."\" background=\"themes/".$cfg["theme"]."/images/bar.gif\">";
    echo "<img src=\"images/properties.png\" width=18 height=13 border=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><a href=\"".$pageUrl."\" target=\"_blank\"><font class=\"adminlink\">".$title."</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font class=\"tinywhite\">[<a href=\"#\"><font class=\"tinywhite\">top</font></a>]</font></strong>";
    echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"".$cfg["table_header_bg"]."\"><div align=center class=\"title\">"._TORRENTFILE."</div></td>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"".$cfg["table_header_bg"]."\" width=\"33%\"><div align=center class=\"title\">"._TIMESTAMP."</div></td>";

    echo $content;

    echo "</table>";

// Scrub the description to take out the ugly long URLs
function ScrubDescription($desc, $title)
    $rtnValue = "";

    $parts = explode("</a>", $desc);

    $replace = ereg_replace('">.*$', '">'.$title."</a>", $parts[0]);

    if (strpos($parts[1], "Search:") !== false)
        $parts[1] = $parts[1]."</a>\n";

    for($inx = 2; $inx < count($parts); $inx++)
        if (strpos($parts[$inx], "Info: <a ") !== false)
            // We have an Info: and URL to clean
            $parts[$inx] = ereg_replace('">.*$', '" target="_blank">Read More...</a>', $parts[$inx]);

    $rtnValue = $replace;
    for ($inx = 1; $inx < count($parts); $inx++)
        $rtnValue .= $parts[$inx];

    return $rtnValue;
