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/* G-Shout : Gravitasi Shoutbox                                         */
/* ============================================                         */
/*                                                                      */
/* Copyright (c) 2005 by Yohanes Pradono                                */
/*                                                 */
/*                                                                      */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.       */
/*                                                                      */

$version_now = "1.3.1";

if (!isset($_GET['step'])){
header("Location: install.php?step=1");

function timer_start() {
    global $timestart;
    $mtime = microtime();
    $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
    $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
    $timestart = $mtime;
    return true;

function timer_stop($display=0,$precision=3) { //if called like timer_stop(1), will echo $timetotal
    global $timestart,$timeend;
    $mtime = microtime();
    $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
    $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
    $timeend = $mtime;
    $timetotal = $timeend-$timestart;
    if ($display)
        echo number_format($timetotal,$precision);
    return $timetotal;

//starting to count the page generation time

if ($_POST['action'] == "updatepath"){

        $fp = fopen("config.php","r");
        while (!feof($fp)){
                $data = fgets($fp, filesize("config.php"));
            if (substr($data,0,9) == '$datafile') {
                                $output[] = '$datafile = "'.$_POST['new_datafile']."\";\n";
            } else if (substr($data,0,8) == '$logfile') {
                                $output[] = '$logfile = "'.$_POST['new_logfile']."\";\n";
                        } else {//nothing happened :)
                                $output[] = $data;
        }//end while
        $fp = fopen("config.php","w");
        foreach ($output as $data){
            fwrite ($fp, $data);
                } else {
                        $error = _ERROR_WRITE_CONF;
                header('Location: ?step=2');

if ($_POST['action'] == "ins_setpass"){

        $fp = fopen("config.php","r");
        while (!feof($fp)){
                $data = fgets($fp, filesize("config.php"));
            if (substr($data,0,15) == '$admin_password') {
                                $output[] = '$admin_password = "'.$_POST['ins_password']."\";\n";
            } else if (substr($data,0,16) == '$secret_question') {
                                $output[] = '$secret_question = "'.$_POST['ins_question']."\";\n";
            } else if (substr($data,0,14) == '$secret_answer') {
                                $output[] = '$secret_answer = "'.$_POST['ins_answer']."\";\n";
                        } else {//nothing happened :)
                                $output[] = $data;
        }//end while
        $fp = fopen("config.php","w");
        foreach ($output as $data){
            fwrite ($fp, $data);
                } else {
                        $error = _ERROR_WRITE_CONF;
                header('Location: ?step=3&updated=1');


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
<title>G-Shout INSTALLATION&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8250;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Step <?=$_GET['step']?></title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE" />
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="-1" />
echo("<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />\n");
echo("<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache, must-revalidate\" />\n");

<meta name="Generator" content="G-Shout <?=$version?>" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="skins/default.css" />

<style type="text/css">
acronym {
  cursor: help;
label {
        cursor: pointer;

.green {
        color: green;
        color: red;
<script type="text/javascript">
function about(){'./about.php', 'About', 'width=310,height=395,location=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=0,status=0,screenx=245,screeny=103');


<div id="topBar">

<table style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td class="helpLinks">
<div class="helpLinksLeft">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:about()">G-Shout Installation Script</a>


<div id="header">&nbsp;</div>

<div id='content'>
<h2>Installation step <?=$_GET['step']?></h2>

<!-- langkah - langkah -->

$flag = true;
if ($_GET['step'] == "1"){
        echo "<div class='default'>Welcome to G-Shout Installation. Please read the README file first and then use this installation script.</div><br />";
        echo "<div align='center'><a href='?step=2'>NEXT &gt;&gt;</a></div>";
}else if ($_GET['step'] == "2"){

        echo "<br />Checking for required files.............<br /><br />";

        echo "<br /><br /><div class='default'>############## CONFIG FILE ##########################</div>";

        echo "<br />Checking config.php file .......... ";
        if (is_file("config.php")){
                echo "<span class='green'>file exists</span><br />";
        } else {
                echo "<span class='red'>file does not exist. Rename the config_bak.php file to config.php</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;

        echo "<br />Checking config.php permission .......... ";
        if (is_writable("config.php")){
                echo "<span class='green'>writeable</span><br />";
        } else {
                echo "<span class='red'>config.php is not writeable, change its permission to be writeable. (CHMOD 666 config.php, if you are using *NIX OS)</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;

        echo "<br /><br /><div class='default'>############## SECRET DIRECTORY ##########################</div>";

        echo "<br />Checking secret directory name .......... ";
        if  ($secret_dir == "_secret"){
                echo "<span class='red'>secret directory's name is '_secret' which is default name, CHANGE IT!</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;
        } else {
                echo "<span class='green'>secret directory's name is not '_secret' but '".$secret_dir."', good.</span><br />";

        echo "<br />Checking secret directory existences .......... ";
        if (is_dir($secret_dir)){
                echo "<span class='green'>directory '".$secret_dir."' exists</span><br />";
        } else {
                echo "<span class='red'>directory '".$secret_dir."' does not exist</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;

        echo "<br /><br /><div class='default'>############## DATABASE FILE ##########################</div>";

        echo "<br />Checking database file name .......... ";
        if ($database == "default.dat"){
                echo "<span class='red'>database file's name is '".$database."' which is default name, CHANGE IT!</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;
        } else {
                echo "<span class='green'>database file's name is not 'default.dat' but '".$secret_dir."', good.</span><br />";

        echo "<br />Checking database file existences .......... ";
        if (is_file($datapath)){
                echo "<span class='green'>database file '".$database."' exists</span><br />";
        } else {
                echo "<span class='red'>database file '".$database."' does not exist, make it exists!</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;

        echo "<br />Checking database file permission .......... ";
        if (is_writable($datapath)){
                echo "<span class='green'>database file '".$database."' is writeable</span><br />";
        } else {
                echo "<span class='red'>database file '".$database."' is NOT writeable, change its permission to be writeable. (CHMOD 666 ".$database.", if you are using *NIX OS)</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;

        echo "<br /><br /><div class='default'>############## LOG FILE ##########################</div>";

        echo "<br />Checking log file name .......... ";
        if ($log == "default.log"){
                echo "<span class='red'>log file's name is '".$log."' which is default name, CHANGE IT!</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;
        } else {
                echo "<span class='green'>log file's name is not 'default.log' but '".$log."', good.</span><br />";

        echo "<br />Checking log file existence .......... ";
        if (is_file($logpath)){
                echo "<span class='green'>log file '".$log."' exists</span><br />";
        } else {
                echo "<span class='red'>log file '".$log."' does not exist, make it exists!</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;

        echo "<br />Checking log file permission .......... ";
        if (is_writable($logpath)){
                echo "<span class='green'>log file '".$log."' is writeable</span><br />";
        } else {
                echo "<span class='red'>log file '".$log."' is not writeable, change its permission to be writeable. (CHMOD 666 ".$log.", if you are using *NIX OS)</span><br />";
                //set flag
                $flag = false;

        // if all OK
        if ($flag){
                echo "<br /><br /><div class='success' align='center'>Everything is OK. GOOD! Now we can go to next page.</div>";
                echo "<div class='default' align='center'><a href='?step=1'>&lt;&lt; PREVIOUS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='?step=3'>NEXT &gt;&gt;</a></div>";
        } else {
                echo "<br /><br /><div class='alert' align='center'>There is/are error(s). Please check and fix it first before you can go to next page.</div><br />";
                echo "<div class='default' align='center'><a href='?step=1'>&lt;&lt; PREVIOUS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NEXT &gt;&gt;</div>";

} else if ($_GET['step'] == "3") {

        echo "
        <br /><br /><div class='alert'>Set your Password used to login.</div><br />
                <form method='post' action='install.php'>
                password:<br />
                <input class='input' type='text' name='ins_password' value='".$admin_password."' size='50' /><br /><br /><br />
                <br /><div class='alert'>Set your Secret Question and Secret Answer. Both used to display your Password if you have forgotten it.</div><br />
                secret question:<br />
                <input class='input' type='text' name='ins_question' value='".$secret_question."' size='50' /><br /><br />
                secret answer:<br />
                <input class='input' type='text' name='ins_answer' value='".$secret_answer."' size='50' /><br />
                <input type='hidden' name='action' value='ins_setpass' />
                <input type='submit' class='submit' value='SUBMIT' />
                echo "<br /><br /><br /><div class='default' align='center'><a href='?step=1'>&lt;&lt; PREVIOUS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                if ( $_GET['updated'] == "1"){
                        echo "<a href='?step=4'>NEXT &gt;&gt;</a>";
                } else {
                        echo "NEXT &gt;&gt;";


} else {

echo "Installation Complete! Now you can login via <a href='admin.php'>Control Panel</a> (password: ".$admin_password.") or see <a href='iframe_demo.php'>Iframe Demo</a><br /><br />DON'T FORGET TO DELETE THIS FILE (install.php)!!!";


<!-- akhir langkah - langkah -->

<div class='copyright'>
<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='javascript:about()'>G-Shout Installation Script</a> - Copyright &copy; 2005 - <a href='' target='_blank'>Gravitasi</a>
<br />
Page generated in <?=number_format(timer_stop(), 2)?> seconds
