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/* G-Shout : Gravitasi Shoutbox                                         */
/* ============================================                         */
/*                                                                      */
/* Copyright (c) 2005 by Yohanes Pradono                                */
/*                                                 */
/*                                                                      */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.       */
/*                                                                      */

// to prevent direct access
if (eregi("",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {           
        die("<b>Access Denied!</b><br /><i>You can't access this file directly...</i><br /><br />- G-Shout -");

// functions to count the page generation time (from phpBB2)
// ( or just any time between timer_start() and timer_stop() )

function timer_start() {
    global $timestart;
    $mtime = microtime();
    $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
    $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
    $timestart = $mtime;
    return true;

function timer_stop($display=0,$precision=3) { //if called like timer_stop(1), will echo $timetotal
    global $timestart,$timeend;
    $mtime = microtime();
    $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
    $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
    $timeend = $mtime;
    $timetotal = $timeend-$timestart;
    if ($display)
        echo number_format($timetotal,$precision);
    return $timetotal;

//starting to count the page generation time


// format date with GMT different
function formattanggal($tgl) {
        global $gmt,$dateformat;
        $timeadjust = ($gmt * 60 * 60);
        $waktu = gmdate($dateformat,$tgl + $timeadjust);

        $waktu = str_replace("Sunday", _SUNDAY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("Monday", _MONDAY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("Tuesday", _TUESDAY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("Wednesday", _WEDNESDAY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("Thursday", _THURSDAY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("Friday", _FRIDAY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("Saturday", _SATURDAY, $waktu);

        $waktu = str_replace("January", _JANUARY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("February", _FEBRUARY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("March", _MARCH, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("April", _APRIL, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("May", _MAY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("June", _JUNE, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("July", _JULY, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("August", _AUGUST, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("September", _SEPTEMBER, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("October", _OCTOBER, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("November", _NOVEMBER, $waktu);
        $waktu = str_replace("December", _DECEMBER,$waktu);
    return $waktu;

/* function to display random images,
 * borrowed from rid.php script by Nenad Motika []
 * URL :
function displayRandomImage($dirname) {
        while ($file = readdir($folder)) $names[count($names)] = $file;
        closedir($folder);//sort file names in array
        //remove any non-images from array
        for ($i=0;$names[$i];$i++){
                if ($ext==".jpg"||$ext==".gif"||$ext=="jpeg"||$ext==".png"){
srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000);
$rand_keys = array_rand ($names1, 2);
//random image from array
//image dimensions
$dimensions = GetImageSize($dirname.$slika);
//if (isset($pic)){header ("Location: $slika");}      //original, commented out
//else {echo "<img src=\"$slika\" $dimensions[3]>";}  //original, commented out
$imageurl = $dirname.$slika;                          //added this
  return $imageurl;                                   //added this


// function to check website / email address
function check_uri($address) {
        return eregi('^([:/~@a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([:/~a-zA-Z0-9]+)$',$address);

//funtion to encode email address
function hex_encode($email_address) {
        for ($x=0; $x < strlen($email_address); $x++) {
                $encoded .= '%' . bin2hex($email_address[$x]);
return $encoded; 
function hexentity_encode($email_address) {
        for ($x=0; $x < strlen($email_address); $x++) {
                $encoded .= '&#x' . bin2hex($email_address[$x]);
        return $encoded;

function remQuote($theQ) {
        $trans = array ("\'" => "'", "\\\"" => "\"");
        return strtr(chop($theQ), $trans);

these 2 functions are used to view shoutbox in frontpage side
// to format the table layout
function content($id,$com,$nam,$sex,$uri,$timestamp,$ip,$reply,$redate) {
        global $hr, $namaadmin, $deletetime, $adminweb, $entry, $require_uri, $gmt;
        $com = remQuote($com);
        if($hr == "yes") {
                $hrbar = "<hr align=\"center\" />";
        } else {
                $hrbar = "";
        if ($sex == "m") {
                $urlsexm = displayRandomImage("images/male/");
                $sex = "<img alt=\""._MALE."\" title=\""._MALE."\" src=\"$urlsexm\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" />";
        } else if ($sex == "f") {
                $urlsexf = displayRandomImage("images/female/");
                $sex = "<img alt=\""._FEMALE."\" title=\""._FEMALE."\" src=\"$urlsexf\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" />";
        } else {
                $sex = "<img alt=\"unknown\" title=\"unknown\" src=\"images/unknown.gif\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" />";
        // older shouts before version 1.0 won't be processed by formattanggal()
        if (is_numeric($timestamp)) {
                $tgltime = $timestamp;
                $tgl = formattanggal($timestamp);
                } else {
                        $tgl = $timestamp;
        // check the $gmt value
        $tz_info = "(GMT".$gmt.")";
        }else if($gmt == "0") {
        $tz_info = "(GMT)";
        } else {
        $tz_info = "(GMT+".$gmt.")";
                $style = ($entry % 2) ? 'tableCellOne' : 'tableCellTwo';
                echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" class=\"$style\"><tr><td title=\""._SHOUTED_ON." ".$tgl." ";
                echo $tz_info;
                echo "\"><p align=\"justify\">$sex&nbsp;";

                        echo ("<b>$nam</b>");
                } else {
                                $uri = strip_tags(checkUri(chop($uri)));
                                echo ("<a href=\"$uri\" target=\"_blank\">$nam</a>");

                        echo ": $com </p></td><tr><td>";
                if (($ip == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) && ($timestamp > time()-ceil($deletetime*60))){
                        echo "<a class=\"delete\" href=\"shoutbox.php?action=deleteshout&amp;id=$id\" onclick=\"return confirm('You are about to delete this shout \\n  \'OK\' to delete, \'Cancel\' to stop.')\">delete</a>";
                echo "</td></tr>";
                if ($reply!=""){
                        echo "<tr><td title=\""._REPLIED_ON." ".formattanggal($redate)." ";
                        echo $tz_info;
                        echo "\"><i><a href=\"#\">$namaadmin</a> : $reply</i></tr></td>";
                echo "</table>$hrbar";

} //end of showTag

function viewShoutBox() {
        global $datafile, $page, $commentshown, $smileys, $smileydir, $maxchars, $allowedtags, $usesmiley, $useHTMLencode, $textwrappingwidth, $namaadmin, $help;

// pagination system
if (!isset($page)||$page==0) {
$entry = ($commentshown * $page)-$commentshown;
$selesai = $commentshown*$page;

$d = array();

        array_walk ($smileys, 'alter_smiley', $smileydir);
        reset ($smileys);
        while (chop($d[$entry]) != "" && $help != true && $entry < $selesai) {
                $temporary = explode("#%", $d[$entry]);
                $id = $temporary[0];
                $com = $temporary[1];

                if($maxchars != "" && $maxchars > 0) {
                        $com = substr ($com, 0, $maxchars);
                } else {

                if($allowedtags == "") {
                        $com = htmlspecialchars($com);

//              $transi = array ("< " => "&lt; ", " >" => " &gt;");
//              $com = strtr(chop($com), $transi);

                $com = strip_tags(chop($com), $allowedtags);
                if($usesmiley == "yes") {
                        $com = strtr($com, $smileys);
                if($useHTMLencode == "yes") {
                        $com = HTMLEncode($com);
                if($textwrappingwidth != "0"){
                        $com = ww1($com);

if($temporary[1] != $namaadmin){
$nam = ucfirst(chop($temporary[2]));//nama hurup gede untuk tamu
$nam = chop($temporary[2]);
                //if($usetextwrapping) {
                if($textwrappingwidth != "0"){
                        $nam = ww2($nam);
                $nam = stripslashes(strip_tags($nam));//added this
                $nam = htmlspecialchars($nam);
                $sex = $temporary[3];
                $uri = $temporary[4];
                $tgl = $temporary[5];
                $ip = $temporary[6];
                $reply = $temporary[7];
                if($usesmiley == "yes") {
                        $reply = strtr($reply, $smileys);
                if($textwrappingwidth != "0"){
                        $reply = ww1($reply);
                        //$reply = ww2($reply);
                $redate = $temporary[8];

        } // end while

}// end of viewShoutBox()

//function to show Shout Entry from Control Panel
function showEntryfromCPanel($id,$com,$nam,$sex,$uri,$timestamp,$ip,$reply,$redate) {
        global $entry, $status, $page, $usesmiley, $smileys, $smileydir ;
        $style = ($entry % 2) ? 'tableCellOne' : 'tableCellTwo';

        if ($sex == "m"){
                $esex = _M;
        }else if($sex == "f"){
                $esex = _F;
        } else {}
        if ($redate != ""){
                $formatted_redate = formattanggal($redate);
                } else {
                        $formatted_redate = "";

if ($id != ""){
echo "

<td class=\"$style\">

<td class=\"$style\">

<td class=\"$style\">

<td class=\"$style\">

<td class=\"$style\">

<td class=\"$style\">

<td class=\"$style\">
<a href=\"".checkUri($uri)."\" target=\"_blank\">$uri</a>

<td class=\"$style\">

<td class=\"$style\">
<div style=\"color: rgb(0, 153, 51);\">".wordwrap_cpanel($reply)."</div>

<td class=\"$style\">
<a href=\"editshout.php?id=$id&amp;page=$page\">"._EDIT."</a>
<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"'pop_editshout.php?id=$id&amp;page=$page','editshout','width=400,height=500,location=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=0,status=1,screenx=245,screeny=102')\" >"._EDIT."</a>

<td class=\"$style\">
<input class=\"checkbox\" name=\"toggle[]\" value=\"$id\" type=\"checkbox\">




main function writeTag() to write into Database File

function writeTag($nama, $kelamin, $uri, $comment) {
        global $datafile, $commentshown, $keep, $namaadmin, $errors, $gnama, $gsex, $guri, $gcomment, $ccmail, $bccmail, $emailaddress, $body, $extra_hdr_str, $require_uri;

        $trans = array ( "\n" => "<br />", "\r" => " ", "#%" => "");

        if (!is_writeable($datafile)) {
//              echo("<b>Unable to inisiate command.</b><br />It is either the file \"$datafile\" doesn't exist or the file is not set to writeable. Please refer to config file on how.<br /><br />");
//              chmod($datafile, 0666 );  
//              $file = fopen($datafile, "w+");
//              fwrite($file, $comment."#%");
//              fwrite($file, "$nama#%$uri#%".gettanggal()."#%\n");
//              fclose($file);

        } else if (chop($nama) == '' || chop($uri) == '' || chop($comment) == '') {
                echo("<div class=\"alert\"><b>Error!</b><br /><i>"._ERROR_EMPTY."</i></div><br /><br />");
        else if ($_POST['gname'] == _DEFAULT_NAME || $nama == "") {// if the name field = default value 
                echo("<div class=\"alert\"><b>Error!</b><br /><i>"._ERROR_NAME."</i></div><br /><br />");
        else if ($kelamin == '' && $nama != $namaadmin) {// kalau nama bukan nama admin dan jenis kelamin kosong
                echo("<div class=\"alert\"><b>Error!</b><br /><i>"._ERROR_SEX."</i></div><br /><br />");
        //pikiren dewe, males njelaske
        else if(($uri == _DEFAULT_URI || !check_uri($_POST['guri'])) && $require_uri == "yes") {
                  echo("<div class=\"alert\"><b>Error!</b><br /><i>"._ERROR_URI."</i></div><br /><br />");
        else if ($comment == _DEFAULT_MESSAGE || $comment == "") {      
                echo("<div class=\"alert\"><b>Error!</b><br /><i>"._ERROR_MESSAGE."</i></div><br /><br />");

        else {
                // if user's name same with admin name
                if ($nama == $namaadmin) {
                $nama = $nama."-";
                //sampek sini
                $comment = strtr(chop($comment), $trans);
                $comment = stripslashes($comment);
                $uri = strtr(chop($uri), $trans);
                if(($uri == _DEFAULT_URI || empty($_POST['guri'])) && $require_uri == "no"){
                $uri = "";
                $nama = strtr(chop($nama), $trans);
        $nama = stripslashes($nama);
                $kelamin = strip_tags($kelamin);

                $fp = fopen($datafile, "r");

                //to give the unique ID number
        $ex = explode("#%",$d[0]);
                $id = $ex[0]+1;

        while (!feof($fp)){
                $data = fgets($fp, filesize($datafile));
            if (substr($data,0,2) == "<?") {
                $output[] = "<?php\n\$d[] = \"$id#%$nama#%$kelamin#%$uri#%".time()."#%".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."#%#%#%\";\n";
                        } else if (substr($data,0,2) == '?>'){
                                $output[] = "";
                        } else {//nothing happened
                                $output[] = $data;
        }//end while
        $fp = fopen($datafile,"w");
        //foreach ($output as $data){
        //    fwrite ($fp, $data);

                for ($i=0;$i<$keep;$i++){
                        fwrite ($fp, $output[$i]);
                fwrite($fp, "?>");

############### to send email
        if ($sendcomments == "yes") {
        $extra_hdr_str = "From: G-Shout ".$version." <g-shout@".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."> \r\nCc: $ccmail \r\nBcc: $bccmail \r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/" .phpversion();

        $body = "<p align=\"center\">Name: $gname <br /><br /> Sex: $gsex <br /><br /> Web/Email: $guri <br /><br /> Message: $gcomment <br /><br /> IP address: ".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]." <br /><br /><br /> powered by <a href=\"\"> target=\"_blank\">G-Shout ".$version."</a></p>";

    $name = $nama;
        $nick = $nama;
        $subject = _EMAIL_SUBJECT;


function sheep_wordwrap($str,$cols,$non_prop,$cut,$exclude1,$exclude2){
  //$cut=" $cut ";
  for ($i=0; $i<=$str_len;$i++){
    if ($str[$i]==$exclude1)
    elseif ($str[$i]==$exclude2){
      if ($tagcount>0)
      if (($tagcount==0)){
        if (($str[$i]==' ') || ($str[$i]=="\n"))
          if ($non_prop){
            if (ereg("([QWOSDGCM#@m%w]+)",$str[$i],$matches))
            elseif (ereg("([I?\|()\"]+)",$str[$i],$matches))
            elseif (ereg("([i']+)",$str[$i],$matches))
            elseif (ereg("([!]+)",$str[$i],$matches))
            elseif (ereg("([&#x]+)",$str[$i],$matches))// hexentity
          if ($calcwidth>$cols){
  return $str;

function ww1($stri) {
        global $textwrappingwidth, $wrappingseparator;
        $tempe = sheep_wordwrap($stri, $textwrappingwidth, true, $wrappingseparator,"<",">");
        return $tempe;

function ww2($stri) {
        global $textwrappingwidth, $wrappingseparator;
        $tempe = sheep_wordwrap($stri, round($textwrappingwidth*2/3), true, $wrappingseparator,"<",">");
        return $tempe;

$wordwrap_width = "130";// you can change this value for text wordwrap width inside Control Panel
function wordwrap_cpanel($stri) {
        global $wordwrap_width;
        $tempe = sheep_wordwrap($stri, $wordwrap_width, true, "- ","<",">");
        return $tempe;

function alter_smiley (&$item1, $key, $prefix) {
        $item1 = "<img alt=\"\" src=\"$prefix$item1\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\" />";

function checkUri ($theUri) {
        if(!stristr($theUri, "@")) {
                $theUri = strtolower($theUri);
                if ( substr ($theUri, 0, 7) != "http://") {
                        $theUri = "http://" . $theUri;
        } else {
                $theUri = hex_encode($theUri); //buat mengencode email ke hex
                $theUri = "mailto:" . $theUri;
        return $theUri;

function maximumCharacters() {
        global $maxchars;
        if ($maxchars > 0) {
                $tempe = " maxlength=" . $maxchars . " ";
        return $tempe;

function HTMLEncode($text) {
        global $urltextreplacement;
  $searcharray =  array(
  preg_match("([-_\w\d.]+@[-_\w\d.]+)", $text, $emailaddr);
  $hexmail = hex_encode($emailaddr[0]);
  $hexentemail = hexentity_encode($emailaddr[0]);
        if($urltextreplacement != '') {
                $replacearray = array(
                "<a href=\"mailto:$hexmail\">[MAIL]</a>",
                "<a target=_blank href=\"\\1\">$urltextreplacement</a>");
        } else {
                $replacearray = array(
                "<a href=\"mailto:$hexmail\">$hexentemail</a>",
                "<a target=_blank href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>");
  return preg_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, stripslashes($text) );

function showHelp() {
        global $allowedtags, $usesmiley, $useHTMLencode, $urltextreplacement, $emailtextreplacement;
        echo("<center><b>Tags allowed</b>:<br />\n");
        if($allowedtags == "") {
                echo("All tags will be turned into HTML special tags");
        } else {
        echo("</center><br /><br />\n\n");
        if($usesmiley) {
                echo("<center><b>Emoticons</b>:\n<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"1\">\n");
                echo list_smileys2();
                echo "</table>\n";
                echo "<div id=\"yahoo\">Emoticons by <a href=\"htttp://\" target=\"_blank\">Yahoo!</a></div></center><br /><br />\n\n";
        if($useHTMLencode) {
                echo("<center><b>HTML Encoding</b>:<p align=\"justify\">
You can type or email on shoutbox form and will be automatically changed to ");
                if($urltextreplacement == '') {
                        echo("<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> or <a href=\"mailto:".hex_encode('')."\"></a>.");
                else {
                        echo("<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">$urltextreplacement</a> or <a href=\"mailto:".hex_encode('')."\">[MAIL]</a>.");
                echo("<br /> All email addresses will be encoded to prevent spamming.");
                echo("</p></center><hr />\n");

function showEmoticons() {
        global $usesmiley, $smileys;
        if($usesmiley) {
                echo("<br /><center><b>Emoticons</b>:\n<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"1\"><br /><br />\n");
                $i = 1;
                while (list ($key, $value) = each ($smileys)) {
                                $str .= "<tr>\n";
                $key = htmlentities($key);
                $str .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"><a class=\"icon\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"add_smiley_cp('$key')\">$value</a> &nbsp; </td>\n";

                        $str .= "</tr>\n";
                        $i = 1;
                } else {

                }//end while

                echo $str;
                echo "</table><br /><br />\n";

function list_smileys () {
        global $smileys;
        while (list ($key, $value) = each ($smileys)) {
                $str .= "<tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"50%\"> &nbsp; $key &nbsp; </td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"50%\"> &nbsp; $value &nbsp; </td></tr>\n";
        return $str;
function list_smileys2() {
        global $smileys;
        while (list ($key, $value) = each ($smileys)) {
                $key = htmlentities($key);
                $str .= "<tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"50%\"> &nbsp; $key &nbsp; </td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"50%\"> &nbsp; <a class=\"icon\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"add_smiley('$key')\">$value</a> &nbsp; </td></tr>\n";
        return $str;

# these functions below borrowed from Shoutbox by Brett Taylor -

function getIP($id) {
    global $datafile;
    $shouts = file($datafile); // read in shouts for count
    //for ($count=$start;$count<=$finish;$count++) { // original
        for ($count=0;$count<=count($shout);$count++) { // modified by donie
        $csvdata = explode("#%",$shouts[$count]);
        if ($csvdata[0] == $id) {
    return $csvdata[6];

// for making Cookie
function makeCookie($password) {
        global $admin_password, $autologout;
        if($password == $admin_password){
                $value = sha1($password);
                if(trim($autologout) == "" || $autologout == "0"){
                setcookie("gshout_auth", $value);
                } else {
                setcookie("gshout_auth", $value, time() + ceil($autologout*60), "/");
function delCookie() {
        global $autologout;
                if(trim($autologout) == "" || $autologout == "0"){
                        setcookie("gshout_auth", "");
                } else {
                        setcookie("gshout_auth", "", time() - ceil($autologout*60), "/");

function validCookie($cookiedata) { // for authentication
        global $admin_password;
        if ($cookiedata == sha1($admin_password)) {
                return TRUE;
        } else {
                return FALSE;

function updateShout($id,$shout,$nick,$sex,$url,$timestamp,$ip,$reply) {
    global $datafile, $message;
        $newfile = array();
    $shouts = fopen ($datafile, "r");
    $nick = str_replace("#%","",$nick);
    $shout = str_replace("#%","",$shout);
        $shout = str_replace("\n"," ",$shout);
    $url = str_replace("#%","",$url);

    $nick = stripslashes(trim($nick));
    $shout = stripslashes(trim($shout));
    $url = stripslashes(trim($url));
        $reply = str_replace("#%","",$reply);
        $reply = stripslashes(trim($reply));
        $reply = str_replace("\n"," ",$reply);

    while (!feof($shouts)) {
            //$data = fgets($shouts, 8000);
                $data = fgets($shouts, filesize($datafile));
        $csvdata = explode("#%",$data);

                if ($csvdata[8] != "" || $reply == ""){//if reply time is not empty OR reply is empty
                $redate = $csvdata[8];
                } else {
                        $redate = time();

                if ($csvdata[0] == $id) {
                        // found the ID, so re-write it
                        $newfile[] = $id."#%".$shout."#%".$nick."#%".$sex."#%".$url."#%".$timestamp."#%".$ip."#%".$reply."#%".$redate."#%\n";
                } else {
            $newfile[] = $data;
    fclose ($shouts);
        $o_shouts = fopen($datafile, "w");
        foreach ($newfile as $data){
                fwrite ($o_shouts, $data);
        } else {
                return false;
        fclose ($o_shouts);
        return true;
function deleteShout($id) {
    global $datafile;
        $newfile = array();
    $shouts = fopen ($datafile, "r");

$d = array();

    while (!feof ($shouts) AND $d[$i] != '') {
            //$data = fgets($shouts, 8000);
                $data = fgets($shouts, filesize($datafile));
        $csvdata = explode("#%",$d[$i]);
                //if ($csvdata[4] == $timestamp) {

                if (is_array($id) && in_array($csvdata[0],$id)){
                        // found the ID, so don't write it
                } else if($csvdata[0] == $id){
                        // found the ID, so don't write it
                } else {
                        $newfile[] = $data;

    }//end while
    fclose ($shouts);
        $o_shouts = fopen($datafile, "w");
        foreach ($newfile as $data){
                fwrite ($o_shouts, $data);
        fclose ($o_shouts);

//  Gets range of shouts from datafile
function getShouts ($start,$number,$dir) {
    global $datafile;
        //echo "getShouts:".$start.", ".$number.", ".$dir."<BR>";
    $shouts = file($datafile); // read in shouts for count
    for ($count=$start;$count<=$start+$number;$count++) {
        $csvdata = explode("#%",$shouts[$count]);
        $output[$count-$start]= array( 'id' => $csvdata[0],
                                                   'com' => $csvdata[1],
                                       'nam' => $csvdata[2],
                                       'sex' => $csvdata[3],
                                       'uri'  => $csvdata[4],
                                       'timestamp' => $csvdata[5],
                                                                           'ip' => $csvdata[6],
                                                   'reply' => $csvdata[7],
    if ($dir == -1) {
        $output= array_reverse($output);
    return $output;
function countShouts() {
    global $datafile;
        $shouts = file($datafile); // read in shouts for count
        $shouts = array_filter($shouts, "trim"); // remove arrays with empty value
        //echo "countShouts=".count($shouts)."<BR>";
    return count($shouts);

//function to update config file, not used
function updateConfig($variable,$value) {
        $baris = array();
    $fp = fopen ("config.php", "r");
    while (!feof ($fp)) {
                $data = fgets($fp, filesize("config.php"));
        $configdata = explode("=",$data);
                if ($configdata[0] == "$".$variable) {
                        // found the variable, so re-write it
                        $baris[] = $variable.' = "'.$value.'";\n';
                        } else {
            $baris[] = $data;
    fclose ($fp);
        $o_config = fopen("config.php", "w");
        foreach ($baris as $data){
                fwrite ($o_config, $data);
        fclose ($o_config);

function optionLanguages(){
        global $language;
    while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
        if (ereg("^lang\-(.+)\.php$", $file, $matches)) {
            $langFound = $matches[1];
            $languageslist .= "$langFound ";
    $languageslist = explode(" ", $languageslist);
    for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($languageslist); $i++) {
        if($languageslist[$i]!="") {
            echo "<option value=\"$languageslist[$i]\" ";
                if($languageslist[$i]==$language) echo "selected=\"selected\"";
                echo ">".ucfirst($languageslist[$i])."</option>\n";

function optionSkins(){
        global $skin;
    while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
        if (ereg("^(.+)\.css$", $file, $matches)) {
            $skinFound = $matches[1];
            $skinslist .= "$skinFound ";
    $skinslist = explode(" ", $skinslist);
    for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($skinslist); $i++) {
        if($skinslist[$i]!="") {
            echo "<option value=\"$skinslist[$i]\" ";
                if($skinslist[$i]==$skin) echo "selected=\"selected\"";
                echo ">".ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",$skinslist[$i]))."</option>\n";

# functions below is Log system
function writeLogs_php($ip, $action, $value) {
        global $secret_dir, $lastlogs;
        $fp = fopen($secret_dir."/logs.php","r");
        $value = base64_encode($value);
        while (!feof($fp)){
                $data = fgets($fp, filesize($secret_dir."/logs.php"));
            if (substr($data,0,2) == '<?') {
                $output[] = "<?php\n\$log[] = \"".time()."#%$ip#%$action#%$value#%\";\n";
            } else if (substr($data,0,2) == '?>') {
                $output[] = "";
                        } else {//nothing happened
                                $output[] = $data;
        }//end while
        $fp = fopen($secret_dir."/logs.php","w");
        //foreach ($output as $data){
        //    fwrite ($fp, $data);
                for ($i=0;$i<$lastlogs;$i++){
                        fwrite ($fp, $output[$i]);
                        if ($i == $lastlogs-1){
                                fwrite($fp, "?>");

function viewLogs($timestamp,$ip,$action,$value){
        global $i;
        $value = base64_decode($value);
        $value = str_replace(">","&gt;",$value);
        $style = ($i % 2) ? 'tableCellOne' : 'tableCellTwo';

if ($timestamp != ""){
echo "
<td  class='$style' >
<td  class='$style' >
<td  class='$style' >
<td  class='$style' >


function countLogs() {
    global $logfile;
        $logs = file($logfile);
        $logs = array_filter($logs, "trim"); // remove arrays with empty value
    return count($logs);

// function for new antiflood system, started from v1.1
function getTimestampByIP($ip){
    global $datafile;
        $newfile = array();
    $shouts = fopen ($datafile, "r");
    while (!feof ($shouts)) {
                $fs = filesize($datafile);
                if(filesize($datafile) == "0"){
                        $fs = "4096";
                        $fs = filesize($datafile);
                $data = fgets($shouts, $fs);
        $csvdata = explode("#%",$data);
                if ($csvdata[6] == $ip) {
                        $timestamp = $csvdata[5];
    }//end while
        return $timestamp;

// give 1 line shout using $id
function getShoutByID($id){
    global $datafile, $com, $nam, $sex, $uri, $timestamp, $ip, $reply, $redate;
        $newfile = array();
    $shouts = fopen ($datafile, "r");
    while (!feof ($shouts)) {
                $fs = filesize($datafile);
                if(filesize($datafile) == "0"){
                        $fs = "4096";
                        $fs = filesize($datafile);
                $data = fgets($shouts, $fs);
        $temporary = explode("#%",$data);
                if ($temporary[0] == $id) {
                        $com = htmlentities($temporary[1]);
                        $nam = $temporary[2];
                        $sex = $temporary[3];
                        $uri = $temporary[4];
                        $timestamp = $temporary[5];
                        $ip = $temporary[6];
                        $reply = $temporary[7];
                        $redate = $temporary[8];
    }//end while
